Hi Cathe, I have been working out to your videos for about 2 yrs. FitnessFreak (Debbi) has even been helping me. "bless her heart"
but I have been having a hard time getting motivated. I want to get in shape I have a strong desire but,I can't find what to do that i will stick with. Debbi made me a routine that was working well, I was doing something different everyday to your workouts from fit t.v. but I find if i skip a workout I will feel that i have to start over at the beginning. So.... I was wondering if I want to lose in my hips, abs, and butt area the most... "Of course i want to all over tone but those are my hard areas right now....will a routine of your KPC alternating with PLB and UPB benefit me? I am 40. Been working out basically since i was 15. but seems as i get older I am losing the will power! I feel i am in horrible shape. losing elasticity in my skin and I don't want that to happen. i need something that i will stick with. I think when i see results i will get more motivated. I also have your coremax videos which i love. Please help. Thanks sooo much Brenda