Hi Cathe and fellow STSer's, TGIF

I'm just checking in for today's workout.
Cardio Coach Vol. 4= 54 min I went over a couple of minutes to up my distance.
Calories Burned= 664
Distance= 4.18 Miles
5:30 Warmup
Challenge 1- 8 min @132-140 BPM = 75% of MHR nearing 80%.
Steady State 1- sustained HR from challenge 1= 3 min.
Challenge 2- 8min @144 BPM= 80% of MHR
Steady State 2= sustained heart rate at 80%= 144 BPM HR for 3 min
Challenge 3=11min @153 BPM= 85% of MHR
Steady State 3= I chose to go for it rather than cool down here. 4min @157-163 BPM HR range from 85% to last min sprint at 163 BPM=90% of MHR.
Followed by 3 min Cool down power walk. Then a nice 6min stretch.
Winsor Pilates Maximum Burn Basics= 23 min
Calories burned= 126
That's it! Nothing too tricky here. I feel victorious that I've done Cardio
coach Vol. 4- 4 times now and its very tough but man do you feel like you've really won a challenge when you finish. My goal is to work up to doing Volume 5 and beyond of Cardio Coach.
I trust everyone is enjoying the remainder of our STS recovery week after completing Meso 1. Something tells me we'll need to stock up on wheaties for Meso 2, we know how Cathe is.

Have a wonderful Friday and seeya tomorrow.
