Steer Me in the Right Direction Please.


Active Member
Bought about 25 of your videos because heard you would offer me a challenge. Have wasted tons of money on videos that hardly make me break a sweat! So far I've done about three of your videos which I found to be so so, (I found the exercises to be so common, i.e., b.o. rows, bicep curls, stomach crunches, lateral raises, presses...). I find that there is no creativity in those moves and I'm looking for creative exercises that let me work several muscles at one time, i.e. a shoulder exercise that incorporates a lateral left, press and a very slow eccentric contraction connecting both moves (per tamilee webb in her 'building tighter assets' video) or a lateral raise and hammer curl at the same time, i.e., the firm. Last night I did "slow & heavy" legs & shoulders for the first time. Awesome workout. I have about 15 others to do, so i'm hoping i find more creativity and challenge in those. I did do one of your videos where you did a lot with the ball, i.e., foot on ball while doing curls, leg lifts on the ball.... That was great. That is what I'd like to see more of. Creativity that CHALLENGES! Anything else is a waste of money. Reebok Step Challenge is another video that kicks my behind - as simple as the choreography is, it is hard!! I look forward to doing the rest of your videos but if anyone can offer me some short cuts as to what of Cathe's will offer me what I'm looking for, I'd love to hear it.
Which ones have you done that you found to be so-so? I think the one you might have done with many exercises with the ball might have been Pyramid Lower Body. Gym Style Legs is also a tough leg workout. She uses the resistance band in this one. Also, the other Gym Styles are challenging and use the resistance band. They may have some of the same moves but the different counts make it difficult. Push Pull has some different exercises (some of which are done on the ball, e.g, preacher curls). I just did High Step Training Advanced this morning and it is a killer workout. It has some compound moves in it and some different moves like decline pushups, tricep overhead extensions with static lunges, one-arm side lateral raises, hammer curls with back lunges and chest flies while doing hamstring and glute tucks and cross over pushups walking side to side across the high step. If you tell us what you have, maybe we can point you in the right direction. Hope this helps.

I had this whole thing typed out about each weight w/o …. And changed my mind.
Cathes w/o’s are very different from each other. They do have creativity. But maybe for me and most of us here, we are HOME exercisers who normally would not do a barbell pullover, or a clean and press w/o Cathe’s assurance. Even her ab routines vary. I guess you just need to try them before making such statements.
I really do look forward to your comments in the coming days or so.
I too looked forward to your clarification as to which videos you considered to be "so-so". It is difficult to make recommendations to you without it. We all know that some of Cathe's workouts are harder than others and you can find that info in the "Guide to Cathe Workouts" on this forum.
For starters , you are not going to bring on a big sweat with weight training, unless you are doing legs.
Aparantly you don't have the gym styles.

Also weight work is not exactally creative. It is found that certain exercises work. Certain exercises 80 % of people can't do due to injury or strain.If you want to do your push ups on a ball , do it. Add the prop. Do bench presses on the ball.
I prefer stability with the amount of weight i lift. I don't need to fly off a ball with 50# in my face.You are not doing shoulder presses and squats at the same time with 60 lb either, unless you are a man.

If you are looking for functional fitness these are not totally for you.These are more hard core less dancy, whuch aparantly many of us like.

Cathe is more cardio, muscle building and endurance. I personally like them
Try Imax 3, if it doesn't kick your butt i will eat it....
Perhaps Cathe's weight workouts are just not your cup of tea. They are often very traditional exercises. You might find more of what you like in High Step Training: Advanced; Push/Pull and Supersets (these last two use the stability ball a lot).

Otherwise, it sounds like Tony Horton (P90X, Power 90 Masters Sculpt 5-6, Core Synergistics), Tracie Long (her TLT series), Jari love (Get Ripped to the Core) are more what you describe as liking.
I have to echo what the others have said, especially since I've been doing pretty serious weight training at a gym for 17+ years.

The basic moves and ranges of each body part are pretty much the same, therefore exercises vary very little & there isn't much room for creativity. I've actually asked Cathe questions about specific body parts & she's given me great responses that include exercises I haven't seen in my years of exercise experience, so I would argue that she is very creative, not to mention very knowledgable. However, she's putting out workouts for use by exercisers at a variety of levels so cannot tailor to individual needs.

The compound exercises you refer to likely will not be found in Cathe's workouts b/c they are more functional fitness as opposed to traditional weight training. Compound exercises can lean out your body and strengthen your core, but they're not designed for muscle building because they don't focus on one specific muscle (for example, if you have a lateral raise exercise combined with a bicep curl, your bicep is stronger than your shoulders, therefore you might get a good shoulder workout but you'll sell your bicep workout short).

On the cardio side, she is without a doubt the most creative home instructor out there. I have yet to take a class at my gym that comes anywhere near her intensity or fun factors.

I would suggest that if you want creative, compound weight training you hire a trainer who can tailor a workout for your needs/desires.
Turn on the music and do your own workout since you already have such great ideas. Why did you buy so many workouts that you already consider to be so so? Watch a clip and you have a pretty good idea of what the workout will be like. Another idea, keep doing the Firm, Tamilee Web, and try the TLT's but you will only be able to go so heavy with the Firm and the TLT's and I always need to come back to Cathe for heavier lifting since I'm not a member of a gym. I'm surpised the Firm and Tamilee Web makes you break a sweat if Cathe workouts don't make you break a sweat. Good luck!

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