Actually, I wasn't quite sure what to entitle the subject matter of my post. I want to really lean out my upper body, but I have been having a very sore shoulder for the past couple months. It is actually very tender to the touch( on the bone itself). I haven't gone to the doctor, as I prefer to try to heal myself. However, due to this pain and stiffness, I haven't been able to do my usual heavy workouts- PUB,CTX. If I were to go medium to light in weight, will it make a difference in my tone. Can someone suggest a workout? I have almost every dvd that Cathe has made. I would also like to lengthen and lean out my legs, as I played soccer for many years and have a tendency to have muscular legs. I guess I just want to completely transform myself from a short, muscular woman into a still short, yet appearing to be not-so-short, dancer-type woman. I tried pilates, even with weights, but I just felt flabby (yet was very skinny). Oh, it would be so nice to be content with who I am. Sorry for the rambling everyone. I just put the kids to bed and needed to ramble. Thanks for reading!