Hi all - I saw a step at Walmart (on the website). It's called a Super Step Bench System. Is this the step from the step company? Would I still need a mini step if I purchased this? It sells for $68.00. Thanks for your help
The step I'm seeing from Wal-Mart is 40" long (could have been a typo on their part) as The Original Step from the Step Co. is 43" long. I don't know if this is the same one you are referring to. With extra risers, you wouldn't need the High Step as you can use this bench for leg presses (with extra risers)as well as weight work. Also, take a look at this link: http://www.fitness1st.com/steps-benches.html (This one is the original)
When you said Super Step, it could be the ones Cathe uses in Power Hour/Slow and Heavy. I think they are not meant for aerobic stepping with the risers on. You could use the platform only for aerobic stepping.
For aerobic stepping, I recommend The Step. The same one Cathe uses in all her aerobic step videos... some with different colors. Try www.fitness1st.com... $65 + shipping.
The High Step is used as a stool and leg presses. It only uses a stack of risers so you could adjust it to different heights. The regular step (aerobic step) uses 2 stacked risers on each end of the platform.