Step is awesome!!!!!!!!!!


I just did step jam last night and all I can say is WOW!!
This has got to be one her funnest step video out there.
The music is so motivating and Cathes cueing on this tape is nothing but perfect.
Now I had my dh hook up the vcr to our sound system
and I turned up the music and I felt like I was in a club can you say party on a step!
I was dancing and twirling and jumping over the step I had a great time.
If working out can be this much fun then I'm going to enjoy getting in shape.

Angie~I guess we can say you are officially "hooked"! Count me as one who never was too excited about step til I gave Cathe a try. Have fun. The tapes just get better & better. Wait til you can master Rhythmic Step. Talk about a party on the step! (This coming form Miss "Two-Left-Feet".) Have fun and party-on!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Ha!

Oh Angie welcome to step addiction! HA HA. It's the only way to fly if you ask a lot of us here. I know I'm hooked on it. Just love it. AND, Cathe is the best.

What other Cathe vid's do you have or which ones do you plan to try next? Step Jam is one I like a whole lot too. Power Max is a riot!!

RE: Ha!

I think I'm going to try step fit next
cause I just got it in a trade.
I really look forward to my work outs now.
I have the wedding tape and mega step blast they are both
good workouts.
I am also going to start a PS rotation Next week.
I get so excited planning my workouts.
I'm glad I'm not the only one that feels this way.
The Firm has never made me this estatic.
I use to be an old Firm believer till I completely burned out on them. I guess I needed a change and Cathe was it.
I will go back to Firm sooner or later.
But now I've got the best of both worlds as they say.
Oh that is one of my favorites too! I love the 3rd section so much! I wish I could do that one every day! What other Cathe tapes do you have?
I'm fairly new to Cathe as well. This is one of the few cardio workouts I have. I absolutely love it. It is so much fun. I love the music.


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