~~~~~~Standing around the......Watercooler.....Monday!!!!! ~~~~~


Hi...just starting us off...Traci is still traveling back from the bay, I guess. Hope everyone has a great Monday....bbl!!



To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

Sounds like you just had a great day yesterday. I guess you will have out the whip this morning on DH's back...lol! I am glad to hear that you will go to the Dr. about your sinuses if they are not better today...I think you may need something other than what you have been taking. I will meet you later to do 4DS legs...Make sure you do that calf work, too...Now it's my turn with the whip! I don't like overhead presses either. They are actually the hardest shoulder work for me...I despise them!! Glad that all the pooches are feeling better...I didn't get a chance to check out the pictures that you sent, but I will later after I get back from class. I saw the Masters on last night and thought of you!!

Okay...gotta run for now...think I caught up with everyone else last night. Hope everyone has a relatively sane Monday!



To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

Happy Good Morning Coolers!

Back already, unloaded & starting on first pot of java (here, that is;-) )... We left bay about 415am.... Will be doing a Cathe Circuit today - not sure what... have clients at 9am, 10:30am & 5pm... full day. Hope to catch up in between.

Today was first day I woke up with hip tight vs hurting...OH HAPPY DAYS!!! All that heat paid off as did using the stairs at bay apparently. WHATEVER helped I am so thankful...living on pain pills gets old really fast.

Hope everyone is injury free... Jeanette I gather from post ^^ that you are still suffering..go to DR!!!!

Hugs to all- I shall return at some point I hope.

Got up this morning, had some coffee, then decided I deserved a rest day from working out, so I stayed on the couch and closed my eyes for a while. I'll be back at it tomorrow. Probably mow lawns after work today.

Debra, sorry, but you'll have to do 4DS Legs by yourself this morning. I had good intentions but oh well.

Traci, glad you weren't in pain with your hip this morning. My Dad had something about a month ago. When it bothered him, he had to use crutches. When it wasn't, he couldn't even remember it hurting. Weird. He said it wasn't like a pinched nerve. Couldn't figure out how he did it or anything. I will see how the drainage is at work today. I hate going to the dr. and getting prescriptions that so many times don't work.

Gotta run,

RE: ~~~~~~Standing around the......Watercooler.....Mond...

I don't know what I did to myself yesterday. Well, for one yesterday was Day 1 of TTOM. Then Jenn dragged me to torture yoga. Then I couldn't even get into child's pose, which was the first freakin pose, because of my left shoulder. My favorite gay/guy soothingly told us to remember this pose... Child's pose is always an option if we needed to go back to it for a rest. WTH! I couldn't even manage to rest in it.

I don't know if I put more into my back to take the pressure off my shoulder during yoga. All night long I couldn't sleep because of my back. It hurt from my shoulders down to my knees!!!! Not the DOMS kind of pain. It was more of a cramping pressure, back labor kind of pain. I broke down crying at 3 in the morning because it hurt so bad. Phil got me some Midol and massaged my back, glutes and hamstrings. The Midol and massage helped only my back to relax after awhile, and I was able to fall asleep. The pain is starting to come back again. I'm going to take more Midol and call it a rest day. If this is what Traci, Christiane, and Nicole go through on a regular basis, my heart goes out to you ladies!!!

Debra: You are so funny! NO! Don't forward me your dh's rants and raves!!! Thankfully, that man is in Russia and not in the states!!! OMW! He sounds almost as bad as my XDH was; except mine waited to be a bigger a$$ after I remarried. HUGS!!! This has to be difficult. Good for you being able to ignore his childness!!!

Jeanette: LOL stopping at mile 30 for a coffee and cookie! That's my kind of road stop!:9 I bet your mother appreciated all your computer/picture help and knowledge. Your dh might be right though. Sometimes people have a hard time with something new. I get that way at times too.;-) I didn't hurt it during child's pose. I hurt it somehow before I even got on my mat. Maybe it was too early in the morning for me to workout since I'm used to evening classes. Yes, I downloaded CC, but never got around to downloading it onto my son's MP3 player. (See above about trying new things.) I agree with Traci. Get thee to a doctor ASAP! This mucous has been hanging around too long. Remember when I thought I was sick forever and it turned out to be pneumonia!

Kim: Wasn't it your ds's birthday this weekend? What did your dh think of GSL? I don't know if my dh would do a Cathe workout with me. He thinks she's too girly for him. This is from a man who has gone to power yoga! LOL Eoin is so funny!!! What does your dh think of the lady in the white Lululemon pants with the red thong. I forget who used to think PY4H bordered on porn. It's one small vinyasa away from it towards the end though!:7

Nicole: I need to break out my clean eating magazine too. They've got some awesome recipes in it! Don't beat yourself up for a couple of bad eating days.

Patricia: Whoo Hooo HELLO! Just thought I'd say HI!!!:D

Traci: I'm so glad to hear you are feeling better!!!! Your clients can't have you on the Injury List for long!!! Now that your not needing any more pills, can you send some my way? Pretty please! Oh! Whatever. Fine. Be scared of postal regulations!:p Looks like I'll have to send dh down to the shady section of Philly to get my own!}( ;)

Gotta go and finish homeschooling.

Ballistic Hugs to ALL!!!

RE: ~~~~~~Standing around the......Watercooler.....Mond...

Back for a quick hello....I planned out my week a bit and decided I could take a little nap after folding some laundry this morning...LOL! I should still have plenty of time to get in my workout before time to pick up the Diva and shuttle her to dance. I don't have to really cook tonight, since we have lots of leftovers in the fridge, so that is an added bonus. I have some studying to do today and tomorrow as our last test is on Wednesday, but I already did my paper which wasn't due until Friday, so I am ahead of the game a bit in class anyway.

quick personals....

I am sure that you needed that extra little nap this morning...And I am sure that the workout fairies won't do your leg workout for you this week anyway since they are n'er do wells!

Glad your hip is feeling better!! Take care of yourself and be sure not to overdo. Sounds like you have a busy day ahead...Have fun with your clients and please don't let Staci out to scare them!

My love...Sounds like you did more damage than just your regular cycle...poor baby. Phil must be a saint, though, to get up in the middle of the night and massage you! What a wonderful husband you have! And yes, I am glad that XDH is in Russia...it certainly makes it easier to ignore him....I will be happier when I get my separation agreement signed, though, that way I won't feel like I have to be nice anymore. I imagine that I will let loose on a few ravings when all is said and done....but at least I got my paper written using his craziness! You are cracking me about Eoin and the soft porn...silly woman!

Okay...clothes have been sufficiently fluffed in the dryer, so I am off to fold...then nap...then workout...then, well, who knows!!

Later chickadees!



To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

Good morning,

Well, Day One of thesis editing is done, as is Chapter One. Don't be too impressed: it's by far the shortest chapter (the introduction), and require little more effort than deleting or adding words here and there. It was something I could do in my sleep, which was good, because I'm very sleepy. I'll be heading down to the basement within the next hour to do CTX Kickbox & Leaner Legs (they complement each other wonderfully well; they're on the same disk for a reason, obviously). Then GS Triceps. By my guesstimate, that should take about 75mins.

I was all set to make bread this morning, when I discovered I have no yeast. ARGH!! I'll have to make a dash to the store in a post-exercise sweaty "glow" so I can get it going before lunch. Grrrrr. How could I not know I was out of yeast???

What's this anti-overhead press movement I see going around? You ladies just stop that right now!! Those are the best shapers for your shoulders, bar none. You should do them 3 times a week, in fact. Go on! Get going!

Traci....You're going to do some circuits, huh? Circuit...circus....circumference....circumcision.....circumnavigate.....what do they all have in common? They have us going in circles! I'm glad your hip is recovering. Sounds like you really stressed it last week.

Jeanette....Woohoo, what a nice ride you had yesterday!! Of course you deserve a rest! Your fingers especially must be tired from all that typing you did for me. Thanks! That looks like a decadent recipe. The bike ride went great yesterday: no spills to report. I didn't realize until I got on the bike outside that I'd never used the breaks before LOL! It took me a minute to remind my brain what I was supposed to do to stop. Can you give me an idea of what sort of riding I should be doing to prepare for a 100km or 100m (still undecided) ride by July 29? How many times per week, how far, steady state/interval/tempo, etc.? Oh, I was so surprised at how easy it is to go fast with this bike! DD was riding her bike behind me so I had to keep it slow enough for her. I honestly-no-exaggeration would do one rotation of the peddles, then coast for 3 minutes, with light taps on my breaks. It's crazy how much of the work the bike does for you! I told DH if that's all the effort it takes to ride a bike, then I'm ready for the 100miles!

Wendy....Great to see you check in yesterday and today!! Woohoo! But Ooooooooh my on your back/shoulder!!! What have you done? That sounds pretty serious. You don't recall anything in particular that could have triggered this? I have no healing advice for you, but I do sympathize. Take care of yourself. Did you get all your have-to's finished last week? I'm not sure what you mean about doubling over the edges of my pizza crust, but I think the answer is no. I lay it in the pan and just press the edges up the sides; no rolling or folding. Why do you ask? Am I missing out on something good? And are you going to continue with X Phase 2? Keep in mind, you're at the point where most people are ready to throw in the towel. It's a common stalling point and seems to require simple stubbornness to just push play every day. Then by Phase 3, it's all good again.

Tracy....The Y has their own certification course, which is what I'm taking. They train you to be a PT, but they call it an Individual Conditioning Instructor. Just before Xmas the head of the fitness instructor programs subbed the Jump & Pump class at the gym. She casually mentioned at the time that they were always looking for new instructors. The next time she saw me at the Y she approached me and asked if I was interested in becoming an instructor. We've been talking about it ever since, but it's taken me until this week to firmly decide to commit. I think she really wants me to do group fitness instruction, but right now I'd rather do individuals. Maybe in the fall, after I've had more experience with the individual work, I'll take the group instruction course. What I like about the Y is that once you finish their course, they find a spot for you to work at the Y and gain experience. Their course credentials are recognized by organizations outside of the Y. My plan is really to take their course, gain some experience, and then either sign up for the 2 year PT course at the collage, or find a well-paying organization to work for. Whatever happens, it certainly can't hurt to have this credential. The defense date for the thesis will be either June 15 or Sept 15. It will depend on how fast it takes for the next 2 committee members to turn it around. So, yes, hopefully soon!!

Lea....has the cooked food warmed you up again? I'm sorry you weren't able to stick with something that otherwise made you feel so good. It seems like such a healthy thing to do. How do other people do it, and not feel ill effects?

Debra....Loved your summary yesterday. You're able to encapsulate it all so succinctly. I need a few writing lessons from you. So, tell me about these crazy neighbours? What sort of craziness are we talking? Oh, and I find the same thing with GS Chest & Triceps: when done together, I have to go lighter on the tricep work than when I do them separately. Last week I did them together, this week I'm doing them separately, and next week I might do them together again. Yes, children can indeed drive you freakin' nuts LOL!!! My eldest is very moody, too. I don't know what to say about it; I just try not to take anything personally.

Patricia....Real parmesean cheese is expensive, but it's oh so good, isn't it? Argh. Taxes. That's on my to-do list this week, too. I used to have a Charlene tape. Charlene and the Bench Boys, I think??? It was all step, and I thought it was the most advanced thing ever, until I discovered Cathe's Step Works. That was 11 years ago, at least. I think Charlene's still going strong.

Nicole....Glacier National Park! Is that the one in northern Montana, along the Canadian border? DH and I have been there a few times. Or I should say, we've been to Glacier once or twice (?), but to Waterton National Park on the Canadian side many times. It's really something to see how two countries can share a national park. In the pre-911 days there was barely any border control between the two parks. I imagine that's changed now. The Road to the Sun on the Glacier side is a phenomenal drive. I hope you go!

Kim....Does DH have a harder time with lower body workouts like GSL than you do? I've noticed lately that men don't seem to be able to work their lower bodies the same way women do, especially with regards to endurance work that requires flexibility. It's a curious thing. BBQ'd salmon!!! Mmmmmmm!!!! :9 :9

Laurie....I'm sure you've posted by now. I hope you had a nice weekend.

I've got to get my workout started. I much prefer having it out of the way by now. Oh well, it is what it is. At least Chapter 1 is edited, and the week's laundry is done (and the bread should be rising, but that wasn't in the cards for today, I guess).

Have a great day!
RE: ~~~~~~Standing around the......Watercooler.....Mond...

Morning Coolers,

Today's workout was 2m run and 4DS Back & Bicep. I will be doing Abs later tonight, after dance class. I need to get to the store to get some 25 and 30# dumbbells. I forgot that these workouts use the db's and bar. Well I need to load up the bar for back work, so I can't use my little hand barbells for 25 and 30's like I did for P90X. Guess I better get some more plates also. :D

DH is in Vegas, he got a call on Saturday evening that his am flight the next day was cancelled. He got a 9:30pm flight yesterday, and finally checked into his hotel room at 1:30am Vegas time. He woke up at 5:30am CT though. He is going to be very tired tonight. ;-) So it is only DD's and myself this week.

We had snow on the ground yesterday morning, but the best news is that on Wednesday we are suppose to be in the 70's. :D I'm looking forward to that, and maybe it will dry up our yard enough that our sump pump isn't running evey 30 seconds. x(

Spent some time at Home Depot yesterday, we needed to get some hose to get the water away from our house. Then DH had the oil changed in my van, and I was at the store grocery shopping. Got home and we all spent time together until DH had to leave.

Debra, Dang on that Boston Terrier, and poor Polly. She just needs to slap that dog, like Cami would have done. :7 No I didn't show the insane Laurie when I was at the retreat. I gave myself the time off from running. Of course it was raining too much for me anyway. ;-)

Traci, Glad to hear that your hip is feeling better. You are going to be a busy lady today with your clients. A Cathe circuit, now that is a tough decision. There are so many of her circuit workouts that I like. ;-)

Jeanette, Your mention of cornbread the other day made me want some, so I'm going to be making chicken burritos on Wed. Cornbread will be one of the tasty items we are having with it. :9 Get thyself to the Dr. DH had a sinus infection for almost 6mo. He wouldn't get the the doc, and it just hung around. Everyone seemed so suprised that Tiger didn't win the tournament. Guess this proves that the guy is human after all.

Wendy, Hope others can give you advice on your pain. The only time I have had anything with my upper body was with my neck, and then I had a pinched nerve. You will have a great time with the cardio coaches, once you are not in pain of course. ;-)

Sandra, I was tired on Friday, I actually fell asleep on the couch while watching that movie. :D I don't do step much, it is fun, but not my favorite thing. I came to Cathe land because of Cardio Kickbox. I actually enjoy her step, but my knee doesn't enjoy is as much. x( I loved your toddler story, that had to be a site to see. :7 :7 A slipper and a boot! :7 You must have sent the wonderful weather our way, so thank you so much. WTG on the YMCA course. You will do just great, and yes the house will probably be a little crazy for a little while.

Patricia, Must be nice having a DH that cooks. :D

Tracy, My DD's love chocolate chips in pancakes, but DH doesn't. I like them both ways. :D

Lea, Who said STS tank tops? :7 I actually wore my P90X tank yesterday. ;-)

Nicole, Did you get all your vacation planning done? :)

Kim, I do have a TM, I use it more often than going outside. I like to get my run done in the morning, and it isn't light enough ouside for me to do that. I don't want to get hit by a car, since we don't have sidewalks in our area.

Have a great day!

RE: ~~~~~~Standing around the......Watercooler.....Mond...

PS B&B + Abs

Well, it's 9:30 and I haven't worked out yet:( I am going to right now!

I have been looking up more vacation plans on the computer and I'm so tired of it. I like doing it but it's a lot of work to find the best deals. I am starting to wonder though if the first week in June is too early for Glacier. A bit cold still I think. I hope it works out because it looks gorgeous!!

I woke up with a really stiff neck and I don't know why but I hope it goes away soonx(

See you in a bit,


Feel the burn!!!
RE: ~~~~~~Standing around the......Watercooler.....Mond...

Another shout out to CAROL!!! Email me please.:)

Debra does leftovers again.;) You'd feel right at home here. We're doing leftovers too. What a star student you are. Very good role model for the Diva. Should I email that to you so you can have additional proof of it for court purposes?:+ I must have done something additional to my back. I'm thinking it was playing around with Eagle pose (arms only) while sitting at the computer watching a you tube clip. Sounds Crazy! I know.

Sandra: Check you out combining workouts! Pretty soon, you'll be a pro of it like Tracy! I'd loan you some of my yeast if I hadn't of misread my bread recipe which called for 5 tablespoons of wheat gluten instead of yeast. YUCK! What a mess that made! Heck NO! I haven't completed everything needed to be completed yet! But, I have been better at prioritizing my day. That's always a good thing. We've already covered bible study, science, english, and eldest dd's math. Dh has been wonderful about helping out with the twins' math. It gets harder the older they get because I can't combine subjects with all three of them like when they were younger. Either eldest isn't challenged enough or the twins get that deer in the headlight look. About the crust... I didn't push my crust to the edges of the pizza pan. So, it was like one layer all the way through. I got too tired of rolling out the dough to get to the edges of my mega large pans. Yep, I'm the LAZIEST Xer! I do fluctuate between wanting to continue the X or do Cathe circuits only. I'm going to continue the X once my back feels better. Of course, I'll be subbing alot this time with CC and Cathe's 4DS, BG, and GSL. I do like the X for upper body though. BTW... Way sweet post it note on the computer from your dd. Aren't they so sweet and innocent at this age. I'd save it for her preteen years; along with some nude baby photos as a threat to show any prospective boyfriends!}(

Laurie: Isn't buying more weights a bummer! It's great to know that you'll need them, but it can get expensive! Have you checked out Craig's List. I see dumbbells on sale there a lot of times. Oh! How terrible that your dh got stuck in this airline cancellation mess. I keep thinking how blessed we all didn't have any problems with our flights.

Nicole: I have no idea what time of year is best to go there. Best wishes for finding a good deal! Hope your neck loosens up.

Well ladies, I'm going to assign some independent reading and soak in the tub. Hopefully, the warm water will take some pressure off my back.

Ballistic Hugs to ALL!
July Cathe Road Trip will be held from Friday July 25th through Sunday, July 27th.

The August Cathe Road Trip will be held from Friday August 8th through Sunday August 10th.

I assume this means STS will be shipped PRIOR to first R/T????!! ZIPPITY DO DA!!!!

No desire on my end to attend but more power to those who are going to try & go.... unless of course theres wine night, Jammies only day, winery tour day.... ya get my drift!

Body Fusion was my choice of circuit today... I dont believe I have EVER done it! HORRORS!!!! I did use 7#s vs the suggested 3's...that that was only fair as i really taint a beginner... The hip did WELL!!!! YEAH!!!! The arm is what it always is.... comin' along for the ride whether it wants to or not..... Gotta make some family crisis calls --- nothing earth shattering just more black clouds in Bakersfield.... Will catch up at some point...
Back for a little girl time.... Where do the hours go????

You sound equally as busy! I say chalk the evil email up to too much bad Russian Vodka & a lousy hooker:eek: The pizza night sounds DIVINE! Anything that is a greasy carb aint all bad, is it? PLEASE call Lindy!! She'll listen to you! Staci was going to come out to play but Lindy scared the he)) out of her!:7 How are those knees my dear?

You rest! My goodness ENT gunk makes it hard to breathe! I do hope you find relief soon. Yet another wonderful Friday w/ DGM! ~ Thats crazy about hip/joint pain isnt it? I really think mine was just a strained & tired muscle... remember they havent worked all that hard in recent months!;-)

:* :* :* :* * insert your booty :* :* :* :* Thats from Staci...shes VERY AFRAID!!!!! ~~~ DO take all drugs in cupbaord & soak in hot tub & DONT read O/D for a week! I am on cycle day 23 but I can tell ya it aint gonna wait til 28! }( I KNEW that Yoga was gonna kill someone! ~~ Tell phil to take his gun when he heads out to Bad Philly!":*

^5! Crankin' those edits right out!!! Wanna help me with the CEC's I still have yet to start??? You are JOKING about CTX Kick + Meaner Legs arent you???? *pinch pinch* are you a machine? ~ So sorry about the bread blunder.... Life can be challenging for you Martha Stewart types!:* ROF on going in circles...what ya tryin' to say to me sarge?????? ~~ The tales of the kids all weekend were so so cute! Ya made me say AHHHHHHHHHHH many times.... they arent REALLY like that are they?

YOU ARE WILD!!! Look at that strngth increase! YOU GO GIRL!!!! Poor DH! Those kinds of trips are EXHAUSTING! LOL- I wore my X tank all day Saturday too! I LUV that shirt!!!

Hope that workout got snuck in there today! Sometimes it feels like the universe is against the us doing a workout doesnt it? Take care of that neck!

Wheres Tracy today?????

Shout out & big waves to Kim, Christiane, Patricia, Lea & any X-Xer(thats a Watercooler Chick) that I so rude-fully forgot..& YES- thats a real word- google it if you are so inclined!.
Traci - LOL. Reminds me of the song "Homecoming Queens Got a Gun" by Julie Brown. Insert Lindy's name where Homecoming Queen is. Just went on you tube to watch the video. LOL.

Lindy - You go girl!!!!

So no workout today, unless you count scrubbing the pool as a workout. It is a very busy day, but will try to bbl. Hi to everyone!!

All right Lindy and Staci....You 2 keep to our little home and stay out of the limelight!!! I saw the political thread on OD this morning, and I was scared one of you might join in the craziness....Now, we have some sort of Slug issue going on and Lindy is out in the open for all to see!!!!

Behave ladies!!!!


To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

Pool cleaning DOES count! Were your abs ZIPPED?

Not me not me...I am not gonna play over there....no way!

How about a new checkin group... "The Daily Rant"

:7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7
RE: ~~~~~~Standing around the......Watercooler.....Mond...

My head is swimming!!! When did 5th grade math become intolerable?!?!?! Try doing this without lovely algebra... NO ALGEBRA allowed because that would be too HARD for 5th graders!!! Why do drawing boxes representing equal units seem so much harder for me?!?!?! Now I understand why that show "Smarter than a 5th Grader" is so popular!

Lindy and Stacy had an equal amount of money at first. After Lindy spent $18 and Stacy spent $25.00, Lindy had twice as much money as Stacy. How much money did each have at first?

Answer: Not enough to spare for one dang invoice!!!!!!!!!:p :+ ;)

Seriously, that's about my day. My head hurts. Going to take more advil!

Debra: I avoid Political discussions. When CBL and Stacy got into it, that was my cue to chat with the Diva and Jeanette!!!

Traci: You crack me up!!! No need to fear! Just cough up the drugs ASAP!!!:+ ;)

Lea: Be Careful watching You Tube clips!!!

Going to take a long nap.

RE: ~~~~~~Standing around the......Watercooler.....Mond...

Crazy women!!!

Okay...just popping on to let you know that I have completed my workout for the day....4DS legs including calves, core from HIS, and back...Ugh. Anyhoo...My back will be feeling it tomorrow as I went as heavy as Cathe...except for the 30lb db since the highest I have is 25...but other than that...I was equal to her. I did skip the slow and low lunges as my knee is still feeling tweaky. In fact, my knee is really bothering me now, but I am getting ready to have a cocktail while I wait for CBL to get here and put in my filters....Get your minds out of the gutter!!! For my heat pump...Who knew there were filters all over the house?? No wonder poor Jeanette can't get rid of her sinus issues...I tried to kill all of the retreaters with very dirty filters. Oooops!!

Okay...no time for personals now as I still have to help the diva with her homework and study for my test for a few minutes.

Kisses to all! See you in the morning!


To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

RE: ~~~~~~Standing around the......Watercooler.....Mond...

Hi All

Been a busy day and about to do my w/o - Pyramids LB and some sort of cardio.

Thought I'd just check to see what's been happening and holy cow, take the day off from the boards and look what I miss!:eek: Not only a political thread but Wendy must have been feeling my vibes today as I sent out some nasty/harsh emails myself this afternoon. Maybe she was sending me her vibes}(

Anyhow, if time I'll check back in tonight.

RE: ~~~~~~Standing around the......Watercooler.....Mond...

Hi everyone,
Day flew by today. No new news on the promotion. Will ask about it tomorrow. Made an appointment to go to the dr. tomorrow. Also have a climbing bike ride with a few girlfriends on tap though weather has turned colder again. I have a little bit of sunburn on the backs of my shoulders from Sunday's bike ride (where I missed putting on sunscreen). Oh yes, I paid my fee and signed the waiver for the triathlon relay today.

Debra, DH got a little bit done on the house today, but wind blew super hard so no paintbrush jumped into his hand. That's his story and he's sticking to it. He's already planned on making a clam chowder for Mom and Dad on Friday. I'll make some biscuits and plan on making Wendy's apple pie. I'm sure your filters weren't the problem as I have no filters here and it's still just as bad.

Wendy, today was TTOM for me, a day early and boy was I a bit** to poor DH today when I got home. At least I have an excuse and he's buying it. Hope your poor shoulder is feeling better by now. What the heck did you do to it???? When my DH's shoulder was bad, I caught him one night crying and moaning, it hurt him so bad. Wasn't long after that that he had surgery and he has never regretted. I just read your post to DH and he said he never used Midol, but Aleve worked for him. I will be going to the dr. tomorrow. I doubt it's like a pneumonia thing or I wouldn't be able to do the cycling I've done. I kind of think it's a throat/nasal infection thing that just won't give up. I'll know more tomorrow. ((((HUGS)))) to you, my friend. Yes, I remember Stacy talking politics with CBL. Glad you joined me. Stacy held her own though.

Debra, the nap sounded good. I noticed the clothes in the hall were put away today. Guess DH got tired of looking at them. I'll be really glad when he goes back to work. Need to bite my tongue as it'll only be for a little while longer. So your last test is coming up? You will be done with your class? What will you do with the rest of the candy?

Sandra, how did the bread turn out? Glad the bike ride went well yesterday. Yep, in comparison to a mtn. bike, a road bike is much easier. For my first metric, I just increased my mileage to probably near 50 or more miles, and added in some hill climbs. I probably rode about 2-3X per week. I think I bought my road bike the beginning of July and did my first metric the beginning of October and did just fine. Is the metric a hilly one? If so, definitely get some climbing in. What did DH say about you wanting to do the 100 miler? Bring it On??? Totally doable for lots of folks in a relatively short time. No doubt you could do it. Long distance cycling is just time consuming, which is a drawback for lots of folks. At the organized rides I tend to see more riders in the 40 on up age group. Probably because of the time commitment involved. Good job on getting those 1st chapter revisions done. I was just lucky to write out the checks to the Internal Revenue Service and Franchise Tax Board tonite. Bye, bye $$$.

Laurie, warms my heart to hear that your weather will be better and warmer! We so enjoyed it this weekend, but now it's windy and rainy again. Hope you enjoy your cornbread. My recipe isn't very clean and not very traditional. I too need to buy some more DB's. Mine only go up to 20#. I was fortunate that American Airlines started cancelling their flights the day after I got back from the retreat or I'm sure I would have been impacted.

Nicole, hope the neck loosens up. Vacation planning is usually fun, but with the price of fuel, don't think we will be venturing too far from home.

Traci, thanks for the head's up on the Road Trip. Not in any way interested here, but I am interested in next year's Retreat. I always have to have something to look forward to. Hey, I did Body Fusion not that long ago myself and enjoyed the change. It's all good. LOL about you knowing that Yoga was going to kill someone! LMAO!!! I was a nasty girl (no, not in that way) with DH today. You would have called my Lynette. I can't believe the stuff that came out of her mouth!!! She's gone back where she belongs for now.

Patricia, glad you could join us. I wish I could just play all day long. Probably a good thing I can't get on the forums from work.

Gotta run,


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