Summer Fitness Challenge June 6-12


Hi Ladies,

Thought I put this out there and see if anyone is still around. I'm still at home recovering from my hysterectomy, amd am doing great. I started exercising again with KPC and Lowmax and am trying to do S&H upper body. The S&H series is always hard for me to get into because of the slow count etc. I will hang with it since it is very effective, just not one of my favorites.

Hope all is well with everyone.

Hi Diana,

I just finished doing bodymax! I really liked it and feel I got so much accomplished. Iwent heavier on weights then cathe did during the upper body. Sounds like you had a great work out as well. I will e-mail you in a bit or give you a call.

What's the summer fitness challenge all about? Is there a set plan/rotation or is this just a check-in spot for all levels and rotations?

Hi Angie,

Several of us participated in this thread to get in shape for summer. Well it was going so well that we thought we would keep it going for awhile longer.

We pretty much were all doing something a little different, not necessarily following a rotation.

Please join us for our daily checkin if you like.

I just finished S&H Chest and Back and followed it up with Body Blast.

Hi everyone....I did Just Joyce Bra Roll and Boobs today, and then the Low Max premix 1-4. I have been folllowing the BFL for Women, and I am doing fairly well at it. I have not weighed myself yet, I will next Monday. So far, so good.

Diana- Glad you are feeling better!!!!
HI Ladies,
I figured I would check in even though I may not be able to check in alot over the next coupld of weeks.
We had a rough weekend and I didn't do a lot of working out.I am hoping to go for a run today and I have to do some sort of UB workout.Hopefully things will look brighter soon,
Lori sorry to hear things are tough for you right now. I am thinking of you and hope all is better soon.

I got my cardio done this morning! I love when cardio is done :) I ran for an hour on the treadmill. Next I am planning a weight workout then later some abs.

Hi Ladies,

Glad to see the Lori's are back, except for nurse Lori-haven't heard from her yet.

Thanks LoriS. I am feeling much better.

LoriH-So sorry to hear you are going through a rough time. I hope things get better for you and your family soon.

Terri-you are a workout maniac.

This morning I did GS Legs, KPC and Coremax 3. I have to go back to work next Tuesday so I won't be able to keep up with this pace.

Have a great day everyone.

Thanks Ladies.Things haven't changed much but DH is looking alittle happier and he is eating again. He found out on Thursday that he was getting laid off.They are reducing jobs so unfortunatley is was one of them.He was releived at first b/c his job was very stressful but on Fri he started sliding down hill and Sunday was the worst.
He as applied on a coupld of jobs and he still gets paid for the next 3 monthes so were are not "doomed" but things are in the air right now.I have had to be the strong one b/c he is so down.

I got a good wrokout in today.I did GS, B,S,B and Low Max. Im happy with that.Hopefully the weather will be nice enough tomorrow to go for a run.
LoriH-sounds like you did a great workout yesterday in spite of everything going on. Good for you! I will be praying that your husband finds a new job soon and one with out so much stress.

I got all my workouts in yesterday that I had planned! Today will be cardio and weights, pub, and abs. Not all at once though :)

Diana-Isn't our weather here just great. If it could stay in the 70's I would be happy:)

Have a great day everyone

LoriH- I hope your husband finds a job soon. Sometimes, bad things happen for the better. Let's hope this is the case.

Yesterday I took the train to Chicago w/ my mom. First thing we get there, and she wants to get a cookie. It was as big as 3 cookies. So, to say the least, my eating was not good. But the one good thing is, we walked alot of miles. But, I am back to clean eating today.

Hope everyone has a good day.
Hi Ladies,

This morning I did rhythmic step. I had intended to S&H Biceps and triceps but didn't have time or so I thought. A friend was supposed to come over at 10 but didn't show up. Then my MIL called and asked to take me to lunch later. So in all actuality, I did have time for my wt workout. Now I'm not sure I'll have time today.

It is the last day of school for my kids and they she be home in next 15 minutes. They are excited to be out of school, especially the 2 in high school. My youngest attends a summer camp and they go swimming, bowling, to the movies etc. It is quite fun for him.

Have a great day everyone.

Ok I am procrastinating! I need to get on the treadmill and for some reason don't feel motivated to do so. I know that once I get started I will feel great! Anyway that is my cardio scheduled for today. Then It will be either plb or gym style legs this afternoon. Of course I will work abs in at some point. Sometimes I wonder why as I have that loose skin that just never allows the muscle to show through!

Lori's- I hope you are doing well

Diana- How was your lunch yesterday? Tell your son he is lucky! I wanna go to summer camp :)

Angie- I hope you decide to come back and join us here.

Oh after this weekend I will have pics if you all want to see them:)

Hi Ladies,

I ended up going to the rec center today. I did 40 min elliptical and 10 min stepper. Tonight I was able to get in MIS.

Terri-I had a great time with my MIL. Summer camp sounds fun to me too. Post your pictures when you have time.

Hi ladies,

I am here, I have been a slacker with posting on the challenge. I am sorry. Things are going well here. Eating is going very well. I have been having a lot of nice meals, in moderation. I am losing a few pounds.

Lorihart, I am sorry about your dh's job. He seems like a very smart guy so hopefully he will be employed soon. Good luck to him and your family.

I have been walking more, running a little, and doing Cathe, mostly MM, and HSC. Those are my favorites of hers, and I always go to them. I get my cardio with walking and running, so I mostly like to do Cathe's weights. Even though here cardio is awesome as we all know, and it really helps with my running.

Terri, I can't weight to see pics.

LoriSax, sounds like you had a great time in Chicago! How fun!! :)

Diana, I hope your kids have a wonderful Summer. We have been going to the beach a lot here. Both of my kids are in swimming lessons. My 4 year old is going to a week long Art camp in the mornings in June, and a week long Science camp in July in the mornings. We are going to Disney World on June 20 and staying a night.

Have a great weekend.

Nurse lori so nice to see you back! I am happy that you are doing well.

Well I spent last night being ill so I am not sure how much I will work out today. I don't want to overdue it as I have a lot going on this weekend. I feel bad if I do nothing tough! I thought if I take it easy today I can be back to my regular work out schedule tomorrow. I will see how I do as the day goes on though I guess. If i feel stronger I will do at least some cardio. Thanks for listening!

Hi Girls,
Sorry I haven't checked in lately.With the internet connection not at home right now its sort of hard.The company DH use to work for called and asked if we wanted it reconnected and switched to our names, that way we don't have to pay someone to come into our home to reconnect it.DH said, yes, but no one as called back yet.
Nothing new here.I am working days all weekend so it will be hard to get my workouts in.I am going to have to make up a schedule or something.I manage to get my cardio in and thats it.I always find something else to do.
I am going to be drove nuts today with my co-worker.I know you guys have heard me rant before but I worked yesterday for 10.5 hours and I spent ATLEAST 9 hours with him.And I am not exageratting.I love my space just as much as I love to be social.But he doesn't know when to disappear.As long as you are nice to him he will chase you all day long.He was on his way somewhere then and I was cleaning the bathrooms and he just stood in the doorway watching me change the light GO ALREADY!When I hear him comming I pick up the phone so he will leave again , but then he says all I did today was talk on the phone.Then if he helps me with something, he talks about doing my work for me. He is a 8 yr old trapped in a 50 yrs olds body.
I hope I can make it the whole day without snapping!
Lori :)
Hi everyone.....It is beautiful here!!! I am off to Manistee to do a Jewelry Show today. That is about 2.5 hours away, but it will be a nice drive!!! But first, I have to get in my workout. i will be doing Just Joyce Arms, and BSS3 Express Cardio. Eating is going ok. Hope everyone has a good weekend.
Lorihart-I am sorry your co-worker is driving you nuts. Can you just come out and tell him so? In a nice way of course :)

Lorisax-Have fun at the jewlery show!

Diana- I got your message yesterday. Maybe we can chat on monday. I bet you are dreading the back to work tuesday!

Today I did lowmax so far. I plan to do some ab workout soon and if I can later fit in a weight workout. I felt pretty crummy yesterday and really didn't do all the workouts I had planned. I am feeling better today though even though I was out very late last night. I am also going out tonight for my bd. Last night was celebration for my sons bd. I ate very well and I am pleased with that. Salmon , grren beans and a bit of rice last night. Let's see how the rest of the weekend goes:)

Hi Ladies,

I didn't workout on Friday at all. My son had a friend over and I took them to see Shark Boy and Lava Girl (quite lame). The boys loved it. Today I did bodymax and have been keeping within my ww points range. I was down 3 lbs when I weighed at the Dr. office.:)

I would love to take off the rest of the summer.

Sounds like everyone is keeping up with their clean eating and exercising. Great Job!!!


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