Sugar Cookie Recipe


Hi everyone,

I am looking for a really good sugar cookie recipe. Does anyone have one? Either healthy or not

Are you looking for the thin sugar cookies that you see around the holidays cut our in shapes and frosted or the old-fashioned thick sugar cookies with sugar sprinkled on top?
I didn't realize there were two separate recipes. If you have both I wouldn't mind both recipes.

This is the absolute best sugar cookie recipe that i know of. often times when i make them i always am complimented on the flavor and softness. but remember when you bake them, bake them only until they feel set. not until totally firm. let them cool on the pan for 5 min after they've been taken out of the oven.

1 cup butter (i do not use margarine)
2 cups sugar
2 eggs
1 cup sour cream (i only use the regular, not lite or fat free)
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp almond extract
1/2 tsp baking soda
4 tsp baking powder
4 1/2 cups flour

Cream butter, sugar and eggs. add sour cream and then the rest of the ingredients that have already mixed together. let chill over night or for at least 3 hours. bake at 350 for 15 min or until set.

this makes a big batch. i think anywhere from 4 to 5 dozen depending on thickness of cut out cookie. also when you cut them out, don't make the dough to thin, unless you want a crisp cookie. i would say roll the dough out to about a 1/4 of an inch.

i also have a really good frosting recipe. let me know if you need one!
Thanks Cathy,
sounds good. I'm not a frosting person, usually just sprinkle with sugar or something little like that.

Cathy your recipe looks really good!!:)I'm looking forward for my DH to make these:D (He bakes our X-mas cookies)



And YES we want your frosting recipe:)
Thanks Cathy! I've tried several recipies, but can't find one that's just right. This is exactly what I'm looking for: A soft, sour cream sugar cookie for cutouts.
i'm glad you all think the cookie recipe sounds good. just remember-it's all in the baking technique and it may take a few sheets before getting that right softness. also i NEVER bake more than one cookie sheet at a time in the oven.

the frosting:

1 cup shortening
3/4 cup liquid non dairy creamer-amarretto flavor or vanilla
this is the creamer found in the refrigerator section made by
coffeemate, i think.
2 pound bag of powdered sugar
almond extract- ijust dump some in until i like the taste.

you will probably have to add more creamer, but the key is to really let your mixer BEAT the frosting. the longer it's beaten the more creamier it is. in fact, before you add more of the creamer, make sure you have really beaten the frosting. but like i said you will have to add more and then beat for at least 5 minutes.

it lasts a long time and you can even freeze it for a couple of months. if not using right away put it in the refridgerator.
also it makes a huge batch, but it is perfect to decorate with and you can keep it stiffer, just don't add as much liquid the second time around. :)

good luck!
Hi Cathy,

Thanks for the recipe. You said you never bake more than one sheet at a time, but what if you have a confection oven? Do you know have one? I will try your cookie recipe this weekend. have a good one.

Hi Rhonda,
This is one that my grandmother, mother, me and daughter's use.
Whoppin Big Sugar Cookies
1 1/3 cup butter
1 1/2 cup sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
4 cups flour
3 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
3 TBS milk.
Cream together butter, sugar, eggs, vanilla. Stir in milk. Sift together dry ingredients and blend together. Chill dough for at least 1 hr.. Roll and cut into shapes. Place on cookie sheets and sprinkle with sugar if desired. Bake 375 8-10 min. Cool slightly before removing from pans. Note: you can use colored sugar or ice these.

Diane Sue
In response to buying colored sugars, just check the baking section of the grocery store--where all the cake decorating stuff is. Even Wal-Mart market has some.
Also if you cannot find them you can just put a few drops of foodcoloring into regular sugar and blend well with a fork.
Diane Sue

i bake only one sheet at a time because i don't feel the heat distribution is equal for the pan that is on the top oven rack. i feel that the sheet absorbs most of the heat because it is closer to the heating element. it could be irrational thinking, but i guess that's the way i've always baked cookies even chocolate chip ones.
no, i don't have a confection oven....just a regular ol' oven. :)

let me know how the cookies turn out for you, ok?

****one thing i forgot to mention in the cookie recipe do not MELT the butter, only microwave it enough to SOFTEN it. this makes a huge difference.

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