Step&Hi/Lo 90 min. Premix from SB/SJP


I've done this premix twice. I love it and can complete it without breaks or feeling like I'm going to die. My calorie burn was 1073 today. Is that healthy? I know my HRM is set correctly for my age (19) and wt.
Also how is this premix classified? Can I sub it for MIC or Imax when they come up in your monthly rotations?

~Reece Out~
I don't have the answer to your question, but what does this workout entail? I've always wanted to try it but never have the time. Can you briefly run down is in this premix?
Thanks in advance!
Debbie in OH
Step Jump& Pump warmup, combos 1,2,3,4; Hi/Lo 1,2,3,4; Step Blast combo 1,2,3; StepBlast Challenge. In that order. Its a good challenge.
Thanks, I might do this one on Thanksgiving since I'll be pigging out all day. Also, I don't think you have to worry about how many calories you burned doing this workout. I think its great, I'd love to get over 400 calories burned in a workout and I hardly ever reach that point. How much do you weigh if you don't mind me asking. How tall are you? And you said you were 19 right?
Debbie in OH
I'm 5'5, 140 lbs. My weight flucuates between 139-145 through out the month. I know 140 sounds heavy for my height, but I am lean and small looking even though I have broad shoulders. My measurements: bust:36 1/2in. waist:26in. hips: 37 1/2 in. Almost to my goal. Just working on definition right now.

I would still like to know if I can sub this premix for MIC and Imax.
Hey Reece,
I think it would be a great substitute for MIC or IMAX, thanks for posting this info, I forget about the premixes, I'm going to do this one too Thursday!!!

" My treasures do not chink or glitter, They gleam in the sun and neigh in the night" - Bedouin Proverb
" On the rail at a show walk!"
FirmDancer- If you build your aerobic base you can handle workouts like this and you will see superior performance in everything else you do!

I hope you gals enjoyed this premix as much as I did! I can't wait till it comes up in my rotation again!

~Reece Out~
well i was disapointed in this premix.. i did it this morning after reading this thread and some others (where they had chosen this for thanksgiving morning)... i only burned 528 calories... i would much rather spend my time doing a workout i enjoy more (i.e. the guantlet (482) or the viper (489) .. or even the complete SJP (419)!)

i used a 6" step as i do for all cathe step... and yet still... only 528 calories :-( :-( :-(

oh well.. that's why we come here.. to get ideas from others to try...
That is a high cal burn for your range. I went back and looked at my cals for certain workouts.
The Guantlet- 869
The Viper- 872
Legs and Glutes- 563

Don't be disappointed. That workout is an accomplishment.
I personaly would not sub it for MIC. I don't feel like it is near that intensity level. It is long in duration and moderately intense in my opimion. I really like this one though. I do this quite often.
Diane Sue
Would it just be better to order the MIC DVD? I do want Rhythim Step b/c I love Step Blast. I might as well get the DVD.

~Reece Out~
I like to do MIC hi/lo, with SJP hi/lo and circuit segment (plus abs). this is a great workout about 75-80 min. Great cardio!:7
Yes, I would definitely go for MIC. It is a long tough cardio workout. Rhythmic Step is a lot of fun.
Diane Sue
How do you measure your calorie burn? I did't know that was possible. How do you know exactly how many calories you've burned after a workout?

Marla, most HRM come with a calorie per hour burn. I know mine starts showing the amt of cals I'm burning when my heart rate goes over 100 bpm. They all vary in bells and whistles, though.


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