substitution for pure strength and supersets?

I am wondering the same thing about PURE STRENGTH. I have supersets so I'm set there. I'm wondering if I can just do Gym style 2 weeks in a row. I am so close to having ALL of Cathe's WO's. I admit I don't really care for the older ones. Someone convince me otherwise please! :confused:
I wanted to ask the same question. I Don't have Pure strength either.

I hope someone answers soon...Thanks in advance
Pure Strength is just an older version of Gym Styles (IMHO) and it splits the muscle groups up a little differently. For instance, GS does Back, Shoulders and Biceps one day while PS does CHEST, Shoulders and Triceps (which I think is a better way to split those muscle groups). I would substitute Gym Styles if you have that one. They're both good, but GS is a more thorough (and in my opinion) more difficult workout. I would split GS up the way PS is split, though if that is what the rotation calls for. You don't have to--it's just a thought. And a way to shake it up so that you're not doing Gym Styles exactly the same way two weeks in a row.
yes, GS is a good sub for PS.

For SS, Hmm... GS has a superset premix for chest and triceps i think.
4DS has quite a few supersets - you can choose a 4DS premix.

or Pyramid might be another option for you.
Thanks for the idea here also. I have GS & will change the muscle groups up like you said. Today for pyramid upper body (whicj I ordered but hasn't come yet) I did BM2 - 3 sets doing it pyramid style. Think I'll feel it tomorrow!! This will be my first time doing a rotation all the way through.

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