Step Blast/Fast Feet Repeater


Help! I cannot get the timing down on the fast feet repeater. It looks so easy watching it. Executing it is a different story.
I don't have any specific advice for you, but wanted to let you know that you're not alone. It took me "forever" to get it. I just kept trying it and one day it clicked -- I was so happy! And even knowing that I can do it, doesn't always guarantee success with it on any particular day. Some days it's there, some days it's not.

Have you tried watching it in slow motion? Also, I know on any move like that, I have to keep my core very tight and be very light on my feet.
I agree, some days it's there and others....Not! I am an elephant on the step, not light on my feet at all! But I love to do step regardless. I usually end up laughing at myself. I love to watch Cedie...she just flows :)
I was wondering, is this the same thing as "straddle taps" in Imax2? Just wondered if she calls them something else in different videos. Well, I've had Imax2 for years and i cannot get it(the straddle taps)! I look like an elephant trying to dance...

The rest of Imax2 -- no problem! :D
Try this: instead of concentrating on getting your feet to move so quickly, sink down and back a bit, taking some of the weight off your feet and shifting it toward your rear, and think about bringing your knees up instead. For me it's easier to execute it as an upward motion with the knees, instead of a downward motion toward the feet.
Thanks, Dayna. I never thought of doing it that way. I'll give it a shot.

To the other post, yes, these are called straddle taps in IMAX 2 (just more of them).

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