Step workouts!


Hi everyone...I'm sure this question probably has been asked before...but I'd like some opinions. I just LOVE Step Blast and Imax2...I've tried Rhythmic Step once and like that one as well...though I'm gonna have to work on it a little,'s my question: Since I love SB and Imax2 so much, would it behoove me to go ahead and get the older step workouts (Cardio Hits and Classic Hits DVD's)? Will I love 'em just as much? I've really grown fond of stepping since I found out it was so much fun! :) Thanks!
Hi, I'd say go ahead and get the DVDs. The old workouts are just as fun :)! I love Step Fit and Power Max (my favorite move is the Pendulum). Step Fit was my first Cathe workout and I always return to it even after owning some of Cathe's new ones. I own Cardio Hits and I often mix and match the chapters to get a good workout.
Cardio Hits definitely!

I've done PowerMax so many times, I'm surprised it still plays:p Love, love, love this particular workout along with StepFit. Haven't done StepWorks enough times to comment though.

PowerMax is my joint favourite along with StepBlast and IMAX 2. I'd say get the DVD, you won't regret it!
I'd get Powermax, Step Works DVD,, but I wouldn't go back in time any further than that. I use these two regularly, they still pack a punch. Powermax is one of Cathe's own favourites. It has great music, the moves really fit it so well, each combo is stacked with plyo moves and the whole thing is as near perfect a cardio workout as you can get!

But the older stuff is pretty dull, dated, boring music and outfits to die laughing at!

Sorry if that sounds harsh.......

I'd also say get Cardio Hits; I'm actually about to get that one also. I love the same workouts as you do but from the video clips would pass on the classic hits DVD.

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