strong desire to get in shape


Hi Cathe, I have been working out to your videos for about 2 yrs. FitnessFreak (Debbi) has even been helping me. "bless her heart" :) but I have been having a hard time getting motivated. I want to get in shape I have a strong desire but,I can't find what to do that i will stick with. Debbi made me a routine that was working well, I was doing something different everyday to your workouts from fit t.v. but I find if i skip a workout I will feel that i have to start over at the beginning. So.... I was wondering if I want to lose in my hips, abs, and butt area the most... "Of course i want to all over tone but those are my hard areas right now....will a routine of your KPC alternating with PLB and UPB benefit me? I am 40. Been working out basically since i was 15. but seems as i get older I am losing the will power! I feel i am in horrible shape. losing elasticity in my skin and I don't want that to happen. i need something that i will stick with. I think when i see results i will get more motivated. I also have your coremax videos which i love. Please help. Thanks sooo much Brenda
Brenda- not Cathe but my thoughts...
In my mind you NEVER start back at square one - even if you miss a couple of workouts you are still more fit than you were before!
I try looking at the long term health & fitness benefits vs just outward appearance. I am 44 and although I think nature lets me cheat less these days without outward ramifications - I KNOW I am more fit than in my 20's of pure aerobic days w/ McDonalds & vino for dinner.
Yes consitency is key in working out but many people work out only 5 days a week. I believe the turning point for the outward appearance is A) The glow from within(HEALTHY) & B) NUTRITION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just some things to think on til Cathe can get here... also if you havent already try posting this in OD so you can get even more responses.
Hi Brenda,

Like Tracy said, you might try posting this in Open Discussion since there are so many knowledgeable people there that can give you some advice.

Like Tracy also said, don't think that you're starting back at square one if you miss a workout. Just do the workout you were going to do the following day when you can.

I'd also definitely encourage you to start doing some weights to help tone things up. The PLB/PUB set is good, but my favorite weight workouts of Cathe's are the Gym Styles series. It's expensive to purchase all three of them, but I've been seeing really good results while using them. I'm 36 and have started concentrating on lifting weights more in the past six months (I used to focus more on cardio), and I've noticed a big difference in how form my flab/skin is.

Hope this helps!
Thanks so much to you both for your support. I can use all i can get right now. Debbi also told me to use Gym Style. should of listened to her:) Thanks again Brenda

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