Okay! My work out is done! I was doubting I would get it all in because the first part ended up not going too well but I made it work!

part 1-Step Moves combos only (30 mins)...started feeling very weak and shakey about 20 mins in so I grabbed an apple (ate a banana prior to starting mind you!) and nibbled on it thru the rest of the work out. Finished the apple and actually had to sit down on the floor for a few minutes afterwards. :confused: Decided I needed to stop there. I felt pretty nasty. So I rinsed off in the shower and went and got a waffle with yogurt for breakfast and about 30 minutes later I was ready to try again so I continued on with.....

part 2-Circuit Blast- Cardio only premix(23 mins)
part 3-MMA Boxing- u/b blitzes + combos 1+2(15 mins)
part 4-Travel Fit-abs and stretch(10-15 mins)

It's pretty safe to say that I knocked that sundae out of the park this morning! ;):D

Good job on the crazy mixed up w/o Wendy :p . That sundae didn't stand a chance! Lol

We're in renovation mode again, :rolleyes: so I'm just doing a quick phone check-in & hopin to get back on later for personals. Don't remember when I last checked in so:

Fri- Intensity (step only premix) & stretch max (stability ball stretch)
Sat night- Intensity (HIIT Low & boot camp) & 30 min run on the elliptical (typically a rest day, but DH went out last night to run an errand and came home w/Philly cheesesteaks! :eek: , had to do something about it, and since Intensity was still sitting there from Fri, I just popped it in again, lol)
Today- Jari Love R1000 (done) and possibly another elliptical run w/DH tonight (we leave for Phx this weekend, so I'm trying to get in a few extras for good measure ;) )

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend! Oh, and I'm "down" another lb. S-l-o-w-l-y deflating :p ( just 1 more to go!)
Tracy:: I get high and low lights too and with a cut it costs about $120 a pop. I go approximately every 2 months I guess but it's so worth it. :)

Kiki:: Nice work outs girl and yay for deflation! ;):D

So I worked off the icecream but now I have to work off tonight's dinner. :eek: Went to my MIL's and had a cheeseburger, a hotdog, some mac n cheese, baked beans and piece of chocolate cake with cool whip and strawberries on top! OMG YUM but now I must face the music and log it in WW to see where I stand. :eek:


I didn't fall asleep until after midnight last night and was up at 4:45 so you can imagine how I'm feeling right now. :(

This morning was supposed to be D22 (C/S/T) but I was starting my work out late as it was and knew having to set up the tower would only make me later so I did just shoulders and tri's and ending having just enough time afterwards for KCM's TLC Cardio Express (15 mins). :)

Guess that's about all for now. I am going to lapse into a coma at my desk now but I'll be back later!:p
Forgive me cathletes for I have sinned. It's been 5 days since my last confession (i.e. chocolate addiction). So, I know Saturday officially kicked off my active recovery week and i'm not supposed to be lifting weights. However, I was just dying to do the Terminator: Viper workout because, well, I just love that one for some reason. So I did it on Saturday, which means I lifted weights during my active recovery week. (HANGS HEAD IN SHAME). :confused: I promise i'm on the "active recovery week" bandwagon from here on out though! ;)

I can't remember when I checked in last, but here's what i've been up to lately (workout wise).

Saturday - Terminator: Viper :D
Sunday - DH and I were going to go for a 3 mile hike but when we arrived at the game farm we discovered the hiking trails were closed. :mad: Very irritated. So I ended up doing a slooooow (3.5 mph) walk for 30 minutes and an Ellen Barrett pilates/yoga DVD I found on Netflix.
Monday - MMA Boxing + 1/2 of Stretch Max Stability Ball

Wendy: Great job getting your workout done on such little sleep! Your commitment is inspiring. I would have punked out. :eek: It sounds like you had a fun weekend!! A little pampering (especially a nice haircut) goes such a long way! BTW - your Sunday dinner is making me drool. :eek: I'm sure once you're well rested you'll blast that dinner right out of the park. :p

Kiki: You've done so fun (and INTENSE) workouts lately! WTG girl! :) I love your deflataion analogy! You just keep right on deflating! :p Hope the renovations are still going well. Are you getting excited about your Phoenix trip?? What fun events do you have planned?

Tracy: Great job breaking through your plateau!!!!!!! That's fantastic news! :) Nothing can be more frustrating than a plateau. HIGH FIVE! I know it's only the first day but are you enjoying your active recovery week? I debated this weekend on what I wanted to do for my ARW. At first I thought about just focusing on yoga/stretching, but I know my body NEEDS cardio and I don't want to drop that all together. So i've decided to do easier cardio with lots of yoga/stretching. I've got Stretch Max on tap of course plus Namaste yoga. I'm also going to do a Petra Kolber workout and an Ellen Barrett workout, both of which I taped off Fittv before it changed to whatever it is now. What do you have planned for this week?

So DH made me a fruit smoothie last night with blueberries, strawberries and peaches. It was the most delicious, creamiest, best smoothie i've ever had. His secret ingredient: strawberry ice cream. Sigh. I think him and I need to have a talk about what constitutes a "healthy smoothie". :p

Better get back to work. TTYL!
Katie:: That's it! You will be forced to squat in Times Square now and receive 30 lashings with a resistance band as punishment for doing a weight work out during your active recovery week!:p:D LOL Too funny about your DH's delish fruit smoothie. New there had to be a catch as to why is was so yummy! ;) TY re me being inspiring. I got up and worked out because quite frankly the extra 45 minutes skipping my w/o would have afforded me in sleep would NOT have been enough to bother with so I just got up. I would REALLY be inspirational if I had gotten up off my arse in time to set up the tower and do my work out the way it was supposed to be done! :eek: On a positive note though, this has inspired me for when I start the pryamid down with STS in July! I am going to do M2 as 1 BP per day I think just to mix it up! ;) As for blowing y'day's dinner out of the park, I was in extreme shock when I got on the scale this morning and found out that I was DOWN .2 despite that evil meal! :D
Hello all! Well, Active recovery week has started and will not be lifting weights this week (do you hear that KATIE???)ahem. Anyway, I thought I would give Amy Bento Adv Step Chal 2 a go, so I worked on it for 25 minutes, then got absolutely disgusted and popped in Athletic Step.

I finally got the first routine of ASC2, after about 20 min and then started on the 2nd and decided to call it a day. It is TTOM, if that tells you anything, so I was frustrated. I will try it again another day, maybe tomorrow. Amy just does not give any instruction, she just goes right into the routine and calls out the steps. I can see how it could be fun if you get the steps. It wasn't a cardio challenge, it was more a mental challenge....maybe I'm more mentally challenged :p than others.

Fit mommy: I thought I was the only woman I knew who could pack away the are now my sister in crime!! My girlfriend insists I can eat so much because I am 5'9" and she insists tall people just need more food. as if I am a different species or sthg ...ooookayyy But it's great that you have lost, I have found that to be true sometimes too...sometimes our body just needs the extra calories , I think, and does things we don't expect.
I think the hair is so worth it too...
QUESTION: what does KCM (workout) stand for?

ricklyk1: missed you from the forum. my husband used to be a cop, so: PUT YOUR HANDS UP AND STEP AWAY FROM THE WEIGHTS!! idk, that's just what I thought of... shall we get the workout police after you:D

husbands are so funny and cute as to what they think is healthy. When my husband and I were first married I gave him this lovely salad for dinner... he looked down at the salad and then at me and said very nicely, "ok..let me explain sthg to you..." :p (in other words, this is not dinner)
Morning Ladies!

This morning I'll be doing some STS upper body, some cardio and some abs....after my 2nd cup of java, that is!;)

Went to sleep at 9:30 and got up before my final 4:30 alarm went off. That's the way things SHOULD happen around here! :)

Tracy:: I am not even 5'4" and trust me I can pack away the food. I LOVE TO EAT! This is why I must watch what and how much I eat and make sure that I exercise! I will definitely gain weight if I don't! :eek: Some folks just don't have large appetites. I am sure there are even some 5' 9" gals out there who don't eat a lot despite how tall they are! ;) And wow you are tall! I'm jealous! How tall is your hubby? I used to date a guy who is 6'5"-over a foot taller then me! :eek: We looked like mutt and jeff together and both suffered lots of neck aches!:p

You gals sure crack me up!! Yesterday evening I was reading through the forum on my phone while sitting in the living room by myself. I got to laughing quite a bit at ya'lls posts. Right at that time my DH walked into the living room, looked at me like I was crazy, shook his head, and walked out. I don't understand why a person laughing hysterically in a room by herself is a cause for concern? :p ;) :rolleyes:

This morning I did Petra Kolber's Cardio Sport w/o (I taped it off fittv a year or so ago) + Stretch Max (no equipment). The cardio sport workout was fun. Not challenging but I still worked up a little sweat and got my heart rate up. I have to admit I've been enjoying the easier cardio this week. A nice change! The cardio sport workout did include short weight segments sprinkled throughout BUT I behaved myself this time and did the movements without weights. :D

Wendy: Maybe your evil meal wasn't so evil after all. Can we shock our bodies with food too? Ya know, eat properly for awhile and then throw in a crazy day of eating just to say "look here body, take THAT"! I don't think it works that way...but I sure wish it did! I LOVE food too and I can put food away like crazy. :eek: Man, i'm the shorty of the group. Well, i'm the shorty in ANY group. At 5'1" i'm border line hobbit. At least I don't have a hobbit's hairy big feet. Ew! GREAT idea about the pyramid down. I really like that idea!!! Keep us posted on how it goes and your thoughts on the pyramid down scheme!

Tracy: Uh oh...TOTM time. I better behave myself or you'll come over here and slap me! :p For some reason that particular line in your monthly description has stuck with me and i'm still laughing about it. So Amy Bento's choreography is as hard as people said huh? No cardio challenge AND that much work to learn the routine?? I don't think so! That's crazy talk! :)
I just wanted to pop in and say hi and thank you! I am in the last week of meso 2 of the STS 5.5 month rotation and I know I have gotten great results so far but when I went bathing suit shopping y'day I was shocked! :eek: When I got changed in front of all of those mirrors and saw what I just can't get a good look at at home i was even more THRILLED! :D I am getting even better results then I ever imagined!!!! STS is awesome and so are you!

Wendy: I just saw this on the forum. WAY TO GO GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's fanstastic! Get ready to show off in your "itsy bitsy teenie weenie yellow polka dot bikini" :)

Wendy: I just saw this on the forum. WAY TO GO GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's fanstastic! Get ready to show off in your "itsy bitsy teenie weenie yellow polka dot bikini" :)

Thank you! I owe the muscles to Cathe and the ability to see them more clearly now to WW. This duo has worked wonders for me. I couldn't be happier! :D

Maybe your evil meal wasn't so evil after all. Can we shock our bodies with food too? Ya know, eat properly for awhile and then throw in a crazy day of eating just to say "look here body, take THAT"!

Actually there IS something to that! It's a concept called calorie staggering that is basically what you describe. It's 3 days of eating at a deficit and one day of eating at maintenance. I lost my pregnancy weight eating that way! :)
Hi ladies!!! I'm still here :). I've stopped STS. I was pondering how I lost a significant amount of weight in '98 & decided to follow a similar plan. Sooo, cardio 5-6 days per week. In addition to that, I did the Buns of Steel (mine never have been steel though :() & Kathy Smith. I'm using Ballet Body & Ballet Beautiful segments instead of Buns of Steel & Kathy Smith. It's working. I've lost weight. **twirling with happiness** :). I'm adding 25 min yoga to my plan this week. So, that's my new plan.

Can I still visit with y'all?

Ok, I'll BBL to catch up... my li'l diva is calling me :)
Good Morning.

I have some nice DOMS in my chest as expected. :)

This moring I did STS D24 Biceps + half of w/o #2 from JM's 6 week six pack so I got in a bit of come intense cardio along with abs/core there and finished it off with STS Ext. Stretch. Good stuff. ;)

I heavied up on bi's today the same way I did with chest. Had to do about half of the first set of concentration curls with a slight assist but everything else was perfectly tough but doable! :D I fully expect DOMS in the morning! :)

Autumn:: Do what works for you and the goals that you have. Don't be silly. You are welcome here anytime! :)

Good Morning ladies.

Sorry I've been MIA (what's up w/all the homeschool mom's being MIA @ the same time? :confused: Maybe it's just that time of the year for us :eek:). With getting ready for PHX, and the house remodeling (which *still* isn't done :rolleyes: ). I've just been out of it (although I have peeked in the forums via app, so I wasn't completely outta the loop ;) )... Hmmm, where did I leave off? Oh yeah, "deflation" :p , lol. OK, let's do a recap:

Monday- I did a 45min run on the elliptical at a ridiculously high incline :rolleyes: (what in the world?! :eek:)

Tues- AM = High Reps ((LOVE)) :D , and PM = another run on the elliptical

Today - Not set in stone, but Amy Bento - In The Ring is on the calendar (so that's the tentative plan), may add in another round of abs or cardio at some point today, we'll see. ;)

Wendy: As for the Pyramid down, I was planning on doing it in the same order, ascending order, though I honestly didn't even consider doing the actual Meso in reverse. I might work w/M1, but I kinda enjoy the way the double wave load is set up in progression in M2, so I probably wouldn't mess w/it. Let us know what you decide. I do like your idea of splitting up the workouts/body parts, seems like it would "shock" even more, since it keeps getting changed up, plus it would allow ample time for cardio/abs, which would be perfect since you'd essentially be "cutting", good idea! ;)

Katie: How's the rest week going? Getting lots of good stretching in? You're gonna be nice and relaxed before getting your bootay kicked next month! :eek: Your DH w/the smoothie had me dying, because it is SO something that my DH would do. After working out he throws the craziest things in a blender and adds protein powder to it as if it's a cure all :p ! I gotta admit, that usually I'm just jealous because his always seem like they're sooooo much more enjoyable than mine (usually w/yogurt, lol) - and because he's one of those men that could look at the gym and get buff :rolleyes: , it doesn't even matter!

Tracy: Awww, not you too w/TTOM :( . Just as I begin deflating, too. :eek: Well, I suppose the bright side is that it fell on your rest week, which is kinda the way that it worked out for me on STS too. That was really good for me, because w/o's for me are very "iffy" on those days. And if anything, they're cardio, just to help ease the pain....OMG You are tall!!! I'm w/the other girls I'm jealous too. Just add me to the hobbit list w/Katie, teetering in @ 5'1, there is soooo little room for weight gain mishaps :rolleyes: . That's why I get all crazy when I bloat at TTOM, because that extra 5-10 lbs shows EVERYWHERE on shorty like me :mad:

Autumn: So good to hear from you! I've been wondering what you decided to do, since you said you were stopping STS earlier. Maybe we'll start back together again in the fall? Congrats on melting away the lbs!! :D

LaDonna: :( We'd love to hear what you're doing w/yourself in between rotations :confused: Doing another rotation? or just playing it by ear and enjoying the kiddos?
Howdy ya'll! Thought i'd add a little southern twang to the forum this morning. :p

This morning I did 4DS:Kickbox cardio and abs + Stretch Max (resistance band). I think my abs are finally getting stronger. I was actually able to complete the abs section without modifying to much and/or quiting halfway through. I've still got way to much fat around my mid-section for my abs to actually be seen, but i'm hoping by the time I get rid of the fat my abs will have a little definition. Fingers crossed!

Autumn: Your new cardio plan sounds fun! I'm sure it's a nice change after weeks of STS. I agree with Wendy, do what's best for your body today. :) YAY on the weight loss!!!! and definitely stick around even though you're no longer on the STS journey. We love hearing from you!

Wendy: Woot Woot - All aboard for the DOMS express! :p I'm really starting to like the idea of doing one muscle group a day with STS. Like Kiki mentioned, this will hit the muscles hard while still having ample time for cardio. Hmmmmm...options, options! I'm going to finish the program as written first of course but i'm definitely keeping this idea on the back burner for future STS rotations. I really hope you do it first so I can hear your thoughts. Hehehe! :eek: :p

Kiki: Hi little lady! Sounds like you've knocked out some great w/os this week so far! When do you leave for your PHX trip? Rest week is going great so far! I'm doing easier cardio plus lots of stretching and yoga. I'm starting to get excited about Meso 2. I bought 2.5 pound wrist weights to help with the odd weight increments plus 2 20# dumb bells. I *STILL* don't have a barbell. Every time I try to save up the funds something else comes up. Story of my life. :) I can substitute dumb bells for the barbell moves right?

Tracy: Hope TTOM isn't getting you down to much and you're enjoying your rest week!!

General Question: I've only ever bought 1 yoga DVD and I love it, but I need something new. I know Cathe is coming out with a yoga DVD, but I don't wanna wait that long. What do you all think about Rodney Yee? He's got a DVD for $15 that includes 3 yoga w/os: Power Yoga, Yoga for Athletes, and Yoga Burn. Any thoughts?
Kiki:: Ok, I am confused regarding why doing M2 backwards may not be good. Can you help me? I have paid no attn to how she has M2 set up! :confused::rolleyes: I would really love to just be able to do all of the discs backwards from 24-1 but may change my mind once I understand what you mean! ;) Great work outs for you.

Katie:: That a girl! Way to keep workin' those abs! :D Ofcourse I will be your STS guinea pig. Nothing would make me happier. :p
Wendy! Girl, you should know by now not to pay attention to me :p , lol. I typically speak first and foremost from my insane desire to follow rules :eek: . Like I said, I hadn't even thought it through enough yet to the point of which order to pyramid down (although obviously I would have when finally sitting down to figure out the rotation in the fall when I'd put in the w/o manager, lol). But, now that you're forcing me to think (hate when ppl do that ;) ) , honestly there wouldn't be anything wrong w/what you suggest. I was just saying that I like when and where the double wave loads happen in M2 (in the third week of the Meso, vs the 2nd if doing it in reverse) - I just like the strength build-up that gets you to that point. But, coming right off of M3, I'm sure I could handle it ;) . Also considering that the 1RM % would descend @ the same rate that it went up, it could be even more beneficial to do it totally in reverse. As long as the weights are decreasing and reps increasing, it gets the job done. And if I remember correctly, M3 is the only one where your reps decrease down, just to shoot back up in the last week. So, in light of that, I suppose the only one I *wouldn't* recommend doing backwards is M3, other than that do what's easiest for you!

Thanks for being our guinea pig! :D
Thank you ladies!!! I'd love to stick around. :) I didn't get my workouts in y'day b/c I became obsessed with the Joplin tornado coverage which turned into watching the storm coverage of lasts nights storms. A friend of mine is in Joplin helping with disaster relief, and he said it is just awful. :( It looks like we have storms on the radar for this afternoon and evening. I think most people take the tornado warnings more seriously now. I'll be honest, I used to ignore the warnings if it looked ok to me outside & I did't hear the "freight train". Not now, I head the the basement. So, I better get me workout done before I am obssessed again. ;)

Wendy ~ Guuurlll, you are just feirce (or fierce?? :confused:) with your w/os!!!!! I'd ^5^ but not sure if you can life your arms. ;)

Katie ~ Awesome work on the abs!!!!!! I really need to hit me abs regularly. Hmmmm... that's a nice price on the Rodney Yee DVDs. I've never tried his yoga but have heard good things.

Kiki ~ Omygudness, we meet soon!!!! :D I'd love to join you this fall. I'd most likely have better results then b/c I'll probably no longer be breastfeeding.

Ok, gonna try to squeeze in my workout. Toodles...

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