Sugar + Headaches??


Active Member
I was wondering if anyone knows whether it's possible to get headaches from eating too much sugar?
For 2 days this week, I've had to get up early for appointments. Then I'd take a nap. When I get up again, I'm still tired, so instead of cooking a meal, I'll heat up a slice of pizza and just munch on cookies or cupcakes or chocolate all afternoon. Then at night, I get a bad tension headache (and, as if eating sugar all day wasn't bad enough, I skip my workout too!). Is there any correlation between sugar + headaches?
Has anyone cut out sugar (I eat tons of it!) and felt better? Lost weight?
Thanks for any input!

I must admit to a gummy bear addiction, which I have been trying to kick for the past year. I stray from the bear-free path every once in a while, and yes, when I eat too many I do tend to get headaches. I also get headaches when I don't eat anything for too many hours, or if I'm too hot, or stressed, etc.! I do know that for the last year I haven't had nearly as many headaches as I used to have (used to get them almost daily :-( ), and I don't know if it's because I have been having a bit less sugar, or if its just that I'm less stressed, eat more often, and stay in the air conditioning!!
RE: Sugar Headaches??

I'm not a nutritionist but I can tell you first hand that there can most definitely be a correlation between eating sugar and headaches. I was getting headaches every single day also this year and eating pretty poorly (lots of sugar). Im working with a nutrionist now and gave up all sugar and sweetners from my diet 6 weeks ago. Since I did that I havent had one single headache! I know this is not coincidence because I had the exact same experience about 8 years ago also. I will say that I did have headaches for the first week or so after giving up sugar but after that initial "withdrawl" I haven't had a single one. I also feel much less tired and don't have the blood sugar highs and lows.

I could go on and on about this topic but I will spare you :p I just wanted to let you know of my experience. Feel free to email me if you have more questions. I can definitely relate to what you are going through. Good luck to you and I hope you will be feeling better soon. :)

I got headaches from aspartame....I cut it all out of my diet but was still getting them when I discovered they sneak the toxic stuff into Freedent too! No more gum for me. Not sure if this might be part of the problem (My headaches went away!)
I had been fighting with my doctor for almost 2 years before he finally decided to check up on my headaches. He insisted they were migraines, until one day I begged him to check my blood sugar. He did a fasting blood test and the results cam back that I was hypoglycemic. I had to cut out all sugar, so I started using sweeteners, I also revved up my workouts and water intake. Soon after I started using sweeteners, I started getting sores in my mouth and headaches again, so back to the doctor I went and the outcome was no sweeteners. My sores and my headaches went away totally, except for the occassional sinus headache. I even had to cut out sugar-free chewing gum. I still sneak every once in a while and have a DQ Blizzard, or a mini candybar, but for the most part I have cut out sugar totally. The first week was very, very tough, but the second was ok and now I don't even miss it. Either way, there can be a good connection to headaches and sugar, talk to your doctor. If diabetes runs in your family you may want to get a blood test. Today I no longer have blood sugar problems nor do I HAVE to watch what I eat, but I have gotten into the habit of eating 100-200 calorie meals, 4 - 5 times a day to keep my sugar up to speed. : )

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