Yesterday I started to post then got called away by DS and this is the 1st time I've sat down at the computer again! Since I took Friday off work Thursday was super busy plus I played baseball in the evening and out for beer afterwards I ran around town Friday doing errands and such. I did manage to get in a workout - Michelle Dozois Rockin Body cardio.
Sat. was the hi/lo and weight circuit from SJP. Plus the flooring guy came and installed my gym floor I couldn't move my gear in b/c DH then had to install corner bead (is that the right terminology) so today I was painting trim again Not enough time to get everything moved into the room though, however, the t.v. has been hung from the wall so that huge! DS had a party this afternoon plus we had company for dinner. It'll be a rest to get back to work tomorrow
Cendrine - do you know how much paperwork/pamphlets the dietician sent home? It's almost too much, however, for me we really need to work on portion control and one good tip she mentioned, only eat in the kitchen. So I'm going to try that. I bought some cheap note books and will start a food journal. I'd love to have your recipe for the green smoothie. DH as already changed his bagel and cream cheese to bagel and cheddar cheese. Spinal decompression treatments - wow - sounds like you have some serious back issues. I don't know anything about it but hope it works out for you. Sounds like you're in good hands. Hey - sweet potatoes are a SUPER FOOD Yah know, with digital pictures who prints and makes albums anymore. I've got soo many empty ones waiting to be filled. For the last 2 xmas I have given my parents a calendar with pics of DS and I think they enjoy it. I do it online with Walmart.
Kim - I'm soo glad that your dinner ended up going so well. I guess you shouldn't listen to us anymore Sounds like you've had some frustrating days with workmen AND work! What's wrong with snacking on cereal in the evening! It's better than chips I SAY My problem I can't stop at one bowl OMG, what a coincidence with the floor plan. Maybe you can point out the little things that bug you and they'll improve on it. Don't forget pocket doors! I want them in every house I own now!
Rachel - I guess I better look at my calendar at work tomorrow - I don't remember the "ribbit" My memory is so bad. Oh, I hope you're feeling better by now and it was just short term. There is nothing worse then having a stomach upset
Jo - how are the midterms coming? Have you recovered from your mishap with Ibo?
I'm cooking here - as in I think its about time I turn on the a/c. I've put it off all day but I'm not sure if I'll be able to sleep its turned so humid along with a nice thunder & lightning show was just had here.
Sat. was the hi/lo and weight circuit from SJP. Plus the flooring guy came and installed my gym floor I couldn't move my gear in b/c DH then had to install corner bead (is that the right terminology) so today I was painting trim again Not enough time to get everything moved into the room though, however, the t.v. has been hung from the wall so that huge! DS had a party this afternoon plus we had company for dinner. It'll be a rest to get back to work tomorrow
Cendrine - do you know how much paperwork/pamphlets the dietician sent home? It's almost too much, however, for me we really need to work on portion control and one good tip she mentioned, only eat in the kitchen. So I'm going to try that. I bought some cheap note books and will start a food journal. I'd love to have your recipe for the green smoothie. DH as already changed his bagel and cream cheese to bagel and cheddar cheese. Spinal decompression treatments - wow - sounds like you have some serious back issues. I don't know anything about it but hope it works out for you. Sounds like you're in good hands. Hey - sweet potatoes are a SUPER FOOD Yah know, with digital pictures who prints and makes albums anymore. I've got soo many empty ones waiting to be filled. For the last 2 xmas I have given my parents a calendar with pics of DS and I think they enjoy it. I do it online with Walmart.
Kim - I'm soo glad that your dinner ended up going so well. I guess you shouldn't listen to us anymore Sounds like you've had some frustrating days with workmen AND work! What's wrong with snacking on cereal in the evening! It's better than chips I SAY My problem I can't stop at one bowl OMG, what a coincidence with the floor plan. Maybe you can point out the little things that bug you and they'll improve on it. Don't forget pocket doors! I want them in every house I own now!
Rachel - I guess I better look at my calendar at work tomorrow - I don't remember the "ribbit" My memory is so bad. Oh, I hope you're feeling better by now and it was just short term. There is nothing worse then having a stomach upset
Jo - how are the midterms coming? Have you recovered from your mishap with Ibo?
I'm cooking here - as in I think its about time I turn on the a/c. I've put it off all day but I'm not sure if I'll be able to sleep its turned so humid along with a nice thunder & lightning show was just had here.