Starting STS Today


Here we go!!!! I am starting the STS/SC rotation today. I would consider it a major gain if by the end of this 3 1/2 months, I could do all my push-ups on my toes. I'm starting out with a small goal here, so anything else that happens will be a pleasant surprise.
I just started STS this week. I did disc 3 (legs) of mesocycle 1 today. I am's a good sore but I am a little tired. I don't have SC so I can't do that but I do other Cathe cardio/step workouts on the days in between. Tomorrow is my day off and I am looking forward to it. I think my body needs it. LOL

Good luck with the STS/SC rotation!

I also started STS/SC today. I love Cathe and I can't wait to see my result. I will check in with you to see how you are progressing. Good luck!
I found today that I had to go heavier on some of the exercises, especially for the biceps and shoulders. The push-up are such a joke for me. I can bang them out when I do them on one knee, with the other leg raised, but just have a horrible time when I go up on my toes.

I've done P90X, and saw major strength gains, so you would think I could do those darn push-ups. I'm trying to do them on something higher, like the back of the couch or my coffee table. That way I can stay on my toes and go deeper.

So far, I don't feel like I'll be sore tomorrow. I bet I will be sore when it come to legs.

Keep checking in !!!
I'm on my last disc of my first time doing STS. You will be AMAZED at the results. And you will have so much fun. I can barely contain my excitement for my next rotation.

Enjoy :)
I am checking out disc 2 for tomorrow. I can't really do chin-ups well unassisted, so I think I will just use my band, like I did during P90X. I feel I'll get more focus on my back, and less on the arms.

I am also going to have to buy at least some 20lb dumbbells before Meso 2. I have up to 15lbs, and that works most of the time. I don't have a lot of room to store them, but I'm just going to have to deal with it.
I just started STS today also! I decided on the 6 month rotation, even though I've lifted weights in the past. I want to get the full benefit of a second time through on each workout. I did Disc 1 today and *loved* it :) I would love to have a check-in thread with some people just starting. Would you guys be interested?
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Did disc 2 yesterday. I'm pleasantly surprised that it was just as challenging the second time! I'm loving this program so far.

I did disc 2 on Wednesday. I had to drop the weight a little on some of the tricep exercises to keep good form. I felt it the next day, particuarly in my triceps, and am still feeling it a bit today. Yeah!!!

I didn't feel much after disc one....but I think I'm comparing this to my experience with P90X. When I did that, I was starting at ground zero, so my body HURT, every time. That was several years ago, and I'm much stronger now, so it takes more to get to me.

I'm working a long, late Easter weekend, so won't get to do much workout wise. Will do some short cardio tonight, and pick STS up again on Monday.
Hi! I just started STS last week too. I am loving it so far! The pace and variety of exercises make the workouts fly by. I didn't think the workouts seemed too difficult when I was doing them, but I am experiencing a lot of DOMS, so I know my muscles are being worked hard. I did Disc 3 for legs yesterday and was a little disappointed b/c I didn't think it was tough enough. Well I looked at my 1RM calculations and realized I had put in the wrong amts, so I wasn't lifting heavy enough. I sure was surprised this morning to wake up with super sore glutes, and now I am sort of glad that my weights were a little light! I'm looking forward to next week's workouts-I can see myself becoming addicted to STS!

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I have been on the couch this week due to a stomach virus. Haven't been able to get back to STS since Saturday. I am going to try to continue tonight, but can't really do any cardio right now. Anything that jiggles my innards is not good.

Jules, what does the MT stand for???? Medical Technologist, perhaps??? If so, I'm a med tech too.
I have been on the couch this week due to a stomach virus. Haven't been able to get back to STS since Saturday. I am going to try to continue tonight, but can't really do any cardio right now. Anything that jiggles my innards is not good.

Jules, what does the MT stand for???? Medical Technologist, perhaps??? If so, I'm a med tech too.

Sorry you are sick! It stinks when you are in the proper mindset to put your all into a new workout program and get sidelined right away. I hope you are feeling better soon! I wouldn't worry too much about skipping cardio, as the weights are the main focus of STS. Also, since you just started the program you can always start over with disc one in a few days if you need more rest.

Actually, the MT stands for Montana. I live in the Flathead Valley near Glacier National Park. :)


I want to visit Montana very much. My family is in Grand Junction, CO. I go out there at least once a year for a long visit. I was just there in February. My boyfriend is a professional photographer, and I do it for a hobby. I go out west with him whenever I can. We're thinking about going to Yellowstone next winter.

As for the stomach least I can eat now without gut-wrenching pain. However, I need to try to get back on the exercise bandwagon, and my mojo just got up and left. I guess one more day off won't kill me; I'm off from work for the next few days, so I'll hit it tomorrow. I hope.
I don't know about you guys....but how are you feeling after disc 3??? It didn't seem too hard while doing it, but today I can feel that my butt is going to be very sore. I always get DOMS in my lower body more than anywhere else.

I am finally back on track I think with STS after being sick most of the week. YEAH!!! It was hard to get started back, but now I am re-motivated.
I'm glad you are feeling better and have your motivation back! Yes, disc 3 sure does sneak up you, doesn't it? I thought it was pretty easy too and was shocked at how sore my glutes were the next day. I did disc 6 yesterday and increased my weights from last week, especially on squats and deadlifts. Disc 6 seemed to be a lot more challenging to me, although it could be that I was tired from doing CCC the previous day (whew)! I took some ibuprofen after the workout, and I'm just a little bit sore today-not as much as after disc 3. It's only been 2 weeks since I started STS and I am already seeing a lot more muscle definition. My husband says he can tell that I am getting leaner too. :)

I am also seeing great results and am nearing the end of Meso 2. I know for sure that when I'm through with this, I will probably rest a few weeks and then jump right back into another rotation. This is such a varied program, I can't see myself ever becoming used to it.
Just started Meso 2 this week, I will be doing the third disk of week 1 today, I am very happy with the whole program, this is my second time through. I have been very tired this week, I think it's a combo of returning from vacation and allergies.

If anyone is on the fence, I can't tell you how much better this time around has been using the Cathe Tower. It works great for the pull-ups and is excellent as a weight rack for chest work.

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