STS & extremely sore muscles


New Member
Hello! I am very excited about STS, however, I know it will be very challenging. I am looking for any suggestions on how to lessen the major soreness my muscles will be feeling after each disk. (You know, that pain that makes if hard to walk up the stairs, or blow dry your hair :eek:) Especially when your muscles are even worse 2 days after your workout--when you need to do the next disk. I know to do a thorough stretch afterwards, hold stretches for 30 sec. at least, etc. But, other than stretching, does anyone have any suggestions? Potassium, glucosamine, hot tubs? Just wondering... Thanks :D
Hi Martialartsmom! Serious DOMS like that usually come from doing an exercise sequence in an intensity, frequency, duration, order, or selection that you have either never done before, or at least not in a very long time. This is what the heart of shock training is about. It is a good thing but I totally can relate to not wanting to be that sore.

What I try to do is the day of, and the day after my workout, take a couple of Ibuprofen before bed, along with a warm bath with a couple of cups of epsom salt thrown in. After a 20 minute soak I get out of the tub and stretch all "soon to be sore" areas. The next day I do light cardio and lots of stretching after it.

Hope this helps :)

Hello! I am very excited about STS, however, I know it will be very challenging. I am looking for any suggestions on how to lessen the major soreness my muscles will be feeling after each disk. (You know, that pain that makes if hard to walk up the stairs, or blow dry your hair :eek:) Especially when your muscles are even worse 2 days after your workout--when you need to do the next disk. I know to do a thorough stretch afterwards, hold stretches for 30 sec. at least, etc. But, other than stretching, does anyone have any suggestions? Potassium, glucosamine, hot tubs? Just wondering... Thanks :D


Thanks for the advice. The one-rep max tests made me cry! My chest was sore for a week! I can only imagine what STS will be like! I am adding epsom salt to my shopping list and looking forward to warm bubble baths!

Heather B.

"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God" (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
Way to go Heather. I just love taking baths too, but these days I have exchanged my rubber duckie for epsom salt :D


Thanks for the advice. The one-rep max tests made me cry! My chest was sore for a week! I can only imagine what STS will be like! I am adding epsom salt to my shopping list and looking forward to warm bubble baths!

Heather B.

"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God" (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
Great advice!

Cathe, thanks so much for your suggestions. When STS starts I will definitely take that advice, and "keep on truckin!" Can't wait to feel the burn-- ha ha. Thanks again!
epsom salt baths are awesome

I have been doing the DVDs for over a year now and finally found time to login to this forum site. Since I saw people talking about taking baths to reduce muscle soreness I thought I would share that I just discovered a really neat new soaking product! I was in Walgreens the other day looking for bandages to wrap my knee since it has been bothering me recently and found an epsom salt product called Pepsom Sports. I decided to try it because it endorsed by the NBATA and claims to be specifically designed for athletes. It had a great spearmint scent and my knee felt much better after soaking as well as all my other tired muscles. Happy soaking!!

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