~~~>STS 6 month alumni-+1 ;) Week of May 15<~~~


Just finished up 4DS KB cardio only the BM2 UB pre-mix. Put DS to bed and off to find something to eat.

Jo - you must be looking foward to Cathe's spin DVD. Purple is my favourite colour and I finally got to paint with it:p

Cendrine - one of these days we're getting a King size bed:)

Hi to Rachel and Kim
Hey Yall I'm here!!!

It's been a tough couple of days at work. Now that the terazzo people are done they are expecting everyone to be done too even though they would shut the whole job down for those guys so no one could get to there work areas.
We are forging ahead though. Since I knew yesterday was going to be tough, I just got up and did a stretch. I started my cycle so needed a bit of a break. Then I made a mistake and thought I was having back pain from that yesterday and took midol and felt great because the pain reliever kicked in...then it wore off last night and I realized I really strained my back.:rolleyes: So no workout this morning either...just more stretching. I might be out for the week esp. since we have another kind of tough day today.

Well enough complaining!

Patricia-I had to laugh about the whole job site stopping when you come on site! I know that feeling but now I am totally oblivious to it for the most part. Dh will make a comment about me having a boyfriend:rolleyes: and I will not even have noticed anyone noticing me. LOL

Jo-I hope you got that spin in.?
These books are going to be the death of my sleep ...haha I can feel it.

Cendrine-Yeah Schools out , right? LOL!!!!

Kim-Have a great weekend.

OK better go...I am already late...TML
Sorry I have been MIA the last few days. Somedays the time just seems to fly. Tuesday was swimming lessons, Wednesday was ds's hockey and yesterday we had a landscape designer out who is going to give us a quote on doing our back yard.

It's also been beautiful summer weather this week:D:D so after the evening's activities we have been sitting on the deck or going for walks in the new neighbourhood. I have to admit that we have so few nice days that I really don't want to spend them in my basement doing workouts so I have missed a few workouts.

No work for me today but a long list of things to do. I want to give the camper a good cleaning, go get groceries to stock both the cottage and the camper, workout, laundry etc. I have someone coming to give us a quote on putting air conditioning in the house as we never had it put in when it was built ( no laughing Rachael, we have the occasional hot day). So I will keep busy. I think we will head up to the cottage Saturday morning until Monday afternoon.

Patrica I want to see pictures of that purple workout room!!! How is ds enjoying soccer?? It's MIL's cottage (up north) that is in the flooding zone, we don't get invited up there very often. My mom's cottage where we often go is close to Ontario and is a hydro controlled lake so is fine. This is such cottage territory most people here have some access to a cottage. Your stories about your Kindle scare me! I've become so addicted to it already, what if we're if camping or something and it freezes!!!

Jo So glad that you are able to fit in some spin classes in your busy schedule! I pvr'd TBL from Tuesday and I haven't finished watching it all. I know I said it before but I've had enough of the sisters, I ended up fastforwarding quite abit when I watched the first half yesterday.

Cendrine Are you doing anything to celebrate the last day of school!!! My kids go right to June 30th so a few weeks yet.

Rachael Take care of that back!!! I'm glad your listening to your body and not overdoing things!

I am going to try and get a workout in today and tomorrow morning before we leave. I might not post much over the holiday weekend.

The hockey rumors are flying fast and furious around here by next week we might officially have a NHL team. I know you probably don't care but it's huge around here. My boys (DH and DS) are going to go crazy next week if it happens.
It's Friday and a long weekend:D:):)

I've been interested in trying Physique 57 for a while and finally broke down and ordered it this week on a free 30day trial offer. It shipped yesterday but we have a postal strike looming next Wed.:( so I have no idea if I'll be getting it anytime soon.

We're staying home this weekend since my gym floor is getting installed tomorrow and now DH has to work over the weekend. I'm okay with that as it's BUG season so would have to stay inside anyhow. This way I can get some stuff done around the house (like take down the Xmas lights). My neighbours put their house up for sale so I'm sure they're not impressed with my lights still up:eek:

Kim - I'll get pics of my w/o room hopefully this weekend. Once the floor goes in I just need to touch up the trim (from my poor edging of painting):rolleyes:. I'm going to push DH to completely finish it this weekend depending how much he has to work. The main thing for him is just to install my T.V. bracket on the wall. I'm not putting up mirrors this time around though. Have fun at the cottage this weekend.

Rachel - sounds like you're really having of time of it with your back.
Ooooh, Patricia, let me know how you like the Phisique 57, I'd be interested to get a Cathlete's review on that! I hope it makes it there before the strike! King size bed: yup, we've been talking about this too! We already have king sized sheets on our queen size bed because dh says I hog the sheets and blankets... LOL He calls me the canopener, apparently I take the sheets with me every time I roll over, with is apparently often...:eek: I'd love to see your workout room too! Maybe when the kids are grown and independent, I'll get to have a workout room as well, that would be so much fun!

Rachel, I am sorry to hear about your back, it's a good call to take it easy and let it recover!

So the kids wanted to go to lunch at Chick-fil-a to celebrate their last day of school... it's funny the places they choose. Then we went splurged on dessert at our local french bakery...yum!

Workout was Cardio and Weights today. Always love that one!
Whew wee what a whirl wind of a Friday and Saturday! I agree Kim...I was going to say there is never enough time in a day and you took the words right out of my mouth.:p

Yesterday we got home and some friends wanted to come visit so I had to hurry and clean a little just because other wise the house would have been a total wreck...this way it was just semi wrecked:p.
They kept us up pretty late .
Today it has been non stop. You ever notice that you seem to run out of everything all at once. I'm talking laundry detergent, dogfood, cat littler and all the other major things...haha then I have to stock back up all the granola supplies and of course that store is about 25 miles or more from the house so I have been all over town and back to the house today for a mass cleaning. And now finally I am siting and don't plan on anything else happening till tomorrow. LOL It's funny, everything is clean around here but me.:p

My back feels so much better. I attribute it to Cathe's band stretch and no working out at all. Then of course this morning I wanted to test it out so I did a little Fusion and am feeling fine.

Patricia-I am interested in your review of P57 too. I always thought that looked like something I would like but am particular when it comes to instructors.
I will never go back to a queen size bed. No offense to dh but when its time to sleep I want all my space.;)

Cendrine-I almost fell out of my chair when I read the canopener bit.LOL Too funny! Yum Chik Fil A...I love their chicken biscuits but limit myself to a bite of dh's normally. I guess I really am southern...I love anything on a biscuit. LOL

Kim-I hope you enjoy your weekend.

Jo-I hope you are getting a little downtime from studying.

Have a great Saturday night.
We went on a 'colorful critters interpretive hike' from the open space preservation people in part of a park that isn't usually open to the public. The kids really enjoyed it and we got to see baby quail run after their parents and little baby bunnies as well as an assortment of bugs and birds and plants. It's starting to get dry now, but we were able to still see some greenery, it was fun to be out and the weather was beautiful!

Rachel, I find myself restocking everything all on the same shopping trip way too often... I don't know how it works but it does seem like everything seems to run out at the same time... LOL!

Dd told me today that she had started reading books at night after I put her to bed... Like mother, like daughter...LOL!

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