Starting STS tomorrow..Any tips? :)


Hey everyone! I'm new to Cathe and the forum! I am starting STS tomorrow and have completed my 1RM for disc 1 already. I seem to be right around the average besides the barbell curls. Do you add the weight of the barbell itself or just the weights?

Also, any tips from the veterans would be great!!! I am 20, 5'4", 115 lbs, and eat around 1400 calories a day. My food choices are pretty clean and organic. I follow Jillian Michael's diet plan. I get about 7-9 hours a sleep a night, and my biggest downfall is an addiction to caffeine (Diet Coke). I would like to gain toned muscle, but I am okay with gaining muscle.

Does anyone use Whey protein? Jillian doesn't really support it due to the fact its processed, but I didn't know. Should you just use it in Meso 3 if at all? How much cardio do you do? I usually do the treadmill or intervals for 30 minutes 3 days a week, but I am willing to bump it up to see results in 3 1/2 months. Do you add on any weight lifting programs on STS days? Anything I should know before starting?

Thanks for any advice!!
My best tip, particularly for Meso 1, is to look ahead on your Workout Card and do as much as you can to set up your weights ahead of time, or at least have them very handy to be able to change up quickly. M1 moves fast, so don't be surprised if you find yourself having to pause your player between some of the sets.
Hi Kalee

Nancy's advice for Meso 1 is spot on.

For Meso 2, week 3 - all of a sudden you might feel very hungry, more than you ever have been...remember to feed your muscles and get plenty of rest.

Meso 3 - you might find you need to increase the weight you are lifting, more than the work out card suggests, don't be afraid to increase. Oh and thanks to NancyAZ, I bought lifting hooks. I really needed them for Meso3.

The barbell weight DOES include the weight of the bar. If you have an unusual bar weight like me, mine is 17.5 pounds, I found it useful to make a little spread sheet so I could quickly see what plate configuration I needed to make the barbell the right weight.

I use whey protein. There are many varieties available that aren't heavily processed, and are easily digested. Some one recently posted a query about protein powder, most are using whey:

As for Cardio, here is what Cathe posted:

Good luck. There are many interesting posts on the Check-in stickies for each disc... here is the link

This is a great program. You'll see amazing results!
Thank you so much for the advice!! I am postponing starting until I have completed all the 1RM (or atleast a couple of the beginning discs). I have EAS whey protein, I might try to start using it and see how it goes. I'm hoping my diet will be okay, but I might have to up protein (or calories by 100) in meso 2. Thanks again!
Starting STS on Monday!

I am going to be starting STS on Monday. I am really excited. I have completed my 1RM's and have my workout cards ready to roll for next week. I'm a little nervous but more excited! I would also love any tips or suggestions anyone may have. I will be using SelecTech weights for the program and tubing (in doorway) for the pull-ups/pull-downs instead of the bar. Anyone else out there doing that too?

Would love to have a buddy to share in the journey! :)
Well, I am just finishing meso 1, just finished disc 11 today. This is my first time doing the program and I feel kinda lonely posting here after each workout in the master check in file. I'd be glad if you or anybody else would share a little more of their experience. Its interesting to read the posts in the master check ins from a few months ago - I compare myself to them and see how things are. I wish you good luck, dont be scared, the program is amazing. I was very scared of it too, that was the reason I am starting so late, but I guess its never too late if you really want to!
Best: Krasy
Thanks Krasy - I will look for you and share my journey along the way! :D Thanks for your encouragement. Are you LOVING it so far!??!
Hey 2BLean and Krasi! I am so glad someone else is starting Monday too! Im really excited but a little nervous too! I am using old fashion barbell/heavy dumbbells so I'm scared of meso 1 since it moves quickly! Alot of my 1RM are about the same weights so hopefully I won't take 2 hours to do a 1 hour work out :p Let me know how your first day goes!! :) Good luck to both of yall! (Krasi you should be hitting the teens now!! wooooo!!)
Hey ladies! I too start on Monday :) So glad to hear I'm not one of the only ones who waited this long lol. Well very excited to push myself to the next I'm sure you are too! I just got done taking my pre-STS measurements...I cant wait to see what they change to! I'm curious though Krasi, 2BLean, and Kalee...are you following the 3 or 6 mo rotation? I'm still debating....
Hey! I'm doing the 3 - month program....I just like the fact that I could look better in 3 months over 6 hehe. I might do the 6 month after this initial one (but hopefully I'll need larger weights!) :) What are you doing?
Monday Starting STS!!!

Hi ladies! So glad there are others to share in this journey! I have opted for the 6 month rotation.:eek: I just decided to bite the bullet and go for it. ;) Seems like a long time in advance of starting but I think it will be great. Yes...keep me posted on your first day as well.
I think I'm going to opt for the sixth month rotation...I still have a considerable amount of weight to lose, so I really think I would benefit from the extra time in Meso 1 & 2. Nervous to really start lifting serious weight when I still have quite a bit of fat to get rid of. Plus I keep reading Meso 1 moves so quickly I would really like to take advantage of the workouts more than once. Super excited though! I've read nothing but good things, and I can't wait!!:D
So girls, how did everyone do on their first day?????????????
I am doing great - I am in my recovery week...... Cathe is just awesome - being lazy is IN the program! Don't you just love it!
Started STS!

Thanks for checking in with us! :D So Meso 1, Disc 1 was yesterday! Loved it and can I say “hello” on the push ups right at the beginning! Holy Cow. They didn’t mention in the 1RM testing …. Oh after you’ve done a ton of push-ups, then choose a weight! Ha Ha You know you have picked the right program when it kicks you in the bum on the first day! :p LOL!
I did Drill Max Ultra Cardio Mix this a.m. and onto Disc 2 tomorrow. :p
I was a little nervous about committing myself to the 6 month rotation but I know it will be great + my body is kind of stubborn (ie: plateau stage) so this ought to kick it up a notch! (i hope, i hope). :)
Hello everybody,
I also have started STS and I have selected the 6 months rotation (although I might only do the 3 months version of Meso 3). I look forward to sharing with everybody. I am on week 2 and did Disk1 for the second time yesterday. I really enjoyed having a second chance at it. Changing the weights went more smoothly and I got a few more push ups done on my toes. :eek:
Have a great day everyone, I off to the basement for some cardio, LowMax should start me out on the right foot for a Wednesday, always one of my favorites.
STS Newbie

Hi Helene ~ Good to know on the 2nd week info. I kind of thought that would be nice for each disc to be able to do it twice. Not only the physical aspect but being a little more aware of which equip./weight is next since you have been through it once. ;) Keep in touch!
New to Cathe and Starting STS on Monday 10 August 2009

Anyone else out there just starting???. I really want to do this however, I am notorious for starting workout & diet programs and never completing them. I feel horrible that I have been this way in the past. I pray this time I stick with it and get up in the morning and do my exercises/ I am always excited about things in the beginning but slowly fall off the wagon after a little while. I am not a morning person and realize if I continue to keep doing what I've been doing, I will keep getting what I've been getting. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. I really want this! You guys, I need you in this journey, any advice / motivation that may have helped u? :eek:
Hi ladies,

I started STS 3 weeks ago, had to stop in March do to ssinus urgery. I was doing the 6 month rotation in March. Now I am doing the 31/2 month rotation.

If you would like to check in with us in the " Check-ins & Challenges you can find us

or here:p

or here :p

you are all welcome to any check ins!

Kassy, what disc are you doing?

Hope to see you soon.

STS Newbie

[/QUOTE] I really want this! You guys, I need you in this journey, any advice / motivation that may have helped u? :eek:[/QUOTE]

TDiane ~ Hi there! I would say if you want it - then forsure go for it! Maybe go for the 3 month rotation and just break it down day by day ~ So it doesn't feel or seem overwhelming on the time frame. ;)

I think a big motivation I use for myself is definitely how I feel when I do my workouts vs. how I feel when I don't. That helps me to stay on track. Of course there are days I really don't want to get up that early and do my workout but I know I will feel worse later. Really gives me a sense of achievement even more on those days.
So far with STS I really enjoy the workouts so I look forward to the next one! :D I hope this helps and would love to share in the journey ... keep in touch and let us know what you decide! :)

Belinda - Thanks! I wasn't quite sure where to go. I will look for everyone there too.
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Belinda, I am currently enjoying my week off in between meso 1 and 2. I will do disc 13 on monday - I'm psyching myself up right now! :) Meso 1 flew by so fast, and I've heard "things" about meso 2... but I think I'll definitely go through with it!
So far I've been checking in on the regular "master file" but I think I'm almost the only one to check in there - but since this is my first rounds I decided to do so!
Where is the program are you?

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