STS plyo legs vs. P90X plyometrics


For those of you who have done P90X, how does plyometrics compare to STS plyo legs as far as difficulty, intensity, etc. Is P90 as effective for the legs as far as building strength as plyolegs? My son lent my his P90X plyo dvd and I was just curious to see what you ladies (and guys:) thought! TIA:D
Plyometrics is more of a cardio dvd then a leg dvd. If you want P90X's leg work try Legs and Back.

Anyway, to answer your question it's Cathe's Plyo Legs hands down over Plyo X.

Plyometrics is more of a cardio dvd then a leg dvd. If you want P90X's leg work try Legs and Back.

Anyway, to answer your question it's Cathe's Plyo Legs hands down over Plyo X.


I agree. Cathe's Plyo Legs is amazing! P90X Plyometrics won't give you the same leg workout.
I have tried all of the P90X workouts and I have tried all of STS. Both are great systems. I watched my husband drop weight instantly on P90X even though he didn't have much to lose (like 2 sizes in a few weeks without changing diet or following the program strictly). I think plyometrics is a great cardio workout but I found the P90X leg workouts to be mediocre compared to Cathe's STS. I found P90X cardio pretty intermediate too (except for plyometrics). Both are great to try, I think.
I can't say I like one over the other. Cathe is more intense but she combined plyo with traditional weight work. P90X didn't.

As always, thank you ladies for your informative and educated responses! Plyo legs wins! I like to double my money and get the most bang for my buck!:D:D:D
Cathe's Plyo Legs stomp all over P90x. I dreaded P90x because of its mediocrity and other factors, where I looked forward to Plyo, even after the 4th rotation. Plus the calorie burn was higher, and I feel the results were far better. Thank you and I shall exit now ;) .
I also agree that Cathe's plyo leg workouts in STS are more beneficial than P90X. Definitely saw more power and strength results from Cathe's plyo.
The best leg workout is P90x Legs & Back. You have to think - which program or workout is changing my body? Choose what works for you.
Plyometrics is more of a cardio workout - but it does work you out! The thing to remember is variety. Mix up your workout.
I love P90 X - and what it has done for me. I am curious what you considered to be mediocre about it? For some people it may be Tony - I happen to think he is awesome and funny and very motivating.
I love P90 X - and what it has done for me. I am curious what you considered to be mediocre about it? For some people it may be Tony - I happen to think he is awesome and funny and very motivating.

STS is just far superior in every way.
crunch 24.... I've done P90x, then P90x+, and this is MY opinion, but since you asked I hope you don't mind my reply. I find Tony annoying. I cringed every time I heard the word "kids" or "boys and girls". I disliked his style and especially when he would stop working out to demonstrate which always throws me off. I prefer working out to someone who does the moves all.the.way.through.

The dark, dungeon type of workout area was depressing after a while. It was monotonous, with way too many pull ups. STS had a different workout everyday, different sequences. The music was good in P90, but not as good as in STS. Most of all, my results with STS are far superior and have improved since I've first done it. I will be starting STS #5 this winter. I've had people ask me during group rides who my trainer is, especially when I take my jersey if that doesn't say something... Here's the other thing that blows P90x away, the Workout Manager. There is NOTHING like it when it comes to managing your stuff. I can tweak my weights/notes like nothing else, I can check out what I've done during the week at a glance and supplement where I'm lacking.

This my experience and conclusions with both programs. I can't transfer that onto anyone else.

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