STS and core and 1RM


I have 2 questions for STS

A lot of you seem to had seen results with abs. Is it the heavy lifting that does that or the Abs STS? How many times a week did you do abs during STS?

Also, did you really went and calculate the 1RM for each exercise. Isn't time consuming? any tips on how to make it fast?

Hi -
I have been trying to figure out the same thing! I just got STS. What I found so far is that the rotation with the abs is on the sticky in this forum with the STS & Cardio rotation. It's all mixed together, so I just added the abs into my rotation.
Based on all the threads about the 1 RM it seems that everyone is of the opinion it is really important to do them and the majority does it in sections.
So I am going to do the first 3 discs now and then spread it out before each week.
Good Luck!

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