Strengthing question for Debbie


Hi Debbie,

I've been following your last two rotations and am loving them. I also saw the private rotation you did and I might try that one next month. I tend to be a bit heavier in my lower body and have noticed a loss of strength because I hate working my lower body, therefore I don't lift as heavy.

However my question is; How would I go about strengthing my weaker side? So I can complete the amount of reps /weights on my left side vs. the right. I especially noticed it doing concentration curls. I was able to complete 12 reps with 20lbs with my right arm, but could only complete 6 reps with the left. How can I even things out.

Thanks in advance for your help!!

Hi Dana!
If it were me, I'd train the weaker side with higher weights then the stronger side.

So for instance if you do concentration curls with 20# for the right arm, use 22# for the left and go to failure - even if it's only 3 reps. Do it this way with any dumbbell exercise until that arm catches up. Eventually, it should get as strong as your right side.

That said, I'm not exactly sure this is the "correct" way to fix this problem. You may want to google it and see what others have done.

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