stepping in circles


New Member
I just tried the power max dvd and max intensity. I felt alittle lost with the stepping part i hope i start getting it and start liking it soon! Did anyone feel the same way starting out with stepping? Cory bugg.
Oh heck yeah! I was tripping over my feet, tripping over the step, falling off the step, etc. Heck, some days I still wobble a bit on certain moves, like the reverse scoop, there are days the balance just isn't quite there! :)

But you'll catch on! And Cathe's moves have a way of sneaking up on you. One day after 4 or 5 times of not being able to do a move, suddenly, you do it! You're not quite sure how, but you did, and you do from then on! :)

It'll come, be patient with yourself. Sometimes too, I notice if I really listen to her cue I'll figure the moves out. It's easy to get overwhelmed when you see them leaping and sashaying all over the place! :)

Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!
No one could possibly be more lost on a step than I was. A few months ago, I went from never stepping to Cathe's Cardio Hits dvd.
I just worked on one or two sections at a time until I 'kind of' got it. Not concentrating so hard and listening more to Cathe's cuing like Donna said helped too. Trust me, it will come to you.

Hi Cory! Oh, indeed I was "stepping in circles". LOL Boy oh boy, some of those moves need to be done numerous times before a light bulb goes off and you smack yourself in the head and say, "DUH"!!!!! Trust us, it'll come! Be persistant, but most of all, be patient! And keep a humorous attitude. If you end up on the wrong side of the step, either rewind it and try again, or just laugh and hop on over to the correct side and press on. :D :D :D Good luck!!!

Yes, it takes a couple of times to get it often, even if you are used to Cathe's choreography, but your first tapes are often frustrating.

The good thing is, the challenging choreography makes it more fun once you get it, less boring when you're doing the same step tape for the 50th time. So, keep on keeping on to get over "Beginner's Hump". It's worth it.
Hang in there, Cory. Just keep at it. This is Miss Two-Left-Feet talking. It is sooo worth the learning curve. I thought at times maybe Candid Camera was hiding in my workout room when I first started stepping. Now, I have to say, it is my fav form of working out. Don't give up. If you feel like you are not getting an intense enough workout, do another workout and then tack on 10-15 minutes of a step tape to work on. That way, you don't feel cheated in the intensity factor. You also might want to consider doing an easier Cathe tape that is not quite as choreo-challenging, such as, the Wedding vid or MegaStepBlast. Good Luck & have fun!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
If you are starting out stepping with Cathe, you are one brave soul! It takes a while for step moves to become comfortable, and for you to be able to follow them easily. I started step with Kathy Smith and some other more basic tapes and didn't get into Cathe until I had mastered the basic moves and could do them automatically.
I am new to replying to this forum but have been working out at home for 19 years and when step first started it was alot less complicated but as the years went by the choreography became more complex which in my opinion makes it much more fun to do for a long time. Cathe is definitely the best instructor. I have tried many. Started with Charlene Prichett ,The Firm lots of others. I believe I have all of Cathes tapes. I buy all her new videos I just ordered mine and am looking forward to them coming. I know they will kick my Butt as I have been Treadmilling and doing pushups for about 6 months. My goal was to work up to 100 pushups 4 sets of 25 these are the real pushups I made it but it is hard I must say they kept me good and strong as I recently started to do MIS and could lift as heavy as always PUSHUP gotta Love them Now if I oculd clean up my eating I may to also be able to shed the last 10 pounds but that is really hard with 3 teenage boys who can ,and do, eat anything and stay very thin.But I work the night shift on the weekends and 1 night a week so I have lots of time during the week while the children are at school. It is so much fun to read this site I can't believe I have never taken the time to write and respond I am kind of computer free which is funny since I am a computer operator. Okay I replied once before about the Cathe Treadmill workout so if anyone knows it I would Love it I like to treadmill and watch Regis and Kelly every morning 1 hour flies by when you are watching TV
Thnaks Lisa
corybugg Lauren, thanks for your helpfull feedback. Glad to hear that not everyone gets it the first few times. I well press on and keep at it! corybugg.
Hollie, thanks for the modivationial info. I will continue even though i look like a compleat idiot. thanks corybuggg
Lisa, WOW sounds like your experinced stepper. I do think tis hard at first, but yesterday was my first time. i have to keep at it. I also loved running on the treadmill, but i feel i dont challange myself enough its to easy to stay at your comfort level. Im hoping these new dvds are going to make it more exciting. Thanks for the info lisa.
Debbie, thanks for your great feedback. Its nice to be able to talk to someone who has been there. I will keep trying hopfully i will be a steppin fool like the rest of you gals.
There is a website some wonderful person on here made up for us with all Cathe's rotations on it and the treadmill workout is on that too. Its on my other computer and I don't know the link right now but if someone can help us out and post it that'd be super good.

Hi Yes I too went back to stepping this past week after lots of treadmilling feels hard as ever but a good challenge my calvesare the sorest I did Interval max MY new tapes will arrive on Monday so we shalll see it will be a nice change

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