<<<~~~ STS 6 Month Alumni Week of March 27 ~~~>>>

Just a quick post. I did low impact cardio, my shoulders and neck are slowly recovering!

Sad story about the kittens, turns out the mommy was type A, the babies type B and the antibodies in the milk caused the organs to shut down. One of the kittens had to be put to sleep. :( luckily the other two made it.
Wow Cendrine...I have grown up around animals all my life and never knew that is a cause of some deaths. That is so strange not to mention very sad too.

I forgot to mention I had jury duty today. I was there all day and finally got to be one of the lucky ones to be released right at the end. Of course this was after a lot of waiting all day but one of my neighbors was there so at least I had some one to chat with. He a pretty cool guy and he looks just like Sam Elliot so I have always called him Sam.:rolleyes:

Workout this morning was S&H bis and tris. I am having a little bit of a knee issue so I am not sure how CCC is going to go tomorrow. I might be skipping it. I am feeling a little pain in the knee cap area...only when I stand with my leg straight but since I am not sure what cause it, I am leary about all the jumping for tomorrow. I will see how it feels in the morning.

Jo-Sorry about the crumby weather but that makes yalls summer so much better than ours. I always meant to ask you how the transition from Arizona to Washington was for you. But then again you grew up in Oregon, right?...so probably was just like a little bit of a relief from the heat.

Cendrine- I hope the kids were not too upset about the kitten. That is just too sad.

Kim-How is your weather ...Is the snow melting yet?

Alright...I have peppers onions and sweet potatoes roasting in the oven for dinner...YUM!

Rachael, I can't believe that you forgot to mention that you had jury duty after "listening" to me vent for weeks! I'm sure it was a big relief to be released. Maybe it was good that you didn't mention it till afterwards or I would probably have nightmares until I knew you were free.

I'm glad you're getting your energy back!! We're almost done the March rotation, do you think you'll do the April one?

It's actually snowing quite heavy as I type. Big fluffy snowflakes, very Christmasy.It has been sitting around the melting point (0C/32F) most days with the sun out so we have been getting a very slow melt which is perfect for the flooding conditions. The flood forecast has been improving.

I don't know if the school has anything about hair colour, I know there is a dress code. I guess I'll find out when dd returns to school next week. I'll try and post a picture off dd with her blue hair/glasses someday soon. She has had a pj day and so today is not a good day for a picture. She didn't get up early and go watch her brother play curling but I think I'll drag her along tomorrow.

The paint fumes weren't bad yesterday so was able to do HSC and today was Slow and Heavy Biceps/Triceps

Jo Last weekend was the Women's World Curling Championships from Holland which is probably what you saw on tv. The results was the same as the Olympics. Sweden came in first and Canada second. My coworkers husband will be representing Canada at the Men's World's this weekend. Will be big in this city as they are a local team and curling is huge around here. DS's game actually was a quite a nail biter but they ended up losing. Tomorrow is another early morning game, then an afternoon game (and each game is 2hrs 15 mins) there is a possibility of an evening game depending on how they do. That's good that your legs are loosening up.

Cendrine That is sad about the kittens so are they feeding the other two be a different method? Did you tell the kids what happened?
Hi, late check-in! Kim, you are probably right about what we saw on TV. I bet it was the women's curling! What's funny is DH think it looks like a strange sport and I think it looks like it would be fun! I'm laughing about the hair color again - I didn't even think about potential dress code! Yep, you'll definitely find out if there's a problem. Glad that the paint didn't stop your workout! Yeah and I heard you guys were going to get snow! IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE SPRING!!! :p

Rachel, yeah, holding out on us on jury duty! Well sounds like you made the best of it with the neighbor! Oh gosh I hope you don't have a knee thing going on! Do you wear knee pads when you guys are doing floors?

Cendrine, oh...that's so heartbreaking! Like Rachel, I never heard of that either with the poor kitties!

Okay, butt is back to normal (except wish it was smaller! LOL!). Tomorrow is DH birthday - yes he's an April Fool! He's going to be with a client all day in a town up by the border (90 minutes away) so won't be home in time for dinner. So I've dinner planned for him with our Seattle friends Saturday night. Works out good as I have a test to take anyway.

Off to read! TTY all tomorrow!
I meant to tell you guys - I did spin tonight...yes I did! ;)

Also, I can't remember if I told you girls this or not, but I did finally finish reading Fall of Giants by Ken Follett (available on Kindle). It's a big book and 1st in a new Triology he's doing. The time period is WW1. I think the hardcover is about 1000 pages. I recommend it - he's a great writer. I just started reading The Girl who Kicked the Hornet's Nest - Kim didn't you already read this? It's the third in that series. Anyway, I want to suggest the Fall of Giants as he does great character development like Mauve Binchy does and I think if you like her you'd enjoy this book. It's a really really good story. I think Amazon only gave it 3 stars, but I disagree or maybe I'm not that critical.

My team had bought me this book for my Kindle when I went out for my surgery so if you're looking for a good read - there you go!

Okay, now I'm going to read.
Good morning. I am still trying to decide whether to try CCC this morning or skip it. I just felt a little mmph of a tweak. Not even enough to call it a tweak. I am leaning toward maybe giving the warm up a test and then going from there.
Then again maybe I will just do a stretch and some abs...who knows at this point.:rolleyes:

Jury duty just slipped my mind altogether. To be honest I really tried to think of some way out of it but I couldn't come up with anything. The funny thing is that we had a judge that thought he needed to school us in how lucky we were to have that right to serve on a jury. Although I think he was right we probably could have saved an hr from the huge speech he kept cutting into everytime he went through the rules or exemptions. Then there was the long line of people that tried to get out of it one way or another and half of them were denied...He was seriously working on keeping a big jury pool.
I am glad I didn't give you nightmares Kim;)


I better go see what I can get into...BBL
Happy Friday! I just wanted to guys to know I'm up! LOL! Not much happened since I went to bed last night! It's raining, DH took Ibo with him today and I have an early meeting!

Rachel, hope you find lots of fun trouble to get into today! Yes, test the waters - that's what I would do too.

Have a great day!
We went strawberry picking today, it was 84 degrees ...! Quite a contrast to our last weeks rain and your rain, Jo and your snow, Kim! Now the kids are getting ready to go to the pool, so just a quick post. I got a circuit workout from the firm done this morning. Their low impact cardio works well for me, but I'm using heavier weights. It's a nice change from the tm....

Hopefully I'll have more time tomorrow for catching up.
Busy here getting ready for another party! We're having my coworkers over tonight. I don't know how many people are coming as I didn't get too many replies but I have the feeling that many people assume that I know they are coming. :rolleyes:

Yesterday I spent the day at the curling rink. DS had 3 games! (each game is 2hrs and 15 mins!) Then I had to do some food/wine shopping for tonight so no workout done! This morning I did CCC and the plan is to do the last workout of the March rotation tomorrow and then start on the April rotation.

DS had one game this morning which they lost so the tournament is over and I have to say that I am glad!! I'm tired of curling!

It's very nice and spring like today (about 8 degrees Celsius) and the snow is melting fast! Our yard is becoming one big mudpit! And with the snow melting lots of construction debris is appearing! We're going to have a busy summer with landscaping!

Rachael Did you get CCC done? What kind of trial were they selecting for?

Cendrine I'm glad that you found an alternative for cardio, it's nice to have options! I bet the strawberries are yummy!

Jo I did read "Hornet's Nest", I didn't think the third book was nearly as good as the first two. Let me know what you think. Thanks for the book recommendation I bet I would enjoy it. I still haven't got my Sony e-reader, I wonder if they are having production/stocking issues as it's a Japanese company? Have a good dinner!
It's funny you should mention the sony reader and Japan. Dh just told me that an essential part that they use for work is made by a factory that got hit by the tsunami! That's going to have a major impact here unless they find a backup and quick...

I'm glad you are done with curling! That is a lot of hours! I hope your party turns out nice! Do you already have a plan for the landscaping or are you waiting until all the snow is gone?

I had a nice morning at a Crèpe place with a dear friend and we talked until lunch time... :rolleyes: didn't get a workout done either, but I'm hoping to catch up tomorrow!

It's not nearly as warm today... and that's ok, summer would have hit a bit too fast for my liking...

Jo and Rachel, how are you guys doing today?
Hey guys...The weather is just too nice to be inside today so I have been out hanging with the pups.
I got all the way to the fourth cycle in CCC and decided that would be a good test and so far so good. I just have a little tweak every now and then so I don't think it has anything to do with that. I decided though that I was cutting this rotation short. I did just the shoulders and abs this morning and did not do the cardio. This way maybe my knee will have a rest by Mon. I took a look at the April rotation and am going to try it. I just did not do very good this month at all...LOL I think it was the time change and the season change all together.

Cendrine-I am glad you got to pick strawberries. OUrs are not quite ripe around here. I have a friend in Cali. that said it was 95 where they were at. I think it was supposed to be in the fifties there today. :rolleyes: So I know what you mean about summer coming too early.

Kim-I think they were selecting a jury for a civil suit and then 2 criminal juries. I talked to my neighbor and luckily he did not get picked but had to stay until 5. That made me feel very lucky to get out at 2:30.
I hope you have a great turn out for the party. Did you send the kiddos off or are they hanging around the house too?
Is the construction company coming back to finish cleaning up the debris?

Jo-I hope you are having a great day what ever you are doing!!!

Better be off. I think it is movie night. We got Conviction in with Hillary Swank. I think it is going to be very good.
Have a nice Saturday night.

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