STS chicks Thurs Feb 5


I did KPC today and what a relief to not have to drag out the equipment! I don't think I'll ever be able to do those pikes. My body just doesn't want to do it.:( Oh well, I guess just trying to do them works the same muscles.

I just printed out my card for tomorrows legs. I'm betting on lots of soreness on Sat! I haven't previewed this disc at all.

Have a good day all.:D
Good morning everyone! My triceps are on fire! I did disc 2 last night by the end my triceps were failing. After my workout I had to clean the kitchen from dinner, well my arms were sooo sore I could barely wipe the counter, I felt like I had spaghetti noodles for arms. Note to self....clean up before workout!! LOL I am glad legs are Friday I probably won't be able to walk til Monday!!
Good morning everyone. Well today is KPC but I don't know if I am going to do the whole thing as I usally do only about 40 to 50 minutes of cardio but I am going to try. I will report back and let you know;)

Phyllis, how did you make out with KPC? Were you able to do the whole workout?

Tracy, wow you got DOMS? I did disk 2 yesterday and I have DOMS in my back but not my tricep.
Barbara, I omitted the 3rd punching drill. I just didn't feel like doing it. I continued with the abs and stretch.

I don't have any doms today and I'm surprised at that. I thought for sure that my back would be sore. I guess I feel it a tiny bit not nothing worth complaining about.

I really have to monitor my intensity. Sometimes I can go through the motions without putting much into it. Does that make sense? I need to do what Cathe says "feel the muscle you are using and engage it "
Good Morning Everyone!

Phyllis and is leg Disc 3 for me and I know there will be good DOMs.... I will let you know after I finish.

I still feel today my back Tracey but a lot less than yesterday.

Enjoy the day


Today is cardio day. I was planning on doing IMAX 3 this morn - my favorite workout ever - but its feeling a little early for that. That one works better later in the day. I think I will be doing CC 5 instead. My back is a little stiff this morning from disc 2, so I think the ellipitcal may help loosen it up a bit. I expect the DOMS will set in later today. My triceps were toasted last night, too. Washing my hair was funny, my arms didn't want to stay up that long:D I don't feel anything in my tri's this morning. Maybe it'll kick in later. Maybe they died:eek: Well, I suppose to I need to get out of these jammies and into some workout clothes. Have a good day, ladies.

Good morning ladies! I FINALLY got to Disc 1 last night. I felt like a total loser not doing it on Tuesday night as planned, but AF came a knocking and I spent the evening with a heating pad and my Midol bottle. I pushed through it yesterday though and my DH did most of it with me. I'm not too sore this morning but last night I could barely wash my hair, my arms were shaking so bad! It's been a long time since I have done ANY push-ups! Tonight, I just plan to run on my TM.
Good morning everyone!!!

I have KPC on my calendar today.:D I couldn't wait for today. I love this workout! It frustrated me in the beginning, but once I learned the routine I fell in love with Cathe's style kickboxing. I thought I owned all her kickboxing cardio, but I just bought circuit max. I missed that one! I'll have it ready for next week:)
I don't have imax 3. I have imax 2. I find Cathe's step routines so complicated:eek:It takes me forever to learn them.

My inner thighs are really sore. I mean the kind of sore that hurts to sit on the toilet:eek: I don't know what did it? I just finished 7 weeks of heavy lower body work. Heavy weights 3x's a week. I am surprised I am so sore from Plyo? I used 10lb weights.

Good luck on KPC with sore legs!! Actually KB in general normally helps loosen me up if my legs are sore. The first few mins are tough, but then the blood gets flowin' and it helps work out the kinks. Hopefully, it will do the same for you. I like the middle section of KPC with the drills. Not too easy, not too hard, and not alot of impact. I always feel happy after that section.

Ok checking back in to say that I did the whole KPC video and had to modify on some of the jumping and of course on some of the abs. I just did roll ins on the ball instead of the pikes. I have to work on that.
Today I did Meso 1 - Disc 2 (back/biceps) + ran 2.5 miles + the med ball segment of Ab Circuits. Wow, the supersetting of the same body part in this one was GREAT! It really fried my back and triceps good!

I'm still stuffy and have the sniffles, I wish this cold would clear up. :(

Is anyone else doing a 5-6 month rotation? Are you going to repeat weeks or do each meso cycle twice through? At first I thought of doing each week twice but now I'm anxious to do next weeks workouts and thinking of doing the meso cycle twice instead. :)

Have a great one everybody,
Good morning, everyone!!
Today was cardio day for me. I ran (actually jogged would be more accurate;)) for an hour and then came home and did KPC abs and the stretch. I am headed off for a haircut and highlight appointment today. It's been 14 weeks since I've gone and I am very excited because I was starting to resemble Lily Munster!
Morning All!

OUCH!!! My lower half is on fire!!! LOL

I was scheduled to donate blood yesterday so I did worked out in the morning. I only got through about 35 minutes of the Legs dvd before I ran out of time. Cathe incorporates quite a few new moves - I loved it!!!

DOMs have set in like mad!! I am LOVING IT!!!

I am going to do Disc #1 tonight. My schedule is a bit weird this first week as I am going to be out of town all weekend. I plan on doing a six month rotation so I will be repeating this week - but in the correct order - and with my DF! Yippee!!

I'm jealous of those doing KPC tonight - I love that workout!

Kathy - I am going to repeat each week. I think that way the w/o will be fresh and I can adjust my weights accordingly. Hope your cold clears up soon!

Have a great day!
Hi Lily, I mean Beth! ;) I need my roots done too, big time!

So, did anyone else have sore delts after Disc 1? The muscles are really starting to tighten up (biceps, shoulder, chest, and back?) I may end up switching Disc 2 and 3. I can imagine it matters all that much.
Yes Liann! Weird eh? DH and I finished Disc 1 and No Equipment Abs. All that either of us could say was OUTSTANDING!!!! We are so pleased with the system and this will be a rotation which we can stick to. :) Tonight we will get a rest with Imax 2!

Later loverlies!

Hi Lily, I mean Beth! ;) I need my roots done too, big time!

So, did anyone else have sore delts after Disc 1? The muscles are really starting to tighten up (biceps, shoulder, chest, and back?) I may end up switching Disc 2 and 3. I can imagine it matters all that much.
OK, so I couldn't wait until next week to start so I started Disc 1 today. Great workout! Except for all the pushups ! I didn't mind them so much until the bootcamp ones and especially the staggered ones. I'll be repeating the first week next week so that the recovery week falls during our ski trip and do the regular 3 month rotation so I can experience all the different workouts as quickly as possible.

I have DOMS in the glutes from playing with the plyo legs yesterday. But not I can't sit on the toilet DOMS. That workout really wiped me out, my legs were sooooo tired all day and I didn't get to sit around all day as I was on the run doing errands, etc.

It's a good thing I did FF Dec/Jan rotations with her, that prepared my body for the STS torture!:p
I did all of KPC this morning... I was going to skip the last combo, but then figured out I had DONE the last combo and there was no more! LOL! My abs were still sore from No Equipment Abs, so I did the Ball Exchanges the easy way!

I do have some DOMS in my back today from Disc 2. A little in my triceps too. I think it's hard to feel DOMS in your back? It's kind of there, though, I can just feel it if I move it around. My shoulders feel it the most though (is that from pull ups/chin ups?)

Oh you guys have me SO excited to do Disc 3 , LEGS, tomorrow..NOT! :p Not looking forward to the pain when sitting on toilet DOMS! But I haven't previewed it either, so it will be a big surprise. I printed out a Workout Card just to see the exercises...there really aren't a TON for 1RM's for it, so I feel better that i didn't do the 1RMs for legs.

Hey Lisa! TOO funny you couldn't wait to start STS! I did the same thing, was going to start NEXT week, but just couldn't wait. You're SO right on being prepared by Debbie's Rotations! it's helped me a BUNCH with STS so far!!
I just finished Disc 2 and my arms are shaking! Is anyone finding that their 60% target weight to too high for some exercises? I was hitting failure before the set was over for a number of exercises. I wonder if I was just having a weak day or if I screwed up with my 1 rep max testing cuz some of the #'s were pretty high for endurance lifting:confused:!

Anyhoo...looking forward to legs on Saturday. I hope I'll be able to do them after KPC. That W/O usually gets my glutes and hammies big time;).

I love reading everyone's stories. You guys have me so pumped to get started!

I'm going to try and follow Cathe's cardio rotation as much as possible; however, I am still missing a lot of her cardio workouts. I'm fairly new to her step workouts and have been ordering those little by little. I have two left feet like no other! I also need to order her other kickboxing videos. The only one I have is from 4DS. I ordered low max and her weighted gloves, which should be delivered this afternoon. Man, my whole paycheck is going to Cathe! :=)

Keep up the good work ladies!
I did ASC3 (Amy Bento) this morning for my cardio day. I can't imagine having to do weights today. I did disc 1 on Monday, disc 3 on Tuesday, and disc 3 on Wednesday. I find that giving the upper body that extra break is better. I like to put the legs in between.

I have always done leg training two times a week. So, I will be doing the legs disc 3 on Friday. I will be doing disc 1 again on Saturday. Then, I will start on Week 2 on Monday by doing disc 4.

I haven't really figured out how I am going to do this rotation. I thought at first that I would do each week twice, like a few of you here. Now, I am so anxious to try out and do all of the program, that I decided to do the three and a half month rotation.

Was KPC on Cathe's rotations for February today? I should do that one, since I haven't done that one in a long time. But I must say that I absolutely LOVED that one. I think I will try to do it this weekend.

As another poster said KB seems to help me loosen up any soreness that I have in my legs.


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