Storms & Road Trips


Hey all, I feel awful now about posting such a negative thread. :( We had such a fantastic time & I would feel horrible if it might cause someone to think twice about coming on a RT! I would endure many, many thunderstorms, soaked clothing and delayed planes before I'd ever give up coming to see you all again. PLEASE know that the end of my weekend does not indicate at all my feelings for a fabulous RT! :D
The stuff in my suitcase was also wet but not as bad as yours. Despite the delay at the airport, I would do the road trip all over again. I hope Cathe is able to do it next year.

Debbie, I am so sorry you had such a tough time. I hope that you feel better soon. I think that a lesson came out of this experience, though; you all need to add something to your packing list: plastic baggies for all luggage contents! :)
Jillybean's RT return flight adventure!

Hi, all! I can't get my old forum account to work, so 'WormwoodScrubs' is the Cathelete formerly known as Jillybean. In any event, here is a Reader's Digest version of my return flight/s from Philly to Minneapolis:

On Sunday night my flight was cancelled. The earliest thing they could get me was a flight out to Chicago at 1:40 p.m. on Monday then a flight from Chicago to Mpls at 4:30 p.m. Being the cheapskate I am, I decided to not stay at the Marriot and sleep at the airport! Hah! Someone forgot to tell me that lights and people and noises fill airports 24/7. I got no sleep.

Yesterday my 1:40 flight was delayed due to a maintenance issue. We boarded at about 2:45 p.m. and sat on the tarmac for 2 hours before the pilot finally said, “Folks, I’m just not comfortable with the way this plane is performing, we’re gonna have to de-board and try to get a new plane,” (a decision I am glad he made!). Everyone got off the plane and we waited for a new one.

I went to ticketing and the agent said she had no flights straight into Mpls but told me I could get on the ‘new’ plane to Chicago and could then take a connecting flight from Chicago to Mpls at 10:45 p.m. on Monday night. Woo hoo! I finally flew out of Philly at 6:30 last evening. I got to Chicago at 8:00 p.m. My 10:45 flight was delayed (by then I was completely unfazed by the word "delay") but I finally landed in Minnesota at 12:45 this morning!

Would I go on the road trip again? In a heartbeat!!! I'm just glad these snafus happened on the way home and NOT on the way to Jersey!! Thank goodness that "What you do to one side, you do to the other" does not apply to air travel!

It was awesome meeting all of you - thanks for making this weekend such a fantastic one!!
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That storm was certainly dramatic. I was wondering what it must have felt like from the inside of an airplane! I'm glad you finally made it home.

For anyone else who wants to see the rainbow, here's a photo:

that I snapped with my phone from the airport window.


Wow!! What a beautiful sight! Thank you for sharing that! :)

Sunday's weather was really extraordinary. We haven't seen any storms like that here in quite a while. My husband and I were driving home from Atlantic City during the storms and it was SCARY! I'm glad to know that those of you who traveled here for the RT did indeed arrive back to your homes safely. :)

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