
Instead of Step heat try Step Fit or the cardio only from Cardio & Weights.

Instead of MIS try ME or MM.

Instead of Body Max try Step, Jump and Pump or any 2 CTX cardios followed by CTX upper body.

Instead of Pure Strength series try the new GS series.

>Instead of Step heat try Step Fit or the cardio only from
>Cardio & Weights.
>Instead of MIS try ME or MM.
>Instead of Body Max try Step, Jump and Pump or any 2 CTX
>cardios followed by CTX upper body.
>Instead of Pure Strength series try the new GS series.

Wow, didn't know I get such a quick response. Thank you Clare.

My 2 cents (similar to Clare's suggestions):

Step Heat: any steady state, intermediate step cardio, ranging 50-60 mins.

MIS: Muscle Max


Body Max: CTX All-Step followed by CTX Power Circuit; CTX Upper Body Split (or ME upper body premix), plus an ab segment from CTX.

Pure Strength: Gym Style workouts, or Slow & Heavy Series

Have fun doing the June rotation! It looks fun!

Do you have any of the GS? Those work in place very well. You can use the premixes too, if you are looking for the same amount of time.
IMAX2: try the step and intervals from CTX and repeat the intervals for a total of 6 intervals if you can do even more intervals go for it.

If you have a treadmill do your own treadmill interval workout.

Warm up brisk walk 5"
Jog 5"
10 intervals of running hard for 1" and jogging for 1" (20"total)
5" or longer cool down walk

AKA "Likes2bfit"

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