Static Lunges - Am I doing this right?


Hi Cathe,

Although I'm not new to weight training, I'm new to static lunges. When I do them, I feel the glute in the forward leg AND the quad in the leg to the back. Is this wrong?? In one of the Body Blast videos, you say that we should feel the work in "both" legs, but all of the exercise physiology sources I've looked at do NOT show the back leg's quad working. I just want to make sure I am doing the exercise properly to get maximum benefit!

Thanks for your wonderful workouts!
That's a good question!! I've heard that the back quad is supposed to be working, too. My problem is that when I have my right leg in front, the back leg works some. But, when I have my left leg in front, my back (right) quad feels like it's working much harder!! It gets really tight after only about 5 lunges and I find that I can't do as many on that leg! I've wondered if my form is wrong or if my right quad muscle isn't quite as strong as my left. I look forward to seeing some good replies to your question!;)
Im not Cathe, but I wqanted to tell you that I, too, feel it in both legs as you describe. I think this is normal and I think how intensely you feel it in each leg deends on your individual anatomy. I can tell you that as long as you are staying vertical with your body (and spine) during the up-and-down movement (as opposed to leaning front or back), and you keep your body weight concentrated in the front foot/heel (pushing off through the front heel on the upward motion) , then your form should be where it needs to be in order to execute the move properly.
You should feel lunges in the quad and glute of front leg and quad of back leg. This is perfectly normal. It is in this way that "both legs are working" for you.


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