Summer Fitness Challenge June 6-12

Good Morning Ladies,

Sounds like everyone is doing o.k.
Diana-Congrats on the weightloss.Sure does get you motivated,doesn't it?
Terri- There is no nice way to tell my co-worker he is driving me bananas b/c he will just try and agravate (sp?) me even more.Im telling you 8 yr old in a 50 yr old body.He wasn't to bad yesterday after b/c he does take the hint well.And I was pmsing yesterday so I was really getting annoyed.Then sometimes when he is around he is o.k and I feel bad for being rude.Although I am not that rude, I just pretend I am working and I don't bother striking up a conversation.Some of the girls he worked with before dearly loved his company but I am not that social and I like time to myself.

Everything is o.k here. I didn't work out yesterday b/c we had dinner played for DH's b-day.I am really hoping to fit something in tonight.I would like to do Lowmax, I think. I am going to sit down later and make up a rotation to follow.
Have a good day everyone, after today I may not get to check in anymore until Wed night.
Lori :)
Hi everyone- hope you all had a nice weekend

Today I am doing stepblast and pub and I really need to get a leg workout in too. I slacked some on the weekend.

Lorihart- I will hope that work gets better for you.

Hi girls, sorry I haven't been around.

I wanted to tell everybody I am leaving the boards for a while. I am super busy now, and I feel like I am spending too much time on the computer. :) I will always do Cathe, but for right now, I am taking a little summer break. I will be back once in a while, and for the book club, but for right now, I have to go.

I love talking to everybody, and hearing about everybody's lives, it is really interesting. I will miss you!!


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