Strength training styles. . push/pull, supersets, etc.


New Member

Well, you finally have me in a 6 week habit. . . thanks!!

I have been doing the following:

Cardio/Elliptical, 5-6 days a week
Doing Gym Style upper body workouts on 2 day splits plus lower body
Doing Muscle Max 1 day week.
Doing Pilates/1 day week

Would you please explain the difference between push/pull, supersets, all body workout lifting syles. I understand that I will be changing the routines(i.e., types of exercise for each muscle group) every 4 to 6 weeks and that's fine. But I don't understand if I have to change the type of lifting style. I read about Pyramids, Muscle Endurance, etc. and honestly, the more I read, the more I get confused.

I actually have put myself first for a change . . just sent the oldest child off to college and it seems like I have more time. . . not having all his laundry helps. I would just like to keep this habit growing and going strong. Thanks for all you do!

I am not cathe but here is what i do.
I do 1-week pyramids
1-week gym style
1-week slow and heavy
1-week an older one pure strength.
Thay all have different type exercises.
I am getting better results.
I throw cardio in every other day or so.
I am sooooo sore today it is not even funny.
I think it confuses your muscles so they don't get used to the same type of exercise.
Depends on the results you want.
Good luck.
RE: Strength training styles. . push/pull, supersets, e...

Christy, thank you I am not the only one who gets confused with so many different types of workouts regarding all the different wieght workouts, so many options. I have all the PS, GS, ME, MIS, PH, PLB and PUB, but I don't have SS or the Push Pull, I am curious what do they have offer that is different than what I have and if I need them, of course any excuse to buy more cathe is great!!! I hope Cathe see this and give us some insight!

Thank you in advance

Jennifer :) :) :)
RE: Strength training styles. . push/pull, supersets, e...

Bumping, I would really love a explanation of the differences of the weight workouts, thanks! Bumping again
RE: Strength training styles. . push/pull, supersets, e...

Since Cathe has no doubt seen this thread (and the others), maybe asking this question in one of the other forums would get more of a response.
RE: Strength training styles. . push/pull, supersets, e...

I have thought about it, but this is the Ask Cathe forum, and it is a question pertaing to her workout videos, it is not off the subject, and i would really appreciate her answer, it would be so helpful.

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