

Hi All,

Would love your input into the benefits of Strength workouts, using weights, please ?

Yours confused and thankful

Anna :)
Oh, Anna there too many reasons to count! One is increase muscle mass will increase your matabolism(SP?) so you'll burn more calories even while at rest.
You will tone, tighten and lose inches. It gives you energy and stamina. I just feel so powerful when strength training.
The benefits are numerous. I've been training for 13 years and I will never stop!! :) Susan
Wow, Anna, now Strength is where it is at!! In my opinion, strength rules all other workout types. If you don't have the strength, you don't have anything!!! Why do you want to know?? Are you debating switching from endurance based workouts or what??
In addition to what others have already said: 1)strength training can maintain or increse bone density, 2) you can remain independant longer by increasiing or maintaining your strength for now (lifting 50# bags of bird seed or pet food) and in the future(think of how many people in their 70s are unable to lift even a grocery bag); 3) strong muscles help keep joints safe by keeping things tracking right, and absorbing the stress that otherwise might be put on the joints themselves; 4) muscle is full and round and curvy, and looks much better than lumpy fat.
Hey Anna:

Strength training (building muscle) is what keeps you young!
Every year (after 35) you lose muscle - you NEED to put it back on! Of course good nutrition is unbelievably important but a workout program needs to contain cardio, weights, and some form of stretching (yoga, pilates etc.) They all work together to make you healthy and gorgeous!!!
Thanks everyone for your input,

I quite often forget about the benefits of strength/weight training, so it is nice to have a reminder every now and then. Sometimes, I feel I am wasting my time with strength, and that I should be doing cardio instead, but then I realise that my inch loss is better with weights, than cardio can ever do, and I can lift heavy boxes now without grimacing, and of course evry lb of muscle you have burns 13 calories, whilst a lb of fat only burns 4 calories, or something like that. And you only have to look at all the benefits of strength training that you have all listed.

I just find it hard to work out fat burning routines, I have been kind of sticking at 4 cardio days a week (and I use Cardio Kicks, Imax, Cathe's step videos, and doing 1 day of PH (with the Imax 1 warm up), and another day of MIS. This set-up has been really good, and I enjoy it.
But, what confuses me is the vids like Circuit Max, which is part strength/and cardio, is this classed as Endurance ? And again, Cathe's new video like Cardio and Weights ? Is Cross Training Cardio or Endurance ?
I am getting the CTX series next week, it will be arriving in the post, and what I am wondering is, the way in which it is used, one video each day, with one rest day, how can you get away with doing the strength bits every day ? Is it because you work a different body part each day ?

I suppose if you look at it, the three different workout terms all complement each other, one needs to work with the other. For example, weight training helps with the inch loss, and toning, and cardio helps burn the fat, in turn giving a leaner, lighter healthier body.

Well, I am not making much sense to myself now, so I am not going to waffle on anymore. But thankyou once again for helping me see that strength work is not a waste of time, it was just the kick up my butt, I needed !

Anna :)

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