Stretch Max question and opinions


I'm thinking about purchasing Stretch Max and wanted to get opinions from everyone regarding how much you like it, use it, and how you use it. I want to use it mainly as a "before bed" stretch and relaxation, but noticed in the video description that you are supposed to be warmed up before using it. Your comments are appreciated!
Hi Paula,

I really like Stretch Max. It is better to stretch after you are warmed up so the muscles are more limber but I have done it without it. In Stretch Max 1, she does sun salutations in the beginning which is good to warm up with or you could do a warmup from one of her workouts and then do one of the routines. I like the first and second workouts - without equipment and the one with the ball but I feel like I don't get enough of a stretch with the one that uses the resistance band. I feel great after doing Stretch Max and I take it out quite often. I love to do the standing splits in SM1 and the one where you lay over the ball in SM2 which really stretches out my back. I would definitely recommend getting Stretch Max.

Funny, the one with the band is my favorite!! :) Stretch Max is really great to use once or twice a week. I feel all loosey-goosey after a good stretch. A good long stretch gets rid of all those little tight places you didn't realize were tight until you stretch. Get it. You won't regret it. :)

I use mine after a workout. I prefer to stretch when my muscles are warm.

Thank you both for your input! I'm returning another video that I didn't like from collage and will get Stretch Max as a replacement.

I like Stretch Max too. I particularly like SM1, with no equipment and SM3 with the band. In SM3 where she starts by using the band to stretch the calves, legs lying on the floor is sooo effective for the legs when you've been jumping and doing a lot of leg work. I sometimes use both of these in conjunction for an even greater stretch. I don't use SM2 that often as I haven't gotten the best stretch with that one.

I don't it is as effective as yoga, but it's good enough. It's worth it.

I like Stretch Max too. My favorite is #3, with the band. I particularly like it when my low back/hips are feeling tight. And I like the 2nd one with the ball when my arms/shoulders feel sore.

Overall, I use it more than I thought I would.
If you need stretching, this is good. I got it with the series and only lately have I used it much, due to a strained hamstring which needs more stretching. I use it after work and feel like I'm already warmed up from my work day. It's great for a good overall stretch and I sure do feel like a rubber band when I'm done:) My favorites are the ball and band, so each of us has our own favorite...lots to choose from!
I love stretch max and use it after I work out quite often. I get my whole family to do it. I like all three segments nnd couldn't tell you which is the best segment.

Thank you all so much for your comments. I just received Stretch Max in the mail and am dying to try it.

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