Summer Fitness Challenge Jan 9-16


Hi Everyone,
I thought I would start a new week.The other post is gone into the second page and it is getting close to the end of the day.
We had a party here last night and I can say that I am finished now.Time to get back on track.I went to bed at 4 got up at 11:30.Then I fell asleep again from 2-4.I am hoping that I will have enough energy later to workout.Although I am following the Jan rotation so today is an off day.
I think I am going to plan my meals out more this week.Eat cleaner,more water and my cheat day will be Sat.
Anyway,I will check back later..
Hi Lori,

Today is my off day too. I usually have my cheat meal on Friday nights, but went to the movies last night and continued cheating with popcorn and candy. My stomach is definitley suffering today. I feel so sick! I will get back on track tomorrow with my eating. I need to increase my water intake too. That's something I really need to work on.

Hi Lori and Aila,

I had a great week!!! Today was my weigh in day and I had lost 7lbs. this week. Woohoo!!! I didn't cheat one time on the flex plan and didn't use my points from when I exercised. My off day is on Wednesday, because it's such a busy day for me. I did KPC for the first time this afternoon and it's a killer, too. I'm going to plan my meals out tonight for the week ahead also. I know from now on I'll probably average a couple of lbs. a week, but that's OK. I'm trying not to think about it too much and keep telling myself that I'm learning to eat healthier and losing weight is a bonus from that. :)

Good luck everyone!

Lee Anne
Wow...7lbs that alot! Good for you.Hard work does pay off doesn't it?
I jusr got home from my in-laws house and I am thinking about running on my treadmill.I rented a movie to watch while I am running but all of a sudden I feel lazy again! I haven't done anything all day.So now, lying on the couch and watching my movie sounds pretty good to me.
We will see.I will check back tomorrow.
Good evening everybody,
Today I ran 3 miles. No Cathe today, but I will do PUB tomorrow, with more running in the evening.

I hosted a baby shower yesterday. I ate everything in site, and have been eating candy, chocolates, nuts, non-stop for about a week. I was having horrible PMS and that's why I ate all of that junk. I haven't been as active either and that makes things worse. Working out is good for my mind. It's like an anti-depressant I guess.

Futurefitnessdynamo-I read on the other thread about your student. This is so sad, I am sorry. It is tough for people around the holidays, who knows what sadness is lurking in people's minds and hearts.

I am running my first 5k on Feb. 5. I hope I can do it because I have been slacking a bit since before Christmas.

Have a great night,
I did Imax2 this afternoon, plus did the treadmill for 30 minutes this a.m. I'm now officially "caught up" from my strange week. Tomorrow will be PLB and I'm going to try to get up and treadmill before work - that is SO HARD for me!

Lea Anne - DH said he put olive oil and salt/pepper. It was good. I like salmon, though, so when too much is added to it, it covers up the taste. Congrats on the weight loss, too. I'm at 1/2 lb a week now when I look over the last couple of months. Better than up, for sure.

Lori - good luck on your 5k, I did my first one last spring. I've done several now, plus a 10k. I attempted a 10 miler, but had to walk a lot of it - was very undertrained for that!

Good night all!

Hi everyone!
I am happy to say that I made it through the whole week without cheating as far as eating goes, I ate well! I would like to lose about 4 lbs but am happy now with my weight. I also did my planned 6 day workouts with my rest day on Friday. I am really going to try yo keep the good eating up through this week (two weeks in a row would be HUGE for me!!) The 6 day a week workouts will be easy! I've always done 5.
Have a great week everyone!!:) :)
Hi Everyone,

Great Job on the weight loss Lee Ann. I only average about 1/2lb per week. I wil weigh in tomorrow.

Yesterday I ended up doing PUB and PLB, today was MIC plus abs from MIS and Power Hour. I'm ready to start week 2 of the rotation tomorrow. I really need to concentrate on eating as clean as possible. Therefore I will be stocking up on plenty of fruits and vegetables.

Have a great week everyone.

Good morning everyone. I actually crawled out of bed and did 1/2 hour on the treadmill. Nothing spectacular, but I'm excited that I even did it at all. Maybe I CAN become a morning exerciser.

Why is it that eating "clean" is the hardest thing! It seems like the harder I try, the more stuff people fling my way. I try not to buy refined stuff for the house, so my MIL sent a HUGE box of cookies home for the kids. She makes us pies, cakes, etc. Of course, she has a weight problem, so I think she enjoys seeing me suffer through this!

Well, PLB and maybe some cardio this afternoon when I get home from work. Everyone have a wonderful day.

Hi everyone! Well, I completed week one of January rotation (YAY) but my plan to workout in the mornings hit a snag this AM. 6:00 is so early! I made myself go ahead and get up at 6:25 to at least get used to it. I will try in earnest tomorrow morning to get back on track. Hope this doesn't get in my way of doing the 2nd week! Eating has not been great - too much temptation around. Plus, I got engaged Saturday! Lots of partying to do!
Hi everyone,
I realized the name of this is the Challenge and I haven't really been challenging myself.So today is the first day.I was going to throw out the goodies that are upstairs but thats when DH comes looking for them.I will leave them for another couple of days but then I will tell them they got bad.:)
I am going to try and eat smaller meals that are clean.Sort of like BFL.But my workouts will be different.My scale was up a couple of pounds today so I need to get that off ASAP.I want this year to be different.I want to be in control! Every year, I gain back what I lost during christmas and I don't want to do that this year.I just have to remember to stick to my guns and the hunger will be short lived.I am a firm beliver that you have to be hungry to lose weight.I have never lost anything without being hungry.My body gets use to the eating pattern with in a week and I am not so hungry.I just have a habit of poking food in my mouth when I am not hungry and it is always sweets.
Besides for that I am standing for a wedding in Aug and I have already had my fitting for my dress.I can't afford to order another dress if I don't fit into that one!
Today I am going to do PLB and a run.
I will check back later,
Good Morning,

Futurefitness, congrats on your engagement!! How exciting!!:)

It's 8:43 and I haven't worked out yet. I got up and fed the kids and now I am sort of lazy. I think I will do PUB when my younger ds naps and will run tonight.

Congatualtions to everybody who is losing weight and sticking with their plan. That is awesome! I will be happy if I can maintain this Thursday for my weigh in because I have been doing poorly with eating.

Hi Everyone!!!!!!!!

FFD- CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!! Enjoy your special time!!!

I did stay on my Points all week. My mom called me with her weigh in this morning, and she lost 2 1/2 lbs. last week. I do not want to weigh myself. I will weigh maybe once a month. Weighing just upsets me, but the bad thing is, I can not see where I am at, and if what I am doing is working or not. Maybe next Monday. I did not feel confident today.

Today I am going to do PUB, and a 30 minute treadmill walk/run/ uphill climb. It really works my buns when I walk at 4 mph at an 8% incline.

There is so many new names, I can't remeber, but also, congrats on the 7 lb. loss!!!! What a wonderful weigh to start out your week!! Sorry for the pun, I couldn't resist.
In the past few days I have made changes to my diet: Tropicana OJ instead of Tang powder, boiled potato instead of fries, etc. I have been taking my vitamins and cod liver oil, and drinking more water. I did Tae Bo friday night. Today I look better: no bloating and water loss. But I have to write this for my own sake: It won't last unless I continue to eat clean and drink enough water!

My measurements (which I will post once a month) today were: 33-27-39 inches
My weight (which I will post once a month also) was: 122 pounds

I'm going to do Slow & Heavy Chest & Back now, and cardio @ PM.

Keep up everybody!!!

FFD-I totally missed the engagment notice! How exciting! I thought you were already married for some reason.
I just finished a run and to my suprise my knees didn't bother me.I think its when I do high interval runs and I am pounding the mill or the ground.I am going to save PLB for later today or tonight.
Hi good morning.Today is my rest day. I need it. Have a great day everybody.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie.

:) :)
Goodmorning Everyone,

Well this morning was PLB and my legs can sure feel it. Decided to up the weights on this workout. I need to eat as clean as possible and get the scale moving down. Not feeling very confident, but I will weigh in anyway and stay for my weight watchers meeting.

I see IMAX is scheduled for tomorrow-that's always been a tough workout for me.

Have a great day everyone.

Thanks for the congrats!

Everyone seems to be hanging in there!!! I am hoping to workout tomorrow morning at 6:30 with Imax. This will be the earliest I have ever attempted this workout. If I can do it, I will know I can workout to any Cathe in the morning. LoriSax, you and I are so similar about the scale! The devil on one shoulder is trying to convince me to eat what I want and not weigh anymore. Like right now, its telling me to have a miniature Reese's peanut butter cup. What do you guys think?

Oh Yeah, I WANT HARDCORE!!!!!!!
Good morning! Congrats FFD on the engagement!

I did PLB last night - wow! What a workout. I still very new to most of Cathe's workouts, I only had ME and BC until about three weeks ago and have gone nuts! Every day is a new workout. I'm LOVIN' it, though. I've not worked this hard.

This morning I did the treadmill for 30 minutes. After work will be IMAX.

Have a wonderful day everyone!


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