Sudden loss of energy

My mother had some unusual tiredness issues the past several months that her drs. found out were blood loss related. They checked her blood levels and found she was down to almost half of normal. She has been undergoing tests since and they still have not determined the cause of the blood loss. She is losing blood but she is not able to see the blood so it has been gradual.

Just popped into my mind from your description of your DH feeling "wiped". My mother just wanted to lie around and felt extremely weak and tired.

Best of luck,

I've heard of that before, Mary. Internal bleeding that a person is unaware of. I hope your Mom is okay!

Well, my guy is out on his bike right now folks. I'm sitting on pins and needles, hoping to hear that he had a great ride. (INSERT WORRIED WIFE FACE HERE).
Please tell me he hasn't gone for a ride this evening? Men **rolls eyes** There is such a thing as a silent heart attack- no classic symptoms such as chest pain. Just vague sx like fatigue and shortness of breath. I wouldn't let him exert himself till he's checked out ;)
(not trying to scare ya)

Oooops, sorry. DH had a great ride! When I got home from work he was showered, feeling great and he ate the gigantic salad I brought home with gusto.

Suz, it turns out DH told me on Saturday that he "almost felt like" walking his bike up the Brooklyn Bridge. I can't believe I heard him wrong, but he told me to assure you that he DID NOT walk his bike. LOL! And get this: he thinks the HRM on his bike is broken, because it keeps showing his heart rate as low when he knows it's high.

We are pretty sure at this point that his tiredness over the weekend was emotional.

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Whew! What a relief that he only FELT like walking his bike. I honestly just couldn't picture it. :p I tried, but I just couldn't. I was going to ride for a bit at the end of this 62.5 mile ride not too long ago with this man who is probably about 62 or so and FAST and he used my inhaler at one of the stops b/c he didn't have his with him and it made his HR go super duper high for him (in the 190's) and he was not feeling well at all (note: don't share your meds). I kept trying to get him to slow down to try to get his HR down and he just wouldn't go slow enough. I told him I was going to grab his seat if he didn't slow down more. We were both worried that he was going to have a heart attack, but do you think he'd stop? Nope. He finally rode home since at that part of the ride we were near his house (I made sure he had a cell phone to call if something happened). He ended up having to go to bed for an hour before his HR would go back to normal. But he still wouldn't get off of his bike!

So please tell your DH I'm so relieved to hear that. Tee hee. I'm glad his next ride went so well. I hope that all goes well with his check-up. We'll all be waiting....


P.S. Love the avatar. :7

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France
Hi Nancy,
I hope y'all are doing well. Just wanted to add that maybe he is experiencing cardiac arrhythmia. It could cause fatigue and be intermittent. Can he or you palpate a pulse? Does it feel strong and regular? Thready? Irregular?
Hopefully this is just a passing stress reaction and he is feeling better already, glad you are going to get it checked out.
>Whew! What a relief that he only FELT like walking his bike. I
>honestly just couldn't picture it. :p I tried, but I just
>couldn't. I was going to ride for a bit at the end of this
>62.5 mile ride not too long ago with this man who is probably
>about 62 or so and FAST and he used my inhaler at one of the
>stops b/c he didn't have his with him and it made his HR go
>super duper high for him (in the 190's) and he was not feeling
>well at all (note: don't share your meds). I kept trying to
>get him to slow down to try to get his HR down and he just
>wouldn't go slow enough. I told him I was going to grab his
>seat if he didn't slow down more. We were both worried that he
>was going to have a heart attack, but do you think he'd stop?
>Nope. He finally rode home since at that part of the ride we
>were near his house (I made sure he had a cell phone to call
>if something happened). He ended up having to go to bed for an
>hour before his HR would go back to normal. But he still
>wouldn't get off of his bike!
>So please tell your DH I'm so relieved to hear that. Tee hee.
>I'm glad his next ride went so well. I hope that all goes well
>with his check-up. We'll all be waiting....
>P.S. Love the avatar. :7
>"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains
>unawakened." - Anatole France

Suz, I can't believe I could get the facts so wrong! My DH was appalled and demanded I go back and tell you immediately that he never has and never will walk his bike except up and down stairs. :7

Wow, your experience with that guy sounds very scary. IMO, all you cyclists are nut jobs. ;) :p I think cyclists are more competitive than other humans.

Anyway, my DH may be an overweight geezer, but his nagging wife keeps him eating lots of fruits and veggies, taking fish oil pills and substituting whole grains for simple carbs whenever possible, so maybe he'll be around for awhile. ;) I've also got him on GNC Ultra Saw Palmetto Formula (Guy Pills :p) to avoid prostate problems. Yup, life with me is fun. :+
It sounds like he's lucky to have you!! Too funny that he wanted you to give everyone the "corrected" info. regarding walking his bike! My DH is a cyclist too--I'm so glad the tour de france is over. He gets consumed by the television coverage...

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.

I still hope you go in for a very late check up with your doctors. Can't tell you how important that is.

I wish everything wonderful for you and your hubby.


The idea is to die young as late as possible

Jonahnah - Now, now, be nice. Tee hee. :) I'm so sad the Tour de France is over. Every night after dinner my DH and I would park ourselves on the couch and watch the recorded Tour de France. Of course we'd have to fast forward some of it since it could be so long. But we look forward to it every year since we're both big time cyclists. Some nights we'd have to skip if we were riding and we'd have to double up on the weekends to catch up. But I'm always sad when it ends.


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

I know, I know, I should be more tolerant of my DH's Tour de France "obsession" (there I go again! tee hee! }( :p ) There are MUCH worse ways that he could be spending his free time every July. I need to just suck it up! OMG, the crashes during this year's race freaked me out! They're going so fast and riding so close, it's amazing more serious injuries don't happen. I'm glad they make the riders wear helmets now.

For your sake though, I'm sorry the race is over.

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.:
Interesting. I didn't even know there was anything to watch. My DH doesn't watch much TV. Guess I'm lucky! :)
For anyone interested in an alternative view:

The planet has been bombarded with extreme and heavy energies since Sept 2006 (not bad energies...actually quite good energies, but just very heavy.). And though we have been under these energy influxes since Sept 2006, they have MAJORLY peaked this summer....and the "worst" was in the month of July. Among other things, these energies have caused major fatigue in people all over the planet. In fact, there was an ENTIRE week, around the 1st-3rd week in July, where it was pretty crazy and people were wiped out for a week straight! And yes, it was sudden fatigue...and yes, even people who never fatigue (myself included) did not escape this.

So, if the western medical doctor cannot come up with a scientific explanation for this with your husband, than you may choose to consider it as being a common and non-dangerous side effect of the recent and current energies.
For anyone interested in an alternative view:

The planet has been bombarded with extreme and heavy energies since Sept 2006 (not bad energies...actually quite good energies, but just very heavy.). And though we have been under these energy influxes since Sept 2006, they have MAJORLY peaked this summer....and the "worst" was in the month of July. Among other things, these energies have caused major fatigue in people all over the planet. In fact, there was an ENTIRE week, around the 1st-3rd week in July, where it was pretty crazy and people were wiped out for a week straight! And yes, it was sudden fatigue...and yes, even people who never fatigue (myself included) did not escape this.

So, if the western medical doctor cannot come up with a scientific explanation for this with your husband, than you may choose to consider it as being a common and non-dangerous side effect of the recent and current energies.

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