strange experience


New Member
Dear Cathe and others: I have had something really strange happen to me 2x now. I am very fit and in-shape and am able to perform hour-long, intense exercises. However, on 2 different days (a few weeks apart), I had started to exercise one of my routines, and my body started tensing up and I felt like all the energy had been drained out of me. I literally thought I was going to fall over and had to stop exercising. Keep in mind I eat 3 healthy meals every day, I wasn't sick, I wasn't hot, and I had only been exercising for a few minutes when it happened. Also, I only exercise a few times a week. What in the world is this? It's scary.
Hi Erin! Obviously nobody can know for sure, but the first thing that comes to mind is that your sugar level dropped too low (which seems odd since you say it happens after only minutes of starting). But since it has happened twice now, I would record exactly what you were doing when you noticed it and your food intake for that day plus the night before. Take in your sleep pattern, your stress level, your water intake, how long the episode lasts, etc. These are all things that are very helpful to give to a specialist should you decide to go to one. Keep us posted.
Thanks for your quick reply. What can I do to keep my sugar from dropping too low? I have often suspected that I have hypoglycemia (I have the symptoms), but when I went to be tested, it came back negative. Thanks for your help, as this is a worrisome problem and has been for some time.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jun-20-02 AT 04:31PM (Est)[/font][p]Over on the Open forum, there is a thread entitled "blood sugar and exercise", that might be related to your experience. It's kind of short, but, could give you some food for thought, and, it mentions some related articles.

Hope this helps.


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