Stability Balls -- Are they worth buying??


I don't have a stability ball, but I've read how it engages the core muscles. I've got to hear it from people who actually use one in Cathe's videos. Do stability balls make a difference in your workouts? Are there any visible results, esp in your core area? Do you feel a marked difference of, say, doing pec flies on the ball instead of on the bench? I'm thinking of getting one, but I'd like some feedback on how effective they are before I do. Thanks in advance :) !
they are definely worth fries the core a lot more and I think it adds a fun factor to the excercises. I got mine at Kmart for 12.00. You feel the difference because you have to engage your core muscles to keep you from falling off...IT is a must have:D
The stability ball is great for really working your core and other body parts in different ways.

It is also valuabe as a bench for exercises like chest press, military press, side lateral and front raises for shoulders, & as a preacher bench for biceps. I am most likely forgetting a few other exercises here.

Sitting on the ball forces the core to be engaged in stabilizing your body (so you don't fall off!) Therefore many more muscles are used in any given exercise. Any time core work can be added, it is beneficial IMHO.

Cathe makes great use of the stability ball in PUB/PLB, KPC abs, Super Sets, and Push Pull. These are great examples of how to use the ball. They are all challenging.

I reach for my ball consistently in my workouts.
YES!!!! I have been working out for 17 years and I bought my ball a year and a half ago. I use it all the time and cannot believe the change in my core and waist area. I do Cathes and TLPs. I think they are a "must have" piece of exercise equipment!

I just wanted to say YES!!! The stability ball is definetely worth getting!!! For all the reasons mentioned already..

I just wanted to throw another yes your way!! When I first started working out I hardly used the ball b/c it frustrated me--my core wasn't very strong and I had trouble staying on the ball and keeping my form. But now I can do most of the exercises and I can definitely tell a difference in the way it works the core as opposed to the floor or on a bench! I really want one of the pink ones that they use in Cathe's videos. Do they sell those here on the site?
I'll also throw in another YES! Since you have to stabilize your muscles more using the ball, it makes exercises more difficult. When doing hip raises with your foot on the ball compared to your foot on your high step ~ big difference. Plus I think doing Pikes, is the most difficult core exercise there is.
Susan C.M.:D

Here's another vote for getting a stability ball! The work that Cathe does on it is really challenging to your core, as well as your lower body (the floorwork she does with it in PLB is killer!). I would, however, recommend getting a good quality, anti-burst ball. I got mine from Power Systems ( after getting lots of recommendations from people on this site. It wasn't much more expensive (I think I paid around $20), and it's worth it to have the anti-burst quality, especially if you'll be doing weight work or those pikes! It's the same ball Cathe uses in her videos.

Have fun if you decide to get one--I think you'll be happy you did!

You can see improvement and quicker than without it!!
Those pikes are killers, but when you get to where you can do them,you'll already be seeing those abs shine!
You won't go wrong by purchasing it. Be sure you get one that is comparable for your ht.


" My treasures do not chink or glitter, They gleam in the sun and neigh in the night " - Bedouin Proverb.

" On the rail at a show walk!"
I am amazed at how useful this thing is. And that's a good thing too, because it takes up a lot of real estate. Definitely get it. There is so much you can do with it, and often it's stuff you can't really get with the substitutions.

You can skip buying a medicine ball though, if that makes you feel better!
Definitely! Besides being great for abs - they also are good for working my thighs and for stretching. You can also use it for chest flys and other seated exercises to work the abs at the same time. So, besides getting a great workout - the stability ball is a nice variation and variation, for me anyway, increases my motivation. I also read somewhere(maybe in the hardcore descriptions)that Cathe is planning on using them in the hardcore series. Besides they are so reasonably priced, you've gotta get one! :)
Yes, yes, yes!!!!! The stability ball is a must have. It is very effective and loads of fun. I love it for core work. I also have found it effective for thigh work.

Thanks for all your feedbacks. Okay, you guys convinced me :). Gonna pick one up next time I go to the fitness store!
They add an element of imbalance to any exercise, and that helps work your core even when you aren't doing "core" work. I really like mine. I can't say I see results or not from using it because I don't use it consistently, but it's nice to be able to changes things up with it.


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