Those are total guesses since it seems that the majority of Cathe videos are about 12-16 reps, which I would consider for endurance. I initially thought Gym Styles was for STRENGTH, however I tried doing GS right after I finished STS and used the heavier weights I was using towards the end of STS and could not keep up the speed or the number of reps that were used in Gym Style, so now I am wondering if GS is actually endurance?
STS Total Body, Pyramid, 4DS, CTX, etc I also don't know how to categorize. Ugh....see why I just went back and repeated STS?
Hey Gobias, I remember SNM commented on the idea of strength vs. endurance recently. Here's a link to the thread, which also includes links to some of Cathe's newsletter articles:
In that thread, he says 8-12 is the range for growth. But I think the takeaway is anything 12 or under is going to be more muscle building/strength-based, with the idea being that fewer reps lead to greater strength since you can lift heavier and really tax the muscle. I've seen non-Cathe programs that outline as few as 4 reps per set to gain strength.
So, under that definition I think you're right--most of Cathe's weight workouts are endurance workouts. The strength workouts that come to mind are: STS Meso 2, STS Meso 3, PS, XTrain Burn Sets. I'm on the fence about whether 4DS and Slow and Heavy would qualify since, if I remember correctly, some of the sets have 15 reps. I do believe the Ripped w/HiiT weight workouts will qualify as strength, based upon the descriptions Cathe has given on the new workouts. XTrain Legs would not be in the strength category, neither would Muscle Max (too many high rep and pulsing moves, I think).
It can definitely be confusing, and if I'm wrong I hope somebody calls me out on it!
ETA: I forgot to mention Pyramid and CTX. I think Pyramid would be strength. I haven't done CTX in a while so I can't remember well enough to categorize it!
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