Starting BFL Challenge this weekend.. wanna join me??


HI folks. I am starting a new BFL Official challenge this weekend and was wondering if anyone wanted to join me? :eek:

Several us all did a challenge together last year (prior to my pregnancy) and I had a lot of fun with ya' all. It was great to have other Cathe-ites to support one another thru the challenge. I had great progress even though I wasn't able to fully complete the challenge due to getting preggo:)

Just thought I would check and see if anyone else is up to it? Would love to have a buddy or two! ;-)

p.s. My friend won BFL in 2002 and was a grand champion.... the same year she gave birth to a son! Proof ANYONE can do it! Come on.... this could be your chance to win $100,000! :p
FITNUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats! What did you have and when did you have it????? I was thinking about you just the other day and I was gonna go over to the pregnacy forum but I think I forgot:)
I have been thinking that I need to start something soon.I sort of didn't want to jump into anything without being ready.MY diet as been a bit off lately and my workouts have been good BUT I don't know what in the world I am trying to acheive.I would like to lose 5-10 lbs before the summer rolls around.ALso,my brother is getting married this fall so I would love to feel great when I am there.
I really enjoyed BFL and I would like to do it again.Once again,I won't actually commit b/c I bought a couple of books I would like to skim through to.
Whatever it is that I do, I won't start until Monday b/c we are going away for the weekend and we won't be back until then.
I will let we know in a few days though
Lori - that would be so great if you would join in with me! I have found tons of good recipes. If you do end up doing BFL you HAVE to get the Eating for Life Book. Although not all 100% of the recipes should really be approved there are so many yummy ones! It has made it so much easier to stick to the plan!

Well, I had a boy. He will be 10 wks old this Friday! I can't believe it!!!!! :( He is already getting so big. I go back to work on Monday and am already having a really hard time. It just doesn't seem right to leave such a lil' guy with someone else ;(

Anyway, let me know what you decide to do on your program. Also, what books did you pick up? How have you been? How is your new job?
The only reason why I am thinking hard about this is b/c I have done it a couple times had never finished it.I have really got to get myself motivated.
When I did it before I could workout in the morning but with my new job I have to be AT work(some mornings) by 6:30 and I just can't get up that early and workout.Its not really the working out part, its the fact that I have to wash my hair.I have long curly hair and it takes forever to dry.When I have to work that early I just wash and dry my hair before I go to bed.
We are going away this weekend so if I decide to do it I can get the journal again and the eating for life book...and probably some supplements.
I can't beleive that you have to go back to work already.DO you know that in Canada we get a year off? Its awesome.But I don't know if I will be having anymore so I may not get to take advantage of that.
Did you do good with your workouts when you were preggo?
The new job is good.Not really new anymore.Its been 10 monthes already.
I picked up Dr.Phils book the other day.It wasn't his diet book but it was a book that had alot of nutrtional info in it.I also have the south beach book but I don't think I will be looking at that.
I am going to read Dr.Phils book during my plane ride.I am just wondering if all I need is motivational and just listening to my body again.I use to do it so well, but now I have forgotten.BY listening to me, you wouldn't know if I had tons of weight to lose.
Anyway,I will catch to later.
Hi Fitnut! Congratulations on the birth of your little boy! Every since you mentioned when your due date was I would keep an eye on the pregnancy forum to see how you were progressing.

I've been thinking seriously about starting back on BFL again on Sunday. Much like Lori, I started it and did it for about 3 weeks but with only a half a** effort. My motivation was not completely there, but I think I am prepared this time. I've found a great recipe on about 6 months ago for a breakfast casserole that is fabulous and fits BFL. Breakfasts was one of my problems. Looking at my schedule I still don't know if I can fit in 6 meals a day, but I can definitely do 5. I would really like to give it a try. Realistically I know that some weekends will be harder than others due to my family obligations, but I would like to give it a try anyway and with your support I might be able to actually proceed further and actually reach my goals. My primary goal is to fit into my summer stuff that I bought about 3 years ago before I became pregnant with my son. Has it really been that long? The clothes are tight now, but eventually I would like to be a size smaller and 10 pounds lighter than I am now. My stomach pooch needs to become smaller so I may have to add some additional core work. Enough about me, what are your fitness goals?

Hi Fitnut! I replied in the pregnancy forum but I wanted to come over here and check it out. I won't be able to really start the program with you until I have the baby, but you can count me in then, if you don't mind a late entry! It really helps to have people to check in with and keep you on track. I got the Eating for LIfe book as soon as it came out - it looks good and thorough. I was glad to hear you say that the recipes are actually good! ;)
Anyway, I am so ready to not be carrying all of this extra weight around - hope to be checking in sooner than later!!!! :p
RE: Starting BFL Challenge this weekend.. wanna join m...

I would really be interested in trying to complete an actual challenge! I also started my first BFL challenge only to become pregnant in the midst of it. I've since done a few half-hearted attempts, but I think your right - I'm going to sign up officially and try to win the money!! Hey, there's some motivation if you need it, right?
Now that my baby is more of a toddler, my life has settled into a better routine and for the first time I feel able to fit in my workouts.

Just an FYI - my main goal is to get rid of - forever - the baby pooch that I am still carrying around. Along with that, I would like to lose between 15 and 20 pounds and gain muscle (DEFINED MUSCLE -for all the world to see!!!) So count me in, I'm going to go to BFL website now and join the CHALLENGE!

Thanks for the inspiration to get up and do this Fitnut!

I'm starting my second round on Sunday. I am tho switching to a S/H rotation this time around. Still sticking with 3 days weight and 3 days HIIT.

RE: Starting BFL Challenge this weekend.. wanna join m...

Hi Tricia and Sara! Glad to see more people what to join the group. Sara, as soon as you are ready to join after your babe is born we will be glad to have you on board. I feel so inspired today to start up with BFL that I am putting together my own personal journal right now and plan to start tomorrow. What better time than the beginning of April! I've been following the eating plan periodically since the last time I tried to do this so I'm pretty familiar with the foods and portions, but this time around I'm going to keep up with my journal. Today I ordered the Eating for Life book, I already own the BFL book. It should arrive next week sometime.

This time around I don't plan to join the official challenge because I want to try to do this with little or no supplements. I might have an occasional protein shake, but not enough to qualify and not the right brand. I'm hoping to do well this time around and hang with this longer. Good luck to everyone!
RE: Starting BFL Challenge this weekend.. wanna join m...


I've been using PLB/PUB Up Only for about 2 weeks. How are you going to do S/H for your rotation? I'd love to switch it up every other week or so. Also, what cardio's are you doing? I find that just doing half of Imax and Imax 2 gets too repetitious (sp) for me. SO last week I did Cardio only of KP&C. Do you have any suggestions of other Cathe cardio's that would work?

BTW - how did your 1st round go with BFL?

RE: Starting BFL Challenge this weekend.. wanna join m...

I found you Fitnut! Miss you at postpartum check ins. Hope all's well. Next week you back to work? Tough, tough,tough. I went back last week (Justin was 9wks) and I'm not gonna lie to you, it was a super challenge. Now I have 2 final weeks left & I plan on enjoying them to the fullest!

Anyway, what IS this challenge? Haven't heard of it. I must live under a rock b/c it musr be popular since all YOU know what it is. :)

Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
RE: Starting BFL Challenge this weekend.. wanna join m...

Hi Melanie! I'm not Fitnut but I can answer your question. BFL is Body for Life. It is a book that was written by Bill Phillips. He has also recently written Eating for Life. Here is a link to further explain BFL:

Also, the following link will explain how & why the BFL Principles work.

I hope this helps you!
RE: Starting BFL Challenge this weekend.. wanna join m...

Hi Tricia!

I don't have my book in front of me but with my last challenge (which was not myh origianl challenge, but I had laid off the exercise due to PF origianlly and then just got lazy with diet too for about 3 months):

Weight 123.5 to 119.5
Waist: 25.5 to 24
Hips: 35.5 to 33.75
Belly button 26.5 to 25

My biggest area of improvement was one I didn't measure was the "belly pooch" just underneath my belly button. It is almost gone now.

For S/H, I am going to do legs/shoulders/chest Sunday, back/bis/tris Monday, cardio Tues. and Wed., Power Hour or Muscle endurance Thursday and cardio on Friday. For cardio I do Intense moves or one of the IMAXs. Sometimes I do 20MAS using Taebo and just go at my own pace.

My very first challenge, I lost 2.5" off my waist and hips. That was in June or July of 2002 I believe.

RE: Starting BFL Challenge this weekend.. wanna join m...

Thanks for the hurls. I"ll check it out. :eek:)

Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Thanks, Colleen

This looks really good, too. I am really considering doing something like 2 weeks using Pyramids, then 2 weeks of Slow & Heavy, then 2 weeks of Pure Strength, etc. to get me through the 12 weeks. I do like Power Hour, which I did for the first time on Saturday. It seems like a nice addition so you can get every body part in at least once a week. I've been mixing it up with the cardio to try and keep myself excited - I did the Cardio and Core work from Bootcamp on Monday and that was great for me! I am also trying to put in an am or pm Pilates mat session about 4 days a week in addition to my regular workout(just 20 minutes)- I'm determined to flatten my core and this seems to be helping me zone into that spot.

What are your thoughts on this weight routine cycle? I'm not sure if maybe I should go longer with the Pyramids (say 4 weeks), then 2 weeks of S&H, then 4 weeks of Pure Strength, and finish with 2 weeks Slow and Heavy? I feel like a kid in a candy store who can't decide which aisle to go down first!!

Thanks for your input,
RE: Thanks, Colleen

If my puppy hadn't destoryed my PUB and PLB tapes I would be doing: 4 weeks Pyramids, 4 weeks S&H and 4 weeks BFL (or PS but don't have it.) So until I can beg hubby to replace the tape cases, I'm "stuck" with just S&H for choices.

I would try to do a 4 week routine. In the BFL book, Bill suggests changing up routines every 4 weeks.

I LOVE Boot Camp. My PF was acting up today so I took it as free day but Boot Camp seems like a good choice for Saturday!

When you say challenge do you mean pictures and everything? I am SO tempted to do this. I have the book Eating for Life and am most intrigued. The Body for Life should be arriving tomorrow. I would love to buddy up on this thread for support.

I hae the BFL book and have been using the pyramid workout program in the book off and on for 3 years. Only did the full twelve weeks the first time and never had the motivation to finish another. Is the Foof for Life book good? motivating for eating? I know that the BFL book was great! I think I want to start with Cathe's Home made S&H rotation, but do you think you can do this for 4 weeks in a row? Then by that time I will have PS, although PS only works body parts ( except Abs) one time a week. What do you think? The Pyramids are the closest to what BFL workouts are. I still use those worksheets even when doing Cathe weight workouts


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