Summer Fitness Challenge January 4 - 9

HI everyone,
Just finished my cardio workout.I was waiting for my heartrate to come back down so I can do some abs.
The scale is staying the same.....yeah!!!!!!!!!! As long as it doesn't creep back up I am o.k. I have been eating to many sweets lately though.I have been trying to do my workouts on a empty belly.I am hoping that if I eat anything the night before,my workout in the morning will cancel that out.I have stopped keeping track of cals and fat grams.I just listen to my body and I eat when I am hungry.
We are having a potluck tomorrow night which could cause for to much eating.I've said this before but DH loves being social and having people over.We didn't have anyone over during christmas so now he wants to have a party saturday night.And we will start it off with a variety of food.
I had my interview yesterday and I think it went well.He said he would call me in the next couple of days.
I will check back later,
Hey I've had a good week. I have been somewhat able to banish my sweet tooth at night. I brush my teeth by 8pm then I don't want to eat. However I am sooooo hungry when I wake up! :) I feel better though, not so bloated. Good luck to every one on their new pursuits!
UUUGGGHHH!!! Ever wonder HOW can this happen??? I'm the Lorrie who's got 10 lbs left to lose. I was bad, but not really bad over the holidays and stayed true to my Firm (aka "that which must not be named")workouts - because that's all I had. I got Cathe for Christmas. Really decided to kick it up with January. So I've been working it like never before. This week a Cathe workout everyday, following the Intensity series rotation suggested, with the weights Cathe uses. I've followed the weights everyday with a 30 minute cardio on my elliptical. Some nights I even threw in a second cardio session like IMAX 2 (love it!) Followed very clean eating with focus on protein - AND I'M UP 3 lbs. I'm post menses so that's not an excuse. HELP!
Hi all,

Today was SB & Karen Voight abs. Planning to do another step workout, just for fun.

Have a great weekend!
Hi all!!

LORIHART: congrats on your interview (and weight maintenance) - keep us posted!

SUSAN: Does the teeth brushing thing really work? I always feel great the next morning if I don't eat after 8:00 or so - but also really hungry! I've noticed that as I've deviated from set rules about how much to eat/calorie/point counting and listen to my body, I eat less and feel slimmer (we'll see if the scale corroborates!!!)

L-SASS: I sympathize, honey! You missed it before Christmas, but the ONLY times I seemed to have weight loss success was when I ate stuff I wasn't supposed to!!! I think I compensate by actually eating less or something. Keep in mind too, though, that doing Cathe (even cardio) uses more muscles (leg for cardio) which fill with water when worked out. This likely explain the gain. If you've been eating better and working out more, realistically it can't be fat, and water weight is often a very viable reason for weight gain! You'll be burning more fat eventually, though, and see the numbers drop!!

Ok ladies, I need support on another issue. One of the students in my course (I teach at a university) committed suicide during the break. I didn't know her that well (she never spoke to me outside of class as other students did and there was no indication I could see that she was depressed), but its still so disturbing that someone so young could feel so much despair and do that! She must have thought there was no one who cared enough about her being alive, and that makes me SO SAD.
Hi all!!

LORIHART: congrats on your interview (and weight maintenance) - keep us posted!

SUSAN: Does the teeth brushing thing really work? I always feel great the next morning if I don't eat after 8:00 or so - but also really hungry! I've noticed that as I've deviated from set rules about how much to eat/calorie/point counting and listen to my body, I eat less and feel slimmer (we'll see if the scale corroborates!!!)

L-SASS: I sympathize, honey! You missed it before Christmas, but the ONLY times I seemed to have weight loss success was when I ate stuff I wasn't supposed to!!! I think I compensate by actually eating less or something. Keep in mind too, though, that doing Cathe (even cardio) uses more muscles (leg for cardio) which fill with water when worked out. This likely explain the gain. If you've been eating better and working out more, realistically it can't be fat, and water weight is often a very viable reason for weight gain! You'll be burning more fat eventually, though, and see the numbers drop!!

Ok ladies, I need support on another issue. One of the students in my course (I teach at a university) committed suicide during the break. I didn't know her that well (she never spoke to me outside of class as other students did and there was no indication I could see that she was depressed), but its still so disturbing that someone so young could feel so much despair and do that! She must have thought there was no one who cared enough about her being alive, and that makes me SO SAD.
Hi good morning everybody.Today is cardio of choice in my rotation. I am going to do IMAX extreme. I will do 1 hour in my stationary bike too. Have a great day everybody.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :) :)
Dynamo - I am so sorry about your student, being an ICCU nurse, we see many people, young and old, who attempt this, and also hear news of those who succeeded (sad word to use). There are so many issues these people have that are much deeper. It's my understanding, too, that when the decision is made, they are actually in a better mood - the "signs" aren't there at that point.

Well, as to the "fitness" stuff - I had an emotional day yesterday - so I ate poorly (not horribly) and did NOT exercise. I'll make up this weekend. I just needed a "feel sorry for myself" day. Now it is over and I'll be back on track. I was watching a NordicTrac commercial with the new machine that inclines - I may just try that on my treadmill for a short, but intense, cardio. It's amazing the things I DON'T think about until someone puts it in front of me.

On today's plate - since I was already behind - PUB and Step Blast. Tomorrow will be Imax2.

Everyone have a wonderful weekend!

Hi Everyone!!!!!!!!! I have stayed in my Points range all week, and excercised every day. Today will be KPC w/ PLB ball work added in.

FFD- I am so sorry about your student. that subject really hits home with me as my daughter tried it twice last year. She was living at her dad's, and everything was just a mess. Anyway, she is back home now, and doing much better. I am so sorry for you, my heart knows how you feel.

Lori Hart- I want to come and meet you and just have you touch my hand!!! You always lose or maintain, I am just so jealous!!!!!! I look at Hot Fudge and gain weight. You go girl!!!!!!

Lorrie- I started back on counting my Points Jan. 3. I will weigh myself probably once a month. I hate the scale for exactly the reason you listed. I can eat something one day, and it may be more salty, and I gain 2 lbs., even if I double my water. If I go to a restaurant and use regular salt, I am very bloated the next day. I would think your 3 lbs. is water. maybe you should also consider weighing yourself less. It does nothing but upset me, that darn scale!!!

Have a good day everyone!!
Thanks for all the input ladies. I guess I may have to scale back on the scales. I also just picked up "The Ultimate New York Body Plan". Does anybody know anything about it? I guess it's the guy from "extreme makeover" (don't know - I really don't watch too much TV) It's apparently a 2-week intensive blast so I thought I'd see what it's all about. I like to read and educate myself on all the different theoeries out there, but I think we all have to find what works for us.

I'm so happy that I stumbled across you all. Thanks.

FFD: Ditto on the sympathies. I can only imagine how difficult that situation must be. I used to work with problem kids and just when we thought they were making progress we would see sudden harm or suicidal tendancies. I guess what I'm saying is you just never know - so even if she had talked to you more you may not have been able to see this. Sorry.
I just did ME for the first time. Oh my gosh! What a killer workout! I can hardly move, but it feels so good. Needless to say, in the shape I'm in, there were a few times when I had to completely stop, but I did better than anticipated, so I'm happy.:) I just love that shaky feeling your muscles get when you work out really hard. Tomorrow is my weigh in day, since I started last Sunday. I can't wait to see how much I lost on this first week.:)

Lee Anne

Thanks for the kind words everyone. I appreciate your support!

Did PUB this morning for January rotation - I couldn't even lift my fork to eat a yogurt! My arms are fried and I LOVE it! I have to say, I don't know why I kept telling myself I could only workout 4 times a week - I'm up to 5 and feel great! I'm really glad I decided to do a rotation finally!

LoriSax and Lorrie, I'm with you on scale woes. The WW experience was as I expected - I get really focused on numbers and was miserable a lot if they weren't what I wanted (this always happens, don't know why I expected it to be different). So, I'm still going to weigh once a week, just to get into a habit of keeping track, but I'm not going to expect weight loss. I'm going to put more focus on how my body feels - meaning, if I do not feel hungry, do I really need to eat something? Already tried this week and I feel lighter (probably not really weight wise, but not that heavy, bloated feeling you get when you've eaten something when you weren't really hungry).
Kudos to you on PUB - don't you just love that good hurt?! As I said I've only had my Cathe Intensity series for 2 weeks, but I am amazed at that burn. Her stuff is fantastic.

On your number of days, I think you can do 5. I've gone too far on the other end, and I now feel guilty if I don't lift weights and do cardio everyday. Then after about 3 weeks or a month I tell myself I have to take a rest day. And it kills me to take that day off. :-( Guess that's why I get so disappointed when the scale doesn't move. But it is a new year right?! So I am totally up for this Summer Fitness challenge.
Just a quick check in. I did manage to get PUB and Step Blast done this afternoon. Oh, the burn. Tomorrow is Imax2 then I'll be caught up.

I've gotten into the habit of weighing each Monday at work and tracking it there. And I too have this urge to w/o out everyday. I feel like I've not accomplished everything. I'm grumpier, too. Ask the family!

DH is cooking dinner right now - grilled salmon and a BIG salad. Have a great night!


What do you put on your salmon when you grill it? I love it at restaurants and want to cook it at home, too.


Lee Anne

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