Suggestions? - Lower Bosy Split

I'd love to have the workout clock in at around 45 minutes instead of 60--picky, I know, but there you are! I do like the idea of having it split between standing and seated/floor work. Would it be possible to design it so that each half was a complete leg workout? If that's the way it turns out, I'd rescind my request for a 45-minute workout, because I could then have two 30-minute workouts!
I don't mind if the workout is 60 minutes if there's LOTS of lfoorwork, and maybe more variety of floorwork. I'm glad there won't be abs but what about including just a little core work, pilates style (V-sits, teasers, etc.), which can sometimes cross over with floorwork...(I'm thinking of some of the pilates side leg series moves here...)?

I vote for as much floor work as you are willing to put in, and slower, as indicated earlier by a number of people. At age 60 the standing leg exercises are tougher for me to deal with (bad knees, bad back) and I sometimes need to adapt, but I loved your floor work and am eager for more!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-19-02 AT 01:23PM (Est)[/font][p]60 minutes sounds fine especially if you set it up so it can be either one long workout or two seperate workouts. I Love that your including floorwork!!!
Dawn W
60 minutes sounds great!!
Please include floor work. It would be a nice variety from the usual standing stuff.

For Cruncholi on lower back pain

Hi, Cruncholi, or Linda with an 'i'! This is a tangent, but pertains to lower back pain. I just read in my recent issue of Shape that the best antidote to lower back pain is to strengthen hips with squats, lunges, and this is far more effective than abs in its impact. Nothing about stretches, though.
I agree that the format you propose sounds PERFECT! My only request would be to please include a couple sets of step-ups in the standing leg work. They do such great things for the glutes!
This sounds absolutely perfect as is. I'm so happy to be getting another floorwork video. I've had wonderful results with PS Legs floorwork and Wedding video floorwork.

I do like the idea of standing and seated leg work, however I would like to see at least a little ab work at the end, I guess
if you cannot I could incorporate something from another tape but on the days of weights since I would do the upper one day lower the next - I would like to put in a little ab/core work.

thanks for asking us!!!
I agree that this sounds perfect,especially being able to divide them up. It would be nice to see a little ab work incorporated though. Thanks for asking! :) Susan
It sounds perfect as is, but personally I'd like step-ups (I agree with Wingsfan) and low-ends; and bring back the body bar for the floor leg workout as in PS "Strong Legs & Abs", please do not forget some ab work if possible, the 60 minute time length is perfect too.


Laura K.
I'd love extra hamstring work. I feel like hams are neglected sometimes and they are so attractive when well shaped!
I love your suggestion Cathe for a 60 min. lowerbody workout...half of standing leg and the second half seated/lying leg ab and core work I'm OK with it since there is plenty of ab workout in other workouts...
RE: Suggestions? - Lower Body Split

I vote for pyramid up only. I've been using this method on my own with great results - the third set being about 80% of your one rep max. At this point, I'm lucky to get six reps out. Don't see how I could go back down the pyramid.

I also vote for no cardio on the upper and lower body split tapes. Please, let's have a couple of workouts dedicated to us "98 pound weaklings!"

The mix of standing and floor leg work is great!

Hamstrings are my weakest spot - bring on the deadlifts and those floor things where you have one heel on the step!

Thanks Cathe!

Poisonally, I'm OK with no ab/core work. I've got a double VCR so I've already made a tape of most of your ab routines. Plus I'd like to spend that extra time on legs and I only have about an hour to work out max.

One-half standing and floor work sound great. And, of course, calf work would be appreciated. I'm nearly recovered from Plantar Faciitis in my right foot, and I find the calf work on the 2-by-4 in SLA helps enormously.

Oh! Almost forgot! Would it be possible to do step-ups but in slower motion, please -- especially going down. That way I can use better control and isolate the muscles better.

Oh, and may I also add that I love the pace of SLA. This is gonna sound silly, but I find SLA pays "homage" to the body, or in other words, respects it, by taking a rest between sets. I find I don't dread it as much as some other gruelling leg tapes in my collection (need I mention Leaner (Meaner) Legs?)

Thanks for asking! Just wanted to add that everything you do is superb!

RE: Suggestions? - Lower Body Split

Hi, Cathe!

My votes:

1. Slow reps, Please!

2. 60 minutes: 1/2 Standing, 1/2 Floorwork so that they can be separated into two workouts if time is a factor.

Thanks for listening, Cathe!
I love the format of this video! So I vote for leaving it as it is with 1/2 standing and 1/2 floor in a 60 minute workout. Please include deadlifts as they are my favorite leg exercise. A
This is my hope and dream!

This is the one I've been waiting for:7, nobody does gym style like you do ya for it!

Thrilled to have an hour.
Love the pyramid style.
Hoping for at least 4-5 sets with each exercise.
Could live without floor work but if you style it in a way that makes me think I'm not doing floor work;-)..I'd be happier.
Would also like a rep speed between PS and SH.

Thank you for this one Cath!:7

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