Stretch/Flexibility Tapes...


Hi...I'm interested in purchasing one stretch/flexibility tape to do on my "day off" from working out. I have to add that I dont like yoga at all so the tape I purchase would have to be strictly athletic type of stretches, with no yoga moves and no toning moves. Also, I've taken tons of anatomy classes so I dont necessarily need a tape that excels in added information on the particular muscle being stretched, but if that was included I wouldnt mind at all...just no yoga :) I just need a good quality athletic type of stretch and flexibility tape, anywhere from 25 to 40 minutes in length.

Thanks :)


P.S. I posted earlier regarding some info on a tape called PowerKicks by Aaron Lankford because I am also looking for a good kickboxing non Tae Bo tape and was wondering if this was a good, well taught, intense tape.
Hi Stacy,
I have Tamilee's new video " Beginners Stretch for Flexibility" which is around 25 minutes in length. It is more along athletic than yoga type moves. It is filmed in a nice Jamaica garden surrounding and is quite relaxing. It's usually around 8.99 in stores. Her other stretch video "Total Body Stretch" is actually filmed on a Jamaican beach I believe. So I might have to try that one too. I love beach settings for stretching!
I have to admit that I do not like anything about Yoga at this point and like just "plain" stretch tapes also.
Both of Tamilee's stretch tapes are very good. Karen Voight's Pure and Simple Stretch is about 30 minutes long and is also excellent. She really holds the stretches a good amount of time. Dyanamic Stretch by Candice Copeland is also good. She has three sections about 15 minutes floor, one standing...etc. I believe these are all that I have so I hope that helps you some!!

I also have Tamilee's new stretching videos. One is a 30 minute tape, the other is 3 10 minute segments. The only caveat is that she describes each muscle group at a very basic level (e.g. "this muscle on the back of your upper arm is called the tricep"). The tapes are described as beginner tapes, but the muscle description is the only part that a non-beginner might find irritating. I find I'm using these 2 tapes during the week & Scott Cole's "Millenium Stretch" on the weekend. His 60 min tape is definitely "new age" w/ yoga & tai chi influences.

I've had Voight's stretching tape forever & it is great except for her demeanor. She's very wooden in this tape which irritates some people. It's about 40 minutes.
Homestretch by Charlene Prickett is a great stretch tape with absolutely no yoga or new agey talk.

If supplementalsecurity is talking about Autonomy Stretch, I've herd that it is very yoga-like as the routine was developed by Bryan Kest who is known for his yoga tapes.

Here's Charlene's website

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