STS Shipping Has Started!

Way to go Cathe!!

WOOHOO!!!! :D:D:D Cathe, that may just be the cutest pic of you I've ever seen (and you've taken a few cuties ;))! I can only imagine how happy you're feeling with this project almost done. WAY TO GO, honey!

Now fasten your seat belt and get ready for the tsunami of kudos that's about to start rolling your way!

CONGRATULATIONS, CATHE!!! I know that you must feel so proud that 2 years of hard work have reached the culminating point. Thank you for all that you do for the fitness community. You are truly remarkable!

Continued Respect,
How CUTE! Looks like you are as excited to get rid of them as we are to receive them! :D Thank you, thank you for putting your heart & soul into this enormous project. I KNOW it will be worth the wait. A BIG hug from Ohio! Dave is asking every day if STS is here, so...2 HUGS from Ohio!


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