Step height


When you started out with Cathe tapes, did you use the same step height they use in the video? I think it's 8", right?
Hi Dc!

When I first started with Cathe I did use an 8" step which is what Cathe uses in her older tapes. I found most of the time that it was fine but on days that I lacked energy, I found that several times I would not clear the step completely. Luckily, I have never fallen, but I have learned to be wise & listen to my body. If I'm tired I lower my step to 6" and I find that my heart rate still stays up there. Sometimes, I actually think I work harder when it is lower because I don't have to concentrate as hard to keep from tripping. I guess my point is, just do what is good for you. Trust me, you're fitness level will not fall if you have to lower it. Have fun with your new tapes! :D Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
When I first started, I was new to step and used 8" for the first two sections and dropped to 6" for the last section. Then, when I was comfortable with the last section I just kept it at 8" for the whole workout. Like Debbie H. said, though, it's best to do what feels right for you!
I have always used a 6" step with Cathe's videos. You're gonna work up a major sweat and get a great cardio workout regardless if you use a 6" or 8" step. A few weeks ago, Cathe herself even mentioned (in a post somewhere on this forum) that she had switched to a 6" step herself. I can't remember why she said that she switched. For myself, seems like I can give it my all as far as intensity with a 6" step, whereas with an 8" step, I spend too much time trying not to trip up and I end up with a less intense workout. I guess my point is, use what you're comfortable with. I find 8" very uncomfortable. Happy stepping!

I use 8" for all non-Cathe videos, and some of Cathe's videos. For most of Cathe's videos, I use 6", because it is more comfortable for my calves. I'm wondering if this has anything to do with bpm (beats per minute). Does anyone know the average bpm for each of Cathe's step tapes? I know that Bodymax is VERY fast, and Powermax is much slower. Is there a list out there somewhere?

Sandi M.
Just want to add I think your own height and body proportion make a difference, too.
I am 5' 3'' with a long body and short legs and have been doing step now since the early 90s. I have always used a 6' step for choreography. I only go to 8" for long lunge or plyo series...reason being the times I went up to 8 my joints got sore and I seem to hurt myself. Instead of increasing my height, I increase propulsion and upper body (intensity arms). :)

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