STS 2.0 Foam Rolling - Love it!

You people and your dogs! :p I love dogs but you gotta be home more for them so I became a cat owner when I was working as I'd feel too guilty leaving a dog for the long hours of working & commuting.) So I'm joining in with CAT love.:p

I lock the cat out of the room when working out for safety reasons for him & me. I let him in for stretching & recovery. He tries to "help" or join in or climb into my shirt if it opens - it is pretty funny :). He usually wants to play fetch, so he brings me his toys to throw & then chases them around the room & quietly places it next to me waiting for the next toss. He lays next to me in corpse pose all stretched out as tho he worked hard too - which he did by playing chase/fetch :D
Yay on Cat Love!!!

They pick the most inconvenient times to want to play!!! :)
True, but if I wasn't game, I wouldn't let him in. He sits quietly by the gate, waiting. He's learned to not bother coming downstairs until the end of the workout (maybe when the dvd is pulled out is his audio clue to come down). After we're done we play a little "hide n'seek" with his cat tents in the other room ... :cool:
Aqua girl, he is Shih Tzu Bichon, known as a Shichon. Our summers are hot, often into the 90's, and walking him on the pavement isn't going to happen. I take him to a park, but it's a short walk now, about 1 mile. (1.6 kilometers). He has no serious health issues, no arthritis, so I think I am very lucky.
you gotta be home more for them so I became a cat owner when I was working as I'd feel too guilty leaving a dog for the long hours of working
You are exactly right on that. I was lucky, cause I only live about a half mile from where
I worked, so I came home EVERY DAY at lunch for an hour to play, walk, etc. Let’s see,
before CoCo was Barney (a Pom) and he was 12 when he died, then CoCo 14 years, and
now Jack although I am home now..but roughly 26-27 years of never missing a lunchtime visit!!!
I love cats and dogs but with having to travel quite often for work I can't have pets. My old cat passed away 3 years ago, but before that it was getting really difficult to find someone to look after her at short notice. My neighbours have 2 cats who come over to visit occasionally. I'm the only neighbour they are friendly with. I don't feed them or let them in the house, but they still come over for cuddles.

I bought the mini mat through Amazon Australia; it was free shipping but when I compared the price to the US, I think shipping was built into the overall price. It was quite expensive, it ended up around $45 USD including shipping and tax, but it is really useful. Much easier to use than my full-size mat on the step. Unfortunately, the round mat is too expensive to ship. I would also like to get the micro-load gloves, but shipping costs just make them too expensive. I have 0.5kg and 1kg wrist weights that I use instead.
Of course, I had to look up the breed, :), and they are absolutely adorable….

Yes you are…. I think Jack has some arthritis, just like his “momma” :) so it takes us both
a little while to get moving in the mornings…
We love them while we have them. They are precious.
I give Bud glucosamine for dogs. He seemed stiff when he was 12, and we started him on it, and he's been on it ever since. He is blind but insists on going up the stairs himself so mobility is pretty good (down the stairs, no, he'd fall over himself).
There are lots of foam rolling workouts on YouTube. Jess P Fit has a Foam Roller Mobility and Recovery Stretching Flow that I've done a few times and it's pretty good. Sydney Cummings has quite a few different ones too and the ones I've done have been pretty good. Recently I've been doing some Tom Peto Training foam rolling workouts, but he also rolls his lower back which I was told you should never do. Unlike other parts of your body, you don't have surrounding bone structures in your lower back to help spread the load and you are rolling over your internal organs. He does say if you have disc issues to skip the lower back rolling. I either spend extra time on my glutes or upper back. April Plank also has a couple of Strength and Stretch Foam Roller workouts, but I haven't done these yet.
Caroline Jordan has a series of foam rolling on YouTube as well.

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