Stretch Max


I'm thinking about getting this one and want to know how everyone is planning to add this to rotations? Will it be once a week, after a shorter workout (maybe 30 minutes of cardio?) I really CAN'T spend much more than an hour working out. Not only do I not like taking that time away from my daughter, I start getting antsy and need to move on to something else.

I certainly can't commit to the entire Hardcore series at one time, so I'm trying to decide which ones to start out with.
All I can say is "good question". I am wondering the same thing about CoreMax or whatever the name of it is. I'd really like to know how others are planning to work these 2 workouts into their workout schedules. They both look great!
I do my cardio/strength workouts first thing in the morning. In the early afternoon I do a 20-30 minute yoga session each day, that focuses on flexibility. I work in my home office, so this is an afternoon pick-me-up. I will probably use one Stretch Max segment for three afternoons each week, instead of my usual yoga. I always have Sunday as a rest day, and do one of my hour-long yoga videos. So, I intend to do the entire Stretch Max workout on some Sundays, rotating in with my yoga videos.

With Core Max, I'll probably just use one segment to tack on after one of Cathe's cardios that don't have ab/core work included.

I'm really, really looking forward to Stretch Max. I find stretching so beneficial to muscle recovery and injury prevention. And it just feels sooooo good!

I'll probably use Stretch Max as an add-on to my regular workout, omitting the stretch portion of that workout. That would bring most of my workout times to about 1 hr, 15 min, which really isn't TOO much longer than an hour and, to me, the benefits of stretching are worth every one of those extra minutes. I often sub 15-20 min of yoga for the final stretch of a workout anyway.

Could you squeeze in the extra 15 minutes 2-3 times a week or could you do 20 minutes of Stretch Max later in the day as an activity you do with your daughter? (Not sure how old she is.) My 4-yr-old daughter loves doing child's pose and other light stretches with me.
Oh, and as far as Core Max goes, I'll probably sub it for the ab portion of whatever workout I do when I feel like it.
I'll use Stretch Max as either an add-on to other workouts that are short on the stretches, or in its entirety once a week.
I recall that Cathe has included a dedicated amount of time to stretch in at least one of her rotations in the past couple of months. I think it was for her July or August rotation, perhaps?

Also, I'm sure Cathe will provide us with a way to incorporate both the stretching and core tapes in the Hardcore related rotation once this series is released.

I am really looking forward to the 3 20 min stretch routines. Every stretch workout I own is at least 30 min. or more. These will be great for shorter add-ons after a workout. I may also do it in it's entirety once a week.

It's easy to fit it in, as is Core Max, espeiaally when you remember that flexibility is one of the three central factors of fitness.

Try a section twice per week after your cardio or strength training workout. You don't have to do the whole thing, just gradually work your way through the tape once or twice per week. You may have to eliminate a day's cardio or that third strength training session to devote a day to flexibility.

Alternatively: regard it as a treat, not a workout and work your way through the whole thing one evening instead of "relaxing" in front of the idiot box (TV), or on Sunday morning, instead of lounging in bed or devoting the whole morning to reading the papers.

Your choice. I think it may be the workout of the series that I am most looking forward to, and I shall be doing it any time of day when I just need to zone out. For me, it will not even be considered a workout: just a treat for my mind and body. I hope she's chosen soothing music!

Good question, I'm really glad she's doing the stretch video, when I get out of bed in the morning my calves are so tight, and I assume this has to do with my not doing enough stretching. I was thinking I would do the full workout once a week, in the evening in addition to my morning workout.

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