Suggestions for Tricep Definition


I am loving the new Body Blast series but I really need help in the tricep area. I have good definition in the shoulders, lats and biceps but zip in the triceps. Does anyone have a rotation or suggestions using videos for defining this area?

Edited to add: Also, what video (cathe or non-Cathe) do you think has the most complete and hardest tricep section?
I'm really not good at putting a rotation together but ~ Pure Strength triceps may be good for you. One exercise Cathe does in that workout is a cross over extension ~ where you place the dumbbell just over your shoulder of the opposite arm your working and extend up. Another suggestion is when doing tricep kickbacks turn the dumbbell parallel to the floor as you reach the end of your extension (next to your hip).
Susan C.M.
Also how about doing dip on a chair or if you do have the high step you can do them on that. I've notice if I do the dip then go right to kickback on some of Cathe's video it really burns}(.
It's harder to get definition in the triceps, because that's an area in the upper body (of women at least) that tends to hold on to more fat. Aside from reducing your body fat through your diet and cardio, which would give more definition to the area, I find that lying tricep extentions are very effective for the area. I also like cross-body tricep extentions.

I've had good results with PUB, substituting lying tricep extentions for the tricep kickbacks. I also like that PUB puts tricep exercises before biceps, because I like to do them in that order (in order to have a bit more energy while doing triceps).

Other ways to focus on triceps: on some days, do tricep work first, after your warm-up, to put as much energy as you can into working them. You could also set aside a special "tricep day" to work them an extra day in the week. Just be sure that you leave a day off between tricep work. You could do some heavy tricep bench presses (keep elbows in), followed by some lying extentions, followed by light kickbacks to failure.

If you have weight workouts on DVD, chapter around so that you do triceps before biceps instead of leaving them to the end, like some workouts do.

Kickboxing or boxing is a good cardio workout that helps tone the arms at the same time. Focus on jabs and crosses, which will engage these muscles either to initiate the movement, or to "put on the brakes".

Tricep dips may work, but I usually don't do them because of wrist and shoulder issues (wanting to prevent recurrences of carpal tunnel and shoulder tendinitis).
I have AWESOME tricep definition thanks to Cathe's workouts, and I NEVER had that with the Firm!! Dips help me a lot, and she does them in several workouts. Also, doing triceps presses while lying down with heavy weights has really given me great definition!

Thanks so much for all your good advice! (Especially you,Kathryn for taking the time to provide all the tips and information!) I'll try putting triceps first and adding more kickboxing workouts. Dips really seem to bother my wrists before I feel them in the muscle so I too avoid them.
Amen, Carol. I did the Firm for years without much visible result. Imagine my surprise when I was leaning/bracing my left arm on the bathroom counter one day while brushing my teeth and lo and behold -- visible tricep definition in the mirror! Now I love wearing sleeveless stuff! :7

I second the suggestion for Slow & Heavy bis and tris. I like to increase my weight a little for each set. I like the cross body extensions, too, because I find I can go heavier on weight when I'm working one arm at a time. With the weight really heavy, you can assist a little with your non-working hand on the positive and still work really hard coming back down on the negative for full fatigue.

Angela your post made me smile!! I felt the same way the first time I actually SAW my triceps muscles !!! LOL!! I used to HATE tricep work because mine were so weak, but it's amazing what happens to your motivation when you can finally see the definiton begin to build. It actually makes you want to work the muscle more! I'm so glad someone else experienced this as well!! Thanks for your post!! :)

My Mini-Progress Report
Since everyone was so kind and generous with all the advice and tips, I wanted to give an update.

Thurs. – CTX cardio followed by a total body workout SS (light weights)
Fri. - PUB (doing triceps first) followed by KPC
Sat. – Step followed by a LEGS & GLUTES
Sun. - Triceps portion of PS followed by Interval Max
Mon – CTX cardio followed by Push Pull
Tues.- SH Triceps and stetch

On the light weight days, I didn't use more than a couple of lbs for the triceps, just enough to stretch them out.
I am thrilled to see them tightening up! Not muscle yet but a definite improvement. Sometimes just a little tweaking is all you need:D
Thanks again!

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