STS and Muscle Max together??


I will be starting STS soon, but was wanting to do STS on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, then take a day or 2 off and do Muscle Max so I can hit each body part twice a week. Anyone do this before?

I am currently doing an STS rotation in which I do STS on M, T, and TH (cardio on W & F) and a total body workout on Saturday. The total body workout I am choosing varies. For meso 1 of STS, I am sticking to endurance/high rep workouts like High Reps, Muscle Endurance, and Power Hour. For meso 2, I am going to use Muscle Max, Maximum Intensity Strength, and STS Total Body. I don't think I will be doing a full body during meso 3 but things may change between now and then.

So while I am doing this now, I am only at the end of week 2 so I can't tell you what kind of results I will see. I can tell you that I don't feel too tired or sore from doing STS during the week to not do the full body on Saturday.

All I can say is give it a shot and see how your body responds.

Good luck!
i will be doing this very similar to Julie. i also do not think i will add additional total body during Meso 3, but I plan to do both the squat rack & the plyo legs. i am also planning to add an extra day of yoga/stretching during Meso 3.

It has been hard to stay away from STS for so long, I really miss it. will get started again on Jan 2nd.
Wow! Laina, you and I are on the same page. I was also planning on doing plyo legs and the squat rack legs during meso 3 which is why I was dropping the total body workout.

Too funny but I guess great minds think alike!
glad to see other people doing the squat rack and plyo version in M3. I'm starting next week and so pumped for this phase!! My legs are my weakest and biggest problem area

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