substitution for a backorder dvd help!!!


I ordered some dvd's including Rhythmic Step +, but it is on backorder. I was considering substituting it for 2 hard cores. Core Max is the only one I have so far. I wanted to see if you guys could help me with my collection to make it more rounded. Here are the dvd's I do have:

Ab Hits
Intensity Series (all of them)
KPC & l&g
Step Blast & SJP
Core Max

I am not really into the GS because I prefer a total bod workout, and I have read some great stuff about MM, KM, and LM. What are your favorites and why? Thanks guys!
I'd go with Low Max and Muscle Max. They are my favorites out of the Hardcore Series. One third of Kick Max is extremely high impact, and the kickbox combos don't get the heartrate up there like KPC.

I like MM and LM. I use LM as a leg workout without weights, especially the blasts. I like KM as well but use only the kickboxing portion and leg condition drills. The blasts portion of KM may work the legs but has nothing to do with kickboxing at all. These are good to mix and match with other segments of Cathe's kickboxing and/or leg workouts.

I-Max 3

Muscle Max

IMHO, you'll need I-Max 3 to train up for I-Max The Original, which is on the same DVD as Rhythmic Step and is just wonderful.

And Muscle Max is great for a total bod workout, which is a good complement to the Total Bod think you have going with CTX Upper Body Split + Leaner Legs.

Muscle Max is a very nice total body workout.

The Power Hour DVD provides a lot of bang for the buck, 3 total body workouts (PH, MIS & Body Max). Many still think MIS is Cathe's best total body workout. PH is a fun, fun endurance workout, & Body Max can be used in many ways.

I agree...Power Hour is a must have for everyone's library. And I just got Low Max based on the popularity of it on this forum but I haven't worked out to it yet.

Rhythmic Step DVD is a great DVD so it will be worth the wait when it's back in stock.

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