

New Member
Dear Cathe,
I would like to know where to get the platform you use on top of the blocks of your step to make it into a stool in your video "Strong legs and Abs". I have the Step : IF you colud give me an address...
I love your videos
Not Available

It is not for sale. They were a prototype and have not or probably will not be produced for the public. Most of us just go KMart or somewhere similar and buy a step stool.
You can make your own

The mini toppers used in the PS series were made from full sized Step Co. steps. If you were able to find a used step at a garage sale or a used sporting goods store, you could make your own. The instructions are posted at You have to go to the forum and do a search on "mini topper." There are pics of mine after it was finished in the Open discussion forum here at Cathe's web site. If you have trouble finding them, feel free to email me and I'll send them to you. I've been really happy with mine. Good luck!


Somebody PLEASE tell me that I am not the ONLY one in the world who saw this thread and thought it was about bowel movements!!!!

Pardon me, I am the mother of preschoolers, so bowel movements are pretty important around here. We all have to gather round the potty for a party when my littlest one produces a "creation", she is so excited. She has been potty-trained for 6 months but has never lost the joy!!
and. . . .

(forgive me, Eugenia, for doing this to your thread. . . ) What I would say to my kids is "that's nice honey, but let's not talk about it here and now"

Don't tell them I posted about it on the internet for all the world to see.
YES Susan!!

I stopped down at my husband's business and while waiting on him to finish up with a customer, I got online to catch up on "My Cathe" for the day. The 1st. post I came upon was "STOOL"!!! I thought the same thing & here's my hubby with a customer standing right behind me! My 1st. though was, Oh my, I hope they don't think it means that kind of STOOL. Hee-Hee!
You were not alone. Thanks Eugenia, you made our day!
At my desk with tears running down my face

Trying not to laugh out loud. You most certainly are not alone. That's what I thought when I saw Stool. However when I came to your message, it just made my day. Thank I needed that!
Me too!

Too funny! With three young boys in the house, "bathroom talk" is big here and gets lots of giggles. That is the first thing I thought about when I saw Stool.
mommy brain at work

I too thought it was a bm topic. Hmmm constipation because of exercise? what could be the problem I thought?
OK, be honest....

you all still clicked on the thread hoping to find some great new exercise tips regarding "stools"... in the bm sense of it... LOL!...I did!

Is regular exercise good...or does exercise make you regular

Yes, Nancy, I did too!

What a funny thread & how funny that so many of us thought of the same thing! And I would have to say that I think regular exercise does help to make me more regular!

Good laughs on this one!

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